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Started by SovietSam, 07 May, 2002, 02:14:16 AM

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How do you unsubscribe from this website?

Something Fishy

You're not bored already are you?


Well if you get all the e-mails sent to you it's a nightmare.  Surely no sane being would ever want that?

Something Fishy

Have to admit i don't and it certainly doesn't sound like a brilliant idea.


well,all i want awayn is that DAMN E-MAIL THING!!!


Several options:

1) Practise satanic rites to call up demons to block all emails.

2) Burn computer and wear a fig tree on your head for two weeks

3) Contact Wake and ask him to sort it!


(Where's those dried frog pills........)


Hi Judge Dudus.

If you are signed up to receive all posted messages by email then all you need to do to stop receiving them is email wakefield the webmaster at and tell him you no longer want the email option.