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Fans of Preacher! Hot movie news!!!

Started by Thread Zero, 25 May, 2002, 07:20:24 PM

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Thread Zero

From this week's comics2film website.

It looks like Preacher: The movie is coming!

Rachel Talalay (Tank Girl) ..... Director
Garth Ennis (Preacher) ..... Screenwriter, Creator
Rupert Harvey (Plunkett & Macleane) ..... Producer
H. Michael Heuser (Hurlyburly) ..... Executive Producer
Tom Astor (Tank Girl) ..... Executive Producer
Steve Robbins (Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles) ..... Executive Producer
Jim Reeve (Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles) ..... Executive Producer
Martin Auty ..... Executive Producer
Steve Dillon (Preacher) ..... Creator
Reported By Entertainment Weekly - May 20, 2002:
Cyclops to play a certain supernatural sermon-giver? It sounds like it, as X-Man James Marsden told Entertainment Weekly  he wants to star as the title character in the film Preacher. Most of you know that Preacher was originally a comic published by D.C. Comics' Vertigo imprint, and ran for 5 years.

EW quoted Marsden describing the project as "...about a guy [who's] struck by lightning while he's preaching a sermon and inherits the power of the word of God. It's very dark."

Indeed, as in the comic book, the Jesse Custer (Preacher) was the only one in the church to survive the origin of his divine powers. Custer befriends a girl (Tulip), an Irish drunk that turns out to be a vampire, and one of the forces after them is the Saint of Killers, heaven's perfect killer.

The production was originally set to lens last November, has been gaining momentum since the director was named in Rachel Talalay (who directed another indie comic with mixed results in Tank Girl), and a budget of $20 million was assigned.

Trivia note: Back when Kevin Smith was attached to Preacher as executive producer, he tried to enlist his buddy Ben Affleck (and current comic superhero Daredevil) as the title character. However, Affleck turned the offer down flat, saying that he never did similar roles back to back. He was referring to his most recent film (at that time), Dogma - in which he played a fallen angel.


Thread Zero

Tank girl director to direct Preacher?

Uh oh.

Or as Jessie Custer would say:

"**** that!"



Most of this info is old news so old infact that it no longer lists on my website - the James Marsden stuff is only rumour - he WANTS to star - nothing solid there.

I have it from the horses mouth (I know Garth Ennis, to say he is a mate my be pushing it a bit but I do bump into him from time to time here in Belfast and we do chat) that this movie will probable never see the light of day. It will only get made his way or not at all. One point he insits on is that Steve Dillon is involved with the production design, fair enough really.

He told me his wish list for the cast, can't remember them all but he did say in a perfect world he would like Clint Eastwood for the Saint of Killers and Leo DeCaprio for arse face if only to turn the world prettiest boy into the worlds ugliest.


"that this movie will probable never see the light of day"



This is one film that could never realistically be made, if only for the reason that there is too much story to fit into one film. Leave it alone.


I've seen a draft script, which covers pretty mcuh the same ground as the firest GN. Seemed to work okay.