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PROG 1426: Tiger Sun, Dragon Moon

Started by Tiplodocus, 14 February, 2005, 04:59:49 PM

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I reckon the final panel of SCB was a bunch of robots or something being programmed by the squid-bloke with the characters memories and experiences - little robot flies, maybe.  Probably going to sell their skills on the black market, or make robot players - I don't suspect it will be anything too original from what I've read so far.
I don't rate D'israeli's Nosferatu much at all - too cartoony.
TSDM - bit too generic and not very interesting so far, but even I would think twice before throwing a terrible insult its way along the lines of "looks like Dry Run".  That's just uncalled for.

Will I. Cooling

"Dante - I've gone off this rather as well. The "Right Name. Wrong Generation" line confused me slightly but, to be honest, I don't care enough about the story to check what she means"

How? No offence but its pretty obvious what she meant.

As for the prog:

Dredd: Excellent, excellent story thanks largely to the goregous art of D'Israeli...which reminds I'm sitting very impatiently waiting for Kingdom of the Wicked Trade to come through...grrrr.

TSDM: I liked, Parkhouse is a brilliant artist and the Oriential movie theme of the strip was to my mind a refreshing break from the norm. Id say this over Slaine has strengthened the Prog.

SCB: Good episode with the soap opera stuff proving strangely enjoyable...the twist if its interesting could really rescue this story.

Low-Life: I'm liking it...nice comedy from Rob Williams. Goregous art by Coleby that's perfectly suited to the story.

Dante: Again I implore you all to read the post TW stories, it really helps your enjoyment. I liked this alot with the added emotional bite of the relationships given Burns some meat to play with. I do however wish they'd get Si back on it.

Overall a very good prog

The I is for 'I can't remember the password to my other account' or Ian. One or the other.


Yeah, I think that line was pretty blatant. It was Dante's reaction that wrong footed me. And to be honest, if that apology means what I think it means, things look bleak.

Bad Moon Rising is out of print? So quickly? Are these books going to have a shelf life of six months? Crazee.


A very enjoyable Prog.

Cover: Good
Dredd: Very Good
SCB: Excellent episode. Dunno what it quite means or how it'll pan out but this one episode had a great ending!
TSDM: Nice start! Too early to judge but so far, so good.
Low Life: Good.
Dante: S'alright. Never thought i'd say it but Dante was possibly the weakest strip in the Prog. Just shows it was a good issue!


Jared Katooie

Cover - Something Japanesey? Andy Clarke is doing something like that! Use him! My facetious comments aside, this is a decent cover. 75% I was tempted to give it 100% for not having an awful pun on it but I decided to resist the temptation.

Dredd - Pretty good. D'israeli's art seems to be cruder this time around perhaps due to a short deadline. 66%

Second City Blues - Eh, well I dont know where this is going but I remain hopeful. The colours aren't much good but the art was decent. 52%

Tiger Sun, Dragon Moon - Tying this to Dreddworld continuity seems pointless (and innapropriate) but this could be good, even though Parkhouse views us all as simple-minded dullards. 57%

Low Life: Dirty Frank speaking with such flowery dialogue doesn't seem right to me but apart from that I liked Low Life a lot. It's not quite up to the standard of the other stories but it's still very well-written. 69%

Dante - This is boring repetitive rubbish. The art no longer appeals to me. Very bad. 29%

Overall a good prog but hurt by some lacklustre performances. 65%


DNATE "Right Name, Wrong Generation"
Same for me DXB.  I'd always taken it as read that Margeurite wore the comfortable shoes in the relationship so I couldn't see why Dante was all so fussed about it. I started working out all sorts of different interpretations such as "It's actually Margeuritte's daughter he's talikning too and only just figured it out" but none of them worked hence I got confused.

Oh and I think the Kabal flaming skull character in TIGER SUN had stumpy legs because he was just materialising out of thin air. Though I'm often wrong.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Monarch

Late as usual

Dredd: Did the nosferatu used to look like that?!?

Low life: David page likes low life and the character of Dirty frank. David hopes low life come back after this mini series. David also likes the art

Dante: get someone else to draw him the art is moving into suck territory.

SCB: enjoying this a bit too much

Tiger sun or whatever its called: boring and confusing but as this is the first episode i'll give it a further chance.


Fashionably late or just plain lazy?

Cover - I like this but why not have Parkhouse do it?

Dredd - If these aftermath stories were to go on for the whole of 2005 I wouldn't mind one bit. Arts a bit skew-whiff but its still a cracking read.

2nd City Blue - WTF? This has grown on me, I feel that I shouldn't like it but its alright.

TS/DM - Hmmm? Nice Parkhouse art, dull & confusing Parkhouse script. It says this is set 13 years after Dredd and seems to be set in the same world? I just don't know what's what with this one. I'll wait and see.

Low life - Don't like this! The last ones were great but Dirty Frank as a comedy character doesn't work for me.

Dante - I couldn't give a toss about this. I was going to buy the GN but don't think I'll bother.

All in all a mixed bag of a prog.

Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Dredd: Decent enough, but the art style really doesnt suit the story.
SCB: The end was intriguing I suppose, but I fail to see why the art is raved about.
TSDM: Yeh i'm prepared to wait another episode or two before slamming this. I like tha art.
Low Life: Very disappointed in this. What started as a grim 'n gritty story now seems to play it for laughs. And I really really don't like the art, not a patch on the flint-meister.
Dante: Dullsville.

Overall a very poor prog.
Remember - dry hair is for squids


Amazed to find such contradictory opinions on what ithought was another fine prog.  The Squaxx dek Thargo are truly a broad church!

Cover:  Yum.

Dredd:  Dear GRUD but Dizzy is incredible - everything he draws just shines out of the page, what a talent.  How long can it be before we lose him to the States?  Story's okay too.

SCB:  Is it okay to admit that this is now the first thing I read in my Prog?  It's just so refreshingly different from everything else, the plot moves along sharpish and I genuinely want to know where it's going.  The last panel actually shocked me (whatever it means) - that's what I pays me money for, you know.

TSDM:  Eh?  No point criticising a first episode, but I worry about the 2140 date, shades of Red Razors there.  I wonder was the decision to set it in the 'future' of the Dreddverse/Radlands of Ji/Hondo really wise?  And yes, the fear of the aptly named Dry Run is always there.  We'll see.  Big robots are a good thing, you know.  

Low Life:  Can this strip actually get any better?  After spending last week pining for Flint, this week left me thinking "Henry Who?".  Terrific character, incredible one-liners and wildly energetic art.

Dante:  Is this thing still on?  Turning into a bit of a waste of Burns' talents, this, and i speak as a fan of Morrison and Dante.  I mean, it's okay, but I can't help feeling that Dante's one-bubble report to his Ma was preferable to the last 30 or so pages.



well, being a lazy git I very rarely post here but,...

are you guys reading the same progs as me? Seriously?

second city blues is the worst/laziest/most cliched/poorly thought out piece of piffle EVER to take up residence in the pages of tooth,

Kek-W has outdone himself this time creating a story even worse than his sequels to Canon Fodder or Grudge Father.
He takes the plot for every Disney sports film and poorly grafts on adult themes. The two mesh together extremely poorly.
His future sport?: Why think up a new one yourself? simply mix all the tooth sports together - skysurfing, aeroball and the mean arena. The only original element, that the ball is alien, makes no sense whatsover. Why use an alien ball? every time it wakes up you have to call off the game.
which leads in to other poorly thought out elements. The inhabitants of this future world seem to know very little about where they live. The gangster dad doesn't realise the newsreaders are CGI. Nobody but the horse guy has twigged that the horses can work in tandem. And even the horse guy didn't twig he'd be able to counter their moves - and he's one of them.

Please somebody explain the attraction of this godawful strip to me and whilst you're at it: can anybody explain what t is with Robbie Morrison and kids? If his Dredd ain't crying over 'em then it's Dante worrying about two kids. Personally, I could care less what happens to the little punks.

Oh yeah, D'Israeli's Dredd is fucking awesome. this man needs to be one of the regular artists.

- huey

Will I. Cooling

"DNATE "Right Name, Wrong Generation"
Same for me DXB. I'd always taken it as read that Margeurite wore the comfortable shoes in the relationship so I couldn't see why Dante was all so fussed about it. I started working out all sorts of different interpretations such as "It's actually Margeuritte's daughter he's talikning too and only just figured it out" but none of them worked hence I got confused.

Oh and I think the Kabal flaming skull character in TIGER SUN had stumpy legs because he was just materialising out of thin air. Though I'm often wrong"

Dante says "I think you fancy me"

She says "right name, wrong generation"

Gee, what could it mean...what a minute..she's madly in love with Mamma Dante who (it appears) is straight. So explains why she's a) so protective of her and b) why she hates the living embodiment of Mamma Dante's heterosexuality).

See, all nice and simple

The I is for 'I can't remember the password to my other account' or Ian. One or the other.

Martin Jameson

Well done Huey - you summed up exactly how I feel about scb.


We have no proof of Mama Dante's hetrosexuality whatsoever. We have no proof that Mama Dante ever had consensual sex with a man...


Despite the Radlands of Ji and Hondo get a mention, TSDM is listed among the "Other Thrills" section in the Profiles, not in any of the Dreddverse categories.

Otherwise, it's much the same as it has been all year: Dredd is good (although Nosferatu looks a bit too Jack Skellington for my liking), SCB is still a bit crap, Dante is still a bit boring, and Low Life is still great.