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Where do I start?

Started by DoctorDuckButter, 05 August, 2005, 02:19:33 PM

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I am wanting to get into reading Judge Dredd but I am in America and it isn't all that popular. Where do I start? I assume with a trade but which one comes first and what is the order from then on out?



House of Usher

There is no particular order in which a new reader should tackle reading the adventures of Judge Dredd.

The best advice is to start with reading good ones, and work your way up to the rubbish ones.

If you can find them, I recommend reading, in this order:

The Cursed Earth
The Day The Law Died
Judge Death
The Judge Child
Block Mania
The Apocalypse War

All of these are comparatively early adventures. I wouldn't presume to recommend anything that came later.

Details of these stories and their various formats and reprints can be found in the thrill archives of this website.

House of Usher

That part of the website is one I never need/can't be bothered to navigate, but some of the information can be found via this link:

Link:" target="_blank">Some classic Dredd



something you might like is to buy up a bunch of the reprint titles, like Classic 2000 AD, Complete Judge Dredd and so on  (all findable on this site)...they're pretty cheap