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Weird spookyness...

Started by Art, 13 March, 2005, 12:30:45 AM

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Is it just me, or are a lot of weird things happening with the messageboard DB at the meoment? Duplicate posts, posts showing up in thread zero, double threads etc...


It's just you. Everything's normal, everything's fine, there's nothing to see here, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Move along.
Oh yes, and Stop Asking Questions.


Is it just me, or are a lot of weird things happening with the messageboard DB at the meoment? Duplicate posts, posts showing up in thread zero, double threads etc...



Max Kon


I'm with Art.

It's haunted by the ghost of Alec Trench...


That last poll created two messages! And other peopel are getting deported to Thread Zero. See, it isn't just me!

Max Kon

Actually that last poll didn't. I'd made several mistakes so created it again

Jared Katooie

aLl Is WeLl.

ThReAd ZeRo Is GoOd.

It KnOwS ThE tRuTh.

I kNoW tHe TrUtH tOo.