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Starscape Update

Started by starscape, 30 June, 2005, 07:37:30 PM

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I can't draw horses or schoolgirls.  Which in retrospect is rather unfortunate.

'My only issue may be that in recent times some of the small press comics I've read have seemed to have had more time and effort spent on the look and paper quality rather than the actual contents.'

Erm... this still sounds like the same arguement - that the cover looks nicer than the contents.  Look through the damn thing first, eh?




Right Peter, next time I'm throwing the whole cup of tea over you.



It seems that just because it's a small press comic, it's not allowed to do the things that big comics do.

Sure, some bits of Futurequake, Solar Wind, End is Nigh et al aren't up to what you might call a professional standard(mainly my bits).

But I'd have thought criticism along the lines of:
"The art on MEANWHILE is great; Gibson Quarter draws a mean dinosaur and knows how to emphasise the right bits in the story but I wasn't so keen on Paul Glasswell's perfunctory dialogue"

- get your opinion across
- not wind anyone up

rather than (and I paraphrase)
"I want my money back this comic is not as good as Watchmen"

which starts arguments about your attitude rather than discussion about any valid crit you had.

I (and I'm sure the editors of these comics) would welcome any constructive feedback and critique you have on the actual stories. Really.
Half the time, these things are only created because the mainstream industry is slow and unresponsive to new talent.

I think, however, that you have inadvertently drawn focus on your opinions about small press taking your money by  deceitful means. This is never going to win friends and influence people who pour their hearts and every spare hour they have into these projects.  

PS: PJ, did you ever get rid of the original art for Bert's Barnyard Bomber?

If so, who to so I can try and blag it off them?

Tip "Just does filthy pitches at Pitchfest" Lodocus
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


What he said. If you'd left it at "I didn't like it" or even "I think it cost a bit much for what it was" some people might have disagreed, but they probably wouldn't have jumped on you like this.


re: Bert's Barnyard Bomber - Still got it ... if you want it.


Matt Timson

You do realise that I actually owe you some artwork, right, Art?

Now then- this is the bit where you back-pedal and remember that my trees, fences and feet are all fine*.  If you're hoping to ever see your fifth rate Doug McClure rubbish in print, that is...

*my buildings, however, remain shit.

Byron Virgo

"My only issue may be that in recent times some of the small press comics I've read have seemed to have had more time and effort spent on the look and paper quality rather than the actual contents."

You should have bought a copy of Pony School then, since we spent no time at all on our look and the paper quality was shit (actually, I quite liked the paper, but I grew up reading comics printed on bog-roll). Plus we also featured expertly drawn horses on those low grade pages as well (the ones I inked, at least).

Personally I'm not a fan of constructive criticism; I prefer deconstructive, since it amuses me more and inherantly admits that the editors of a title recieving criticism are never really going to give a toss about what anyone else says.


Well in terms of artists, there was a massive gap between the first piece done for Dom "2000ad" Reardon, and his subsequent work, and quite a substantial gap for, um... how do I fit "2000ad" in this one? Jo"2000ad"ck

Somehow that looks rude.

Byron Virgo

When you say "gap", do you mean in terms of artistic ability, or is it merely a meant as a description of the passage of time between their initial appearances and later, more frequent work in the prog?


You talkin' to me?
I love this messageboard, but sometimes you have to guess who people are actually replying to, but guessing that you're not actually responding to pj's  Bert Barnyard Bomber post, you must be talking to me.
Gap as in time.

Byron Virgo

To be fair, you were the only one using the word "gap".


Mea Culpa, that's how I figured you meant me when the post details said it was in response to pj. It wasn't a jab at you, Byron, or at anyone else. It's just a quirk of the 'board that occasionally, particularly on the longer threads, leaves me scratching my head wondering what caused a particular comment.
It's all part of it's charm. :)