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Watcher, why you are so wrong...

Started by Thread Zero, 14 May, 2002, 06:52:08 AM

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Thread Zero

You say re my dialogue:

An example:
The injured jetpacker is going to live;
"He may soon wish he hadn't" could be something like "Unlucky for him"

But my line is much more threatening. Dredd is implying it may be better if he didn't pull through cos he will be sent to iso.

Your line Unlucky for him doesn't imply that and isnt threatening.

"Unlucky for him." Where's the menace in that line?

Can't you see that?


Thread Zero

You see Watcher, a line has to be right for the scene context.

"Unlucky for him" isnt what Dredd should say in the med bay scene.

Dredd is in a threatening mood. He is about to interrogate the perp.

"He may soon wish he hadn't" works much better within the context of the scene.

Your line is completely inappropriate.

I can give loads of other examples where you say my lines are wrong and state why they are right for that scene.



Wake - can you delete some of the excess script threads, (& just bung all the messages into one big bag & then hit scojo over the head with it?)
Better set your phaser to stun.


I'm not forcing people to read or reply to anything here. Anyone who doesn't want to get involved in the big Scojo script debate should look at the titles of the threads before they read them.

Thread titles dissappear from the index when the most recent post is more than a week old.



Yeah I know - I just had to ask because it set up the gag quite nicely.
tee hee.

Better set your phaser to stun.

2000AD Online


you rightly bemoan the fact people have focused primarily on your dialogue, although I'm hardly surprised by this. Had a synopsis been provided then a better evaluation of plot and structure might have been forthcoming. If the dialogue is as bad as people think then it becomes all the more dificult to see beyond it, especially in something in which dialogue is so prevalent.

It's really quite inexcusable your not supplying a synopsis regardless of what you might think and say. How can those of us who aren't biased against you offer a fair opinion when you're not giving us a fair chance to do so in the first place?

Not that it matters now. Unfortunately, I think you've alienated a good few people who were more than prepared to give you a chance.

Which is a shame.

Something Fishy

On a serious note:

what do you do for a living scojo?

and how old are you?

It would help me to form a picture of this person stiring up so much debate.