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Daily Star Dredd

Started by Rio De Fideldo, 29 June, 2005, 03:59:15 PM

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Well Wils I called HIM a TWAT and not his artwork, Ron Smith I haven't met although I have to say his take on Dredd is how I like it, although other artists also do a very fine job of him as well.

I met TWAT at Bristol this year and he treated me so appallingly, considering I was trying to buy about two grands worth of art work off of him that he was very lucky I didn't cut his liver out there and then... ;-)

So Wils you muppet thats my fucking problem, cunt indeed, hahahahahhahahahahahahahah
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


I didn't say which end of the scale was which Oddboy, and it doesn't make much sense to me as both ends are pretty good in my opinion, it's those middle bastards I don't like.  As for the rest, well, I'm sure there's two sides to any argument, so I'm stepping back... now.


I called HIM a TWAT and not his artwork

Hence my reply. Personally, I've met Mike a few times, had some sketches done by him and bought some of his artwork as well and *every* single time he's been nothing but a nice bloke.

If you didn't already know; Mike is generally liked very well around here by lots of people, including myself, so unprovoked, personal attacks on the board towards him *aren't* going to go down too well, are they? What did he do so wrong to you? Did he make you cry by not being appreciative enough of your generosity to buy his artwork from him?


Well considering Mike Collins is one of the nicest people you could meet - and that's not just my opinion, I think I can work out who the twat is here...

The Amstor Computer

Well, nice of you to clarify things, Large48. Straight in the killfile you go, though it does mean I won't have the dubious pleasure of reading you explain how "appallingly" you were treated.

Funt Solo

Large48:  if this is the same Mike Collins that pops onto the board occasionally and actually joins in with discussions of his work, then, despite the fact that I don't know him incredibly well, that one fact proves that he's generous (with his time), brave (if you've seen the slating creators get on this board from people who don't like their work, you'll understand what I mean) and patient (again, you'd have to be).

All I know of you is that you like to boast about the amount of cash you can spend on original artwork.

Nobody's perfect, of course:  maybe you're having an off day, and maybe Mike was when you met him.  Things aren't often black & white.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


FATC, yes you are right maybe he was having an off day and probably so was I and like you say things aren't generally black and white...

All the other artists, collectors, sellers and fans I have met have at least always been civil and I've never had an issue with any of them.

The point you make about artists joining the boards to discuss their work is valid but without people liking their output I'm guessing the work will dry up so some easy PR for them will always go down well. Another good PR example is artists that do drawings for free, while others go much further and do painted pictures (Simon Davis for example) for the fans again at no cost while others *expect* contributions.

Boasting (which I wasn't) about what I can spend on original artwork shouldn't have any relevance one way or the other.

BUT all this is cause I call someone a twat and get called a cunt in return, interesting, especially as I seem to be on someones Killfile/list(?) already...

Suppose I should go all septic here and shout about the freedom or speech and the right to arm bears or whatever else I want to do, or go all religious and shout let them without sin judge me (is that correct?) or just plain forgive me.

Oderint dum metuant.

[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


Personally speaking I've met Mike twice now, most recently at the Bristol Expo, and he happily chatted to me for aages after finishing my sketch. Lovely fella and a total professional in my opinion.


Carlsborg Expert


the right to arm bears

Please don't - he's enough of a handful as it is.

Voltaire option seems best here - I'll defend the right for Large to say what he did, while not in any way agreeing with it (Mike C really does seem one of the nicest of the droids.)

Given some of the stuff that people here have said about Richard Whiteley and Mark Millar, just in the last week alone, we can hardly claim this is a NICE board for NICE people only.  

Mike's more than big and bad enough to take care of himself, and he gets a fair glow of love from people here (even on the occasions when they don't like his artwork).


"Oderint dum metuant"

Now he's havin a go at oderous dumb mutants! Burn him!  ;D
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Quote from: Funt Solo on 30 June, 2005, 05:05:24 PM
Ah, that should probably be "Millar", but if he can f*ck up Robo-Hunter and Dredd for years, then I claim the right to spell his name wrong.
Makes me wonder what Frank Milller would make of writing Dredd - Joe's usually depicted as fascist /or/ hero - Miller would show Dredd as fascist /as/ hero...


Wow this thread is a depressing read, was there no mods around here circa 2005?  :lol:


Quote from: sheldipez on 30 May, 2013, 11:58:13 AM
Wow this thread is a depressing read, was there no mods around here circa 2005?  :lol:

Just me, and my general line was that people have to be accountable for what they write, even on off days. Mike Collins is one of the nicest guys I know in comics, but his Daily Star Dredd artwork wasn't as good as Ron Smith's.

Simon Beigh

I was quite pleased to see this thread pop up as I am researching a Ron Smith Daily Star I have reserved for purchase. Then I read it....blimey!

When I get my Smith piece at the weekend, I will post my question in another thread!  ;)