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Dr Who Repeated?

Started by Banners, 23 May, 2005, 09:40:52 PM

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Does anyone know if The Doctor is repeated again? Or having missed Saturday and Sunday, am I stuffed?



Queen Firey-Bou


tho on the umpty broadband thread theres a link to places to download it.

i missed the last 2 weeks , but this weeks was SCARYYYYYY


I keep missing this too- its repeated on BBC3 on Sundays but I've missed so much I'm basically waiting to rent the DVD


I only missed the first 8 minutes, but it was enough to completely confuse me...
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


It's also repeated on BBC3 later that Saturday around midnight - for those who remember that they've missed it just after it's finished.
Better set your phaser to stun.


Cheers everyone - I've entered the 'seedy' world of BitTorrents for the first time and it's now on its way.

I'm normally dead-set against this kind of thing, but I figure I've paid for this via my licence fee, so what the hey.


ps - If any legal types are reading this, the above is a lie and I'm not downloading it at all.


NTL have it on their "on demand section" if that's any help. Watchable anytime up till the new one is aired.

Bloody marvellous. Baby gets you up at some ungodly hour? Doesn't matter anymore 'cos you can watch Doctor Who or Little Britain or Eastenders or whatever...


Wheres this on demand section then?


On your remote. Top rightish.


Is that standard, or some extra payment package thingy?
Have to try that tonight.
Better set your phaser to stun.