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Started by Byron Virgo, 24 August, 2005, 09:35:02 PM

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Funt Solo

::"buy them, and then just throw them in the bin in an act of wilfull disgust"" />" />
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



Sheesh, what a stereotype. A scot with an Irn Bru can in his bin.....



At least he's got the courage of his convictions - most Scots wouldn't throw the money away.  And shouldn't those tins and bottles be separated for recycling?

Slippery PD

A scot with an Irn Bru can in his bin.....

Its in-bred.  My half scottish children love Irn Bru!  Im glad we dont live in Scotland, theyd be Reddish Orange colour.....


Byron Virgo

They used to give those Irn-Bru bars away free with The Dandy - they were great!

I like the fact that the chap in the photo genuinely looks disgusted - that was a nice touch!

Who was that, anyway (I want to get in touch and see if the want to buy another issue, or fancy throwing away the new Action Stations Winter Special)?

Funt Solo

:: "Who was that, anyway?"

Some dude in Moniaive.  I was walking past his garden and he was muttering and mumbling to himself about the degradation of today's youth by perverted comic creators.

I said "Hey man, like, why are you gnashing your teeth, dude?"

He held up his copy of Pony School and shouted "WE MUST BAN THIS FILTH!"

So I told him that rather than get stressed he should just, like, throw it in the bin in a fit of pique, which he did, as you can see from the photographic evidence.

When I left I swear I heard him muttering "Be Pure! Be Vigilant! Behave!"
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Funt Solo" />
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Byron Virgo


A censorious Scotsman - shurley shome mishtake?


Dear Sir

Thank you for your kind gift in response to my 'Star Letter', unfortunately I must have got my letters mixed up as the star was meant to go to the other publication I read, namely 'Sphincts Monthly'.

I noticed that you made no comment as to the tea towel which was the main aim of sending the letter in the first place as I do not know of anyone who has used a 400g, cool mesh weave with gingam pattern before. I presume that this was due to the incorrect nature of the letter and it not being relevant to your esteemed organ.

I really enjoyed the Texan bar and sweet assortment that you sent to me, they went up well and really satisfied me.

I now will have to write a letter to Ringo Fuller the other Editor to let him know that my pussy is now safe and is currently purring away, resting on a 250g, alto weave topsheet.

Yours always
Laura Abby-Love (Sht, Mnge, Cch)

Byron Virgo

What the hell is a 'Texan Bar' anyway?

Byron Virgo

"But who was Abi Titmuss in the '70s/'80s?"

Felicity Kendal, apparently.


Bugger Felicity, I used to get the horn over Penelope Keith, all that pent up properness, must breed naughtiness in the boudoire

Byron Virgo

What about Paul Edington?

I always thought there was a sexual frisson between him and Richard Bryers...