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Howl's Moving Castle

Started by JTurner, 25 September, 2005, 07:03:49 PM

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I saw this on Friday and would recomend it, though don't expect another Spirited Away.
The plot is less focussed, at times feeling like a mass of subtext with the text left out. Not that that's a bad thing, but I had the oddest feeling that I was watching a piece of theatre rather than a film.

The sheer poetry of ideas and wonderful animation make this well worth the effort. I saw the dubbed version, and was a little dissapointed with some of the acting, maybe because the cast was a little confused by the less than straighforward roles, though Billy Crystal was good as a comic relief fire demon. Purists may want to look out for the subtitled film.

Generally Contrary

Is there going to be a subtitled version in cinema release?  And, I mean, on release outside that cultural black hole that is London, sucking all that is good out of the rest of the country.

Rant over, I am really looking forward to this.  I saw Spirited Away and I was blown away.  Have you seen his earlier stuff?  What is it like?  What would you recommend?

The Amstor Computer

Kiki's Delivery Service, My Neighbour Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa and Porco Rosso are all fantastic & come highly recommended. I think all of them are available on UK DVD, so keep an eye out.


I'm prepared to be wrong, and would be delighted to be proved wrong, but as far as I know only Castle, Kiki's and Princess are out on D.V.D.

I can heartily recommend all three but particularly Castle. It may not be as moving or deep or accomplished as some others but it's a ripping yarn.

Generally Contrary

Thanks for that.  I'll be off to the cinema later this week, despite my dislike of dubbed films, and will keep an eye out for those on DVD.


Actually you can buy a Studio Ghibli box set with all those films in it,that's how I got to see them.


Download it off t'internet.
Only the fan-subtitled versions are available, so you can't claim it's taking money away from the poor, starving board-members of the Disney Corporation (who distribute Miyazaki's films in the west, and make a hobby of scuppering his movies' chances for Oscar nominations) - but most of the fansubs have superior subtitles to the cinema/dvd releases, as they have notes on cultural references necessary to understand some of the dialogue.
I liked Nausicaa a lot, and Totorro - although it confused my nieces when they watched it.  Which I thought was a good thing, for some reason...

Dark Jimbo

The definitive Nausicaa is, to my mind, the graphic novel set (four books, I think), written and drawn by Miyazaki - and the books do pre-date the film, so it's in no way a tacked-on cash-in type thing.
The film is basically the first book, a little bit of the second and end of the fourth, smushed into one story. Once you've read these the film version can never compare IMO.