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PROG 1426: Tiger Sun, Dragon Moon

Started by Tiplodocus, 14 February, 2005, 04:59:49 PM

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Byron Virgo

"the art in Cabillistics is, technically, well below other strips (if that makes any sense)."

I may be acting somewhat cretinous here, but no it doesn't (not to me, at least).


By Eck! lad, Tha's made me reet mad with tha comment about Dom lovely pictures.

Caballisitics art is entirely suited to the story, and the two work together to create a sense of 'reality' to the strip.



Why does TSDM remind me of Dry Run at the moment? I think this is one strip that would have benefited from being a double length first episode.

Question: On the first page of LowLife this issue, on the image of DF singing "Klegg Meat Harvest" can anyone else see the satanic writing? Is this a metaphor for it being devil music, or is it a misprint?



Is this a metaphor for it being devil music, or is it a misprint?

Metaphor...ish. It's me poking gentle, digital fun at all the Dave McKeanesque, PhotoShopped, blurry sepia death metal cd covers (with compulsory medieval calligraphy and/or computer text somewhere in the design) that have appeared over the last decade or so.

Basically, it's just there to make the strip VERY VERY METAL :-) :-) 'Death to False Metal', and all that gubbins..:-)


Simon Coleby


Great prog. TSDM looks like it could turn out good.

Oh and I like your art, Mr Coleby.


Hmm, well I did actually say that the art was suited to the story, and I did say that it was good art. What else do you want me to say?


Dunno... maybe peiople read "technically well below other strips" as menaing "a bit shit". If you do like Doms stuff then I'm a bit hazy on what you actually mean by it myself.


thank god theres no slain... i like this dragon thing... dredd art is a bit like a cartoon... i don't understand what dirty fgrank says but the artist is better than the other one... the skateboarding strip is pants... dante is good too


Eck - I'm guessing you mean it's 'untechnically good' rather then 'technically not good'? As in: fabulous art, done in a sketchy way?

Me - I love it.

Anyhoo - Prog:
Dredd - coming along nicely, but not too keen on D'Israeli's monster I must admit. Read Kingdom of the Wicked at the weekend: Blimey, that's good. But not so keen on the way D'redd looks.

SCB - warming up, nay! boiling over! Enjoying this a lot, silly silly fun. But what is this last panel all about, eh?

Low Life - A-frikkin-ces! Dirty Frank rocks, literally.

Snow/Tiger/Dragon(eheh he he) - not sure what to make of this so far. Don't think I understand what's going on. And when Tharg says Hondo Cit, I thought he ment it'd be the Hondo Cit with 'Judges' - I'm now guessing it's a different Hondo Cit.

Dante - Good stuff, not as *exciting* as it used to be though.
Better set your phaser to stun.


That is indeed what I meant oddboy, thankyou.


Yeah - Tharg also mentions the Radlands of Ji in the intro bit to Tiger Sun - does this mean it's set in the Dredd universe?
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Enigmatic Dr X

When is Tiger Sun, Dragon Moon set? One minute it's all futurisitic robot on robot action, then it's WW2, then its medievel swords'n'sorcery. I found it jolly confusing.

Still, good fun spotting the cameos (the robots WERE meant to be from Ro Busters, right?)
Lock up your spoons!

Carlsborg Expert.

I read it all this morning.

It looks like a prog that promised itself it would go to the gym in the new year and is beginning to see the benifits of a good burnout.

happy with all the strips and good to see the rug pulled from my own feet with SCB.

Hasnt happened like that in a long time.

Dirty Frank,Thora,and nosfuratu are charactors who will stay with me a long time, I can tell you now.


Dredd - The art's a bit too photoshoppy in places, but is still amazing. Once again Wagner has got the balance right, as the Total War stuff is worthwhile without being overly intrusive to the story.

SCB - Bobbins. Pleeces art takes a slide, and surely the professional Slamboarders would of known about the right angle thing, so why so surprised? This is basically Kids TV now. As I said, Bobbins.

TSDM - Me no likey. Boring. I have never liked Parkhouse's art. Script's duff as well.

Low Life - Tries too hard. The resolution to the "cliffhanger" was hardly brilliant either.
Still good though.

Dante - When the girlie kissed Dante, she began to resemble a porcine Gail from Corrie. The fact that that was the most interesting thing about this week's episode speaks volumes, methinks.

Droid Life - Ever since this returned, it just doesn't have the shine it used to have. Cat Sullivan's art is still great, it just all seems a bit staid these days.

Overall - Not bad, but if it wasn't for Dredd I would of enjoyed it far less. I wish Low Life could of been darker, instead it appears that Frank will never be more than a comedy sidekick, when he could be so much more.

6.5 out of 10


This was, of course, the best prog in recent history- due entirely to my letter. Ahem. No- I jest... SCB is still tops, and I am sooo glad it's not been curtailed to 8 eps or whatever the usual number is these days. Tharg's reply seems to indicate it could be here for a while. Good news.

Dredd was so-so- benefits greatly from D'Israeli's art, but something's lacking. No, I have no idea what. I'm a careworker not a lit-critic.

TS/DM could've done with a double-length opener as it was confusing and dull. Am I the only one who was convinced this was to be an Andy Clarke/ Dylan Teague strip? I'm sure there was a "trailer" drawn by them somewhere.

This particular Dante story is grindingly dull and I am beginning to hate John Burns's interpretation of the character. Way too chinny. Bring back Simon Fraser.

LowLife is a hundred times better than those ugly strips from a while back. Dirty Frank could be here to stay... but, it's still only filler to me.

If I sound miserable it's only because I'm suffering the comedown from my exciting day yesterday, when not only did I get my letter printed, received 'Grud Is Dead' CD (thanks Tharg) and THE most ridiculous HeroClix figure (Judge Fire- has to be seen to be believed!) but my lovely local Ottakas managed to get me the out-of-print 'Judge Dredd: Bad Moon Rising' novel, sent from Inverness. Oh, and the Countryside Alliance had their final appeal thrown out. All in all, tops day. And the new little guy gave us four uninterrupted hours sleep too.

See yawl.

