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Recent progs have been rather good.

Started by Thread Zero, 25 May, 2002, 11:09:17 PM

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Thread Zero

Just thought I'd post my thoughts.

I think the current line up is (arguably) the best so far this year.

Judge Dredd: Sin City.
Very much in the style of The Pit. Multiple plotlines: terrorist on board, ex judge now a fighter, judge helping brother, the freaks wanting to escape to Mega City 1. Interesting to see how it works out.

I hope Dredd sinks Sin City. That would make for a great ending. You can use that idea John if you want:P

Sin Dex.

Hmmm. Same old. I always feel Dan Abnett never really explores Downlode and its characters. Most of the time it's just the usual hits. Needs a rest or a major change in direction, I think.


Well I couldn't stand Carver Hale, but this is pretty good. Nice plot, lots of mystery. I hope this develops into a multi book saga. No one off series please!
Note to new editor, more multi book series for all new characters. Shakara included.
The art is good too. Overall it's the dog's bollocks as Carey would say. But nice testicles at that.

Beck and Kewl.

Well all out comedy strips are definitely hit and miss with fans, but I like this. Appeals to my sense of humour I guess. I like the movie references. I wasn't a huge fans of Si's future shocks but he's now been given a chance to write what he wants, and we can see his writing style.
IMHO, a 5 page future shock doesn't show a writer in their best light. They need to write longer stories to prove themselves.

My Name is Death.

Well Judge Death done almost serious and you can't go wrong. I say almost, because I felt the dialogue between Death and the robot was meant to be slightly tongue in cheek. The way the robot replied seemed to indicate this. And last week Death said righteous when he rode the lawmaster! The original Death was completely one dimensional with no sense of humour. I tried to do that with my Death script. Makes him more evil.

Frazer's art is brilliant. Perhaps his best yet. So moody. His version of Death is superb. 10 out of 10.

The story is good but I guess there's only so much you can do with Death. Eventually you end up repeating the same storyline. Death kills people, then gets captured. But it's still an enjoyable story.

I think this summer's 2k is going to be the best for many a year. I really do. Real classic 2k. Step back in time to 1980/81 stuff.

Then autumn will come and it will be shit again.

Only joking.



Ol^ Marbles

Got to agree with the Scojster. Current progs are the best since I've been back on board (admittedly only tha last 2 yrs - remember 'Red Fang' ?).

13 really is an ace story (so far). I'm just praying it doesnt turn into a load of old pony at the end, as some of these promising stories do after a while.

Sin City is ok but nothing too special - not so keen on the art. Death is excellent. SD is fun as always, leaving B&C as the weakest link, but its a bit different and lets encourage new stuff from new people I say !


I think like,saying like all the time in Bec and Kawl just draws instant comparisons to DR and Quinch which can't be a positive thing for any new thrill really.Lets see where it goes though.
Sin City is another ensemble beauty,these stories are becoming more interesting all the time.There must be 20-30 Judges appearing semi regularly now,and the relationships between them and Dredd are more satisfying than any blow up the city mega epic.


Yeah i agree too, thats a pretty spot on write up of the latest strips. I really think Sinister Dexter should be more..well sinister, it needs to go into the mids of people who shoot other people up for a living. Its gotta start getting to them one day, it seems the basic plot is the same every time they might as well start drawing targets on all the baddies cos its that obvious their going to get shot anyway. I too wish to see the return of Shakara, the first story is a great introduction to the character and it would be a shame to see Shakara fall by the wayside.


Grr i mean the minds of the killers


As someone who hasn't liked what he's seen of sinister dexter, I thought this two-part actually had quite a bit going for it.  If it had an art style I'd liked, who can say?  Even then some of the images still worked for me.

But it certainly seems to have had meat to the plot and the promise of afters.  Its probably a bit too late to make a convert out of me unless it starts shooting celestial rays out of its backside.

Death and Sin have both been enjoyable for me.  Considering the effluent that has flowed remorcelessly through the pages of 2000AD it would be churlish for me to criticise something that has reached the level of my expectations.



I didn't, and I won't!

"So I said up yours baby!"



Good nice to know we got that one straight then!


"Death and Sin have both been enjoyable for me"

Now thats a quality line- PVS the undead!!


"Death and Sin have both been enjoyable for me"

What?  Did you think I was talking about the comics?

Send more brains...



Am I?  Well usually, I am a placid lake whose current are only disturbed by the wake of leviathans of a forgotten age.

But my mind is currently imbalanced by a virus, its like being drunk I suppose.  Except the unholy burning rage that flows through my veins is the result of an alien being inhabiting my system and using my own cells as a brothel.

But in truth I have only given one review on this thread, which to my mind was more heartfelt that confrontational (i.e. I didn't argue with any other opinions, I just said, hey mister this is what I think) plus a response to your ambiguosly written 'well don't' post.  Which I did firstly with humour (Well I think Shaft is funny) and secondly with a reference to Return of the Living Dead.

So I have confronted nothing but this last statement.  Which I'm willing to say, you may be right.

Ta very much




Remember Eurocrash?  Followed by Downlode Tales...   A new direction for Sin Dex that changes everything.  It did too, but they've just all gone back to how it was before really.  Still like it tho'.
Better set your phaser to stun.


the written word has a lot of room for misinterpretation, my posts were also meant in humour. The living dead has definately a recuring theme lately. The judges should send Bruce Campbell after Death!!