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Doctor Who Series 2 Confirmed

Started by wrighty47, 31 March, 2005, 03:45:20 AM

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The Amstor Computer

Heh :-)

I can only echo Art's sentiment - and the feedback the Beeb was getting must have been phenomenal to make this kind of announcement now.

BTW, I finally saw the trailer for this week's episode, and bugger me does it look good! It's nice to have something worth watching on a Saturday - and I hope it continues to beat the arse off those dwarf twonks on ITV...

Richmond Clements


Don't get too excited... front page of the the soreaway Sun tomorrow: Dr Who quits!

(apprently Eccleston doesnt want to do another series I think)

The Amstor Computer

This would be the Sun wot brought back the Daleks? ;-)

Wait & see, I suppose...


Eccleston has always said he would ait and see if he'd do a second series.  To be honest, this is Dr Who folks, not the Chris Eccleston show.  I'd like to see him do one more series, but it's not essential.


He's definately gone.


heh, sounds like he's bottled it, but actually they could regenrate the Dr Who endlessly (forget the 13 regenerations stuff).

Link:" target="_blank">Doctor Who


A fun Doctor Who song, on this BBC show, click on lsiten again and it's a mere 2 minutes in.

Link:" target="_blank">Doc Who song


What a bugger!!

Havn't even seen any of the first series yet.

Pity he had to jump ship - I think it was he that was a mojor part of it being so good (from what I hear, not having seen it).

Interesting he waited until AFTER BBC had agreed to a second series before announcing his departure.

Still, Bill Nighy gets my vote, the bloke from Cassanova can piss right off.

Or what about a bit of rough for the Doctor and go for Ray Winstone or Vinney Jones...

(if Shane 'shit actor' Richie's name gets attached to this I shall hang myself - just after killing him)

Adrian Bamforth

From watching the first show I just didn't like the casting much anyway, nice enough chap as he seems he just sounded more like he was in Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps. I can see why they wanted to make a break from having him eccentric but it just took away what I liked about the show (or perhaps it's just that making the show more realistic makes you realise how risiculous it is).

I'd far rather see Richard E Grant.


Devons Daddy

bill nighly would be bloody excellent.
he could do us all a favour and ask his daughter to do a one off specail geust appearance.
should be enough to get he rating about 15 million.if she did. (keira nighly)

but with  eccelstone jumping ship, i geuss he gets off with being a brillant Dr Who. lots of fame and big budget projects without the problem of always being just Dr who.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


Is Bill Nighy really related to Keira Knightley?


House of Usher

heh, sounds like he's bottled it, but actually they could regenrate the Dr Who endlessly (forget the 13 regenerations stuff).

Yeah, it never bothered the Master that he'd used up all his lives. Why, he'd just go and steal someone else's body if he needed a new one! No reason why the Doctor couldn't do the same...