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riots in paris and sydney

Started by judge dreddd, 14 December, 2005, 05:33:07 PM

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pretty much fatc said, and also if it was,was the case (which i highly doubt) that all Aborigines were racist against whites and constantly swore at them, wouldn't being derogatory to them be lowering yourself down to their level.

Anyway, i can't see how you could possibly compare an insult like 'rich white cunt' with 'they're a bunch of sub human savages who don't know civilisation when they see it.'

If you really think that the first insult excuses the second, well you'll be going on my killfile permanently Steamboy, and i won't be sorry about it at all.

Funt Solo

I should emphasise here that I wasn't having a go at Steamboy - it's just that this whole subject has made me (pardon the pun) vent steam, and I happened to be replying to Steamboy's post when I vented.

One of the weirdest things about what I'll term economic racism, is that the people who spout it are often, in all other ways, incredibly nice people.  I hope that doesn't come across as patronising - but the quote I gave about the maoris was from a guy I count as a really close friend - he just had some f*cked up ideas about the maoris - which seemed to have been infused into him as he grew up, rather than being his own honest opinion.

I didn't dump my Ozzie girlfriend when she told me that aborigines were sub-human - I just discussed it with her.  Actually, she dumped me for discussing it with her, but hey ho - that's life.

I respect Steamboy for openly admitting that there are strong racial tensions in Oz.  We have them here in the UK as well.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

judge dreddd

Most of the problems in the world are caused by white men so go figure :)

Matt Timson



Open racist attacks on people and property are relatively new here in Northern Ireland.  We've always had an ingrained acceptance of 'casual' racism, where bigoted ideas and opinions were spoken but never challenged, on account of it just being talk and no-one wanted to start an arguement about the myth of jewish thriftyness when there aren't any jews knocking about in any visible manner to be offended.
A recent influx of financial migrants and the cessation of hostilities by some of the more noticeable drug dealers on both sides of the religeous divide (in order to get early releases from pokey) has meant the hate had to redirect somewhere, and so Chinese families who've lived here for years have had to take ridiculous abuse from no-mind little fuckers who don't have racist opinions, they just parrot opinions that have been knocking about for years, casually accepted by one and all because it's just talk and no-one was being hurt by talk.
For this reason, and it's entirely a generalisation that I accept the irony of, I've always assumed racism was the result of a lack of intelligent thought.  Not simple stupidity, but the willing maintainance of a mind-set whereby all rationale and reason is subsumed beneath a hive-mind of collective opinion and rumour immune to penetration by logic, truth or common sense - a bit like them hopping three-legged chaps from Quatermass.
I can actually picture the little chav fuckers saying "hop-PING!  Leap-PING!", just because it's another catchphrase for them.


What if you have personal difficulties with some of those ethnic minorities.


Then you're having personal problems with individuals. Surely their ethnicity, hair colour or favourite member of Boyzone has little to do with the problem?
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

judge dreddd

Its just a bunch of thickos trying to find someone to blame instead of saying 'i am a thick prat with no future but will try keep out of the way and not cause too much fuss everyone'


"the Arab/muslim community in Sydney gave them an excuse"

well, no they, as a community didn't. a couple of dickheads, who happen to be arabs committed a crime.

Just as the actions of another Irish/guitar genius/artist extraordinaire are not my responsibilty, neither are the actions of individual arseholes the fault of their entire community.

overheard on a bus:
"Go back to France, ya fucking Spanish"