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riots in paris and sydney

Started by judge dreddd, 14 December, 2005, 05:33:07 PM

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judge dreddd

You see, what you need, is a special kind of cop, called a judge.


Mr C

That or a good look at the spread of Racism in these countries and a plan on how to tackle it to prevent further violence?

judge dreddd

pahhh, let me at em">

Funt Solo

Howard is correct:  Australia does not have an underlying racism problem.  There's nothing underlying about it at all.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


as an Aussie I'm ashamed of these images that you all see at the moment, we are not a racist nation and the few(thousand) individuals that you see aren't even racialy motivated, they're just a bunch of dick heads who want an excuse to riot and bash shit up, unfortunatly the Arab/muslim community in Sydney gave them an excuse by beating and putting in hospital a couple of life guards from a local beach(which is being portrayed by the media as an assault on Aussie Values/way of life blah blah blah), on top of this Christian churches have been vandalised and burnt further fueling hatred towards a certain part of our Multicultural(no such thing, Australia is proof of that) society. I comment on this as someone who lives in Kalgoorlie the other side of Australia from where this is happening that was labled the most Racist Place in the world a couple of years ago and we've all been getting along ok here for a while.
I hate politics and religon, I want to bury my head in the sand, cant we all just get along??

CU Steamboy(I know that rambles but I'm sure you get the gist)

Funt Solo

First off, this isn't a personal attack, or a wide, sweeping judgement on an entire nation or creed.  This is just a collection of facts.

When I was selling encyclopedias door-to-door (laugh at me later) in Kalgoorlie, I was getting shown the ropes in this really nice neighbourhood.  Lots of plush houses with large gardens.  We visited every house, except one.  At this one house, the guy showing me the ropes pulled me back and said "Not that one!"  I asked why not, and he pointed at the black people in the garden.  I asked if it was company policy that we didn't sell to black people - to which he replied "Well, it's not official, but they just wouldn't pass the credit check."

Now, on balance, having spent a year in Oz, I know that there are plenty of people that aren't racist.  But, I've spent 34 years in the UK, and I've encountered racism a few times.  In 1 year in Oz, I encountered it a lot.  Enough for it to stick in my mind.

Banana farmers in Queensland who compared the local Aborigines to wild dogs.

The bus driver on Maggie Island that spent a 30-minute journey telling about 30 highly racist jokes.

Tourists on the Gold Coast trying to sympathise with me about the overcrowding in the UK being due to asian infiltration.

My girlfriend in Perth explaining to me how Aborigines were sub-human.

The truck driver in Brisbane who figured that there was an asian invasion of his homeland that should be stopped.

The Sydney banquet waiter who told me that Aborigines didn't understand the concept of a house, which is why they ate it and burnt it if you gave them one.

A guy who gave me a lift warning me about the wild Aborigines that would cut off your head and eat you if you got out for a pee on a particular section of road.

Young loons in Melbourne hurling racist abuse at the Maori guy that had just given me a lift across two states.

It could be that Oz is no worse than the UK, in terms of racism, and that the people I met were simply more honest about how they felt.  I don't know.  

My personal view is that there is a strong bigotry towards the Aborigine population from a lot of other Australians, who don't even consider it racism.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


ahhh, now I wont dissagree about the racism directed at the Aboriginal population all over australia, its what we got into trouble for over here ,how ever unless you've lived in the situation where you're personally attacked for being a well off White C*NT(their words not mine) and every little comment about people helping themselves instead of relying on government handouts is concidered highly I go, I'm useless at expressing my self on the net without seeming biggoted in my beliefs so I'll just leave it at that for the moment, just so you know these riots in Sydney dont involve the Aboriginal population at all it seems to be Muslim(read as Arabic looking) Vs Dickhead.

CU Steamboy


Dick head = your standard Chav(I think thats what you call em over there)

CU SAteamboy

judge dreddd

judge dreddd

Its ok, the rich can always pay the police,army to put down the poor.


Carlsborg Expert

Yeah.Hum. My girlfriend is Arabic looking, man. She was born in St Helens. Her Mom refused to have her classed as muslim as her Dad would have been able to ruin their lives (the girls. she has a sister)He was selfish, arrogant and not so littley extreme. He did not care about the white woman he married and hated my girlfriend and used her younger sister to,as she puts it, put her through standard mental abuse.No form of terrorism justifies a religion. Not crusades not Serb/Croat thing not Hitler and not Al Quaedo Nintendo politics.
And no Australian is justified in their racism. So take being called a well off white cunt on the chin. Because what your fathers (and I now this is a sore point what with the prison island thing in the 18whatevers)did to abos, is tantamount to evil dictatorship. Maybe try and understand why you are being call this white cunt thing and use your obvious superiority to discuss this with the verbaliser.
If I knew that my actions were less likely to land me in prison over a confrontation than the other mans; I would be a lot calmer and swallow my pride and talk it out. Staying well out of stabbing distance (YES MCJUVE IT IS A STEREOTYPE. Its called using levity and stereotypism to explain a tricky situation.)and showing I knew I could kill the insignificent poor black dude if needs must.Then down to politics. Why is he calling me whi... Why have I caused him grief when I never met him. My dad says this about your dad. Is it not a shame that even in this generation theres not enough enlightened individuals who can put the horrors of what we did to people behind us?
The french hate the brits but when its an african gent they'll side with us! It makes me sick what my race did and does. I did not choose to be white the same way you did not choose who you are. Yet here I am and religion insists we did choose who we are. So how about you help me through this and I help you. One to one. And together we can work the bigger picture off the screen and to hell with them. Surely I would be able to actually make a new friend.

How do you make your friend see there is no honour in killing his own flesh and blood, that life is not his to give or take away(my dad used to tell me this and though he never meant it it seems oddly relevent when I hear about Dowery killings and Honour killings).It is Allahs judgement and not a certain faction of Muslims who reckon one day the whole world should be a Muslim. Hitler tried it. The Christians and Thomas de Torquemada tried it. Nobody let them do it and I hope these neo-fascists are duly crushed and scrubbed clean in a similiar process. The only thing that suffers and get the irony here please, is God's/Muhammed's/Bhudda's/Every other deity's good planet. You looking at the bigger picture yet?  

The proper approach can sedate the earnest of tensions.

The Amstor Computer

Worth pointing out that, as far as I'm aware, Lebanese Australians are majority Christian.

Just saying, as it infuriated me to see some arseholes (not on this thread, I hasten to add) ranting on about the Lebanese community as if they were trying to instate shari'ah in Melbourne...

judge dreddd

Most of the folk doing the rioting are white ozzie males, just hi-ex the crowd dude

Funt Solo

I don't accept the "you don't live here, so you don't understand" argument.

Here's a quote for you:  "You don't live in London so you don't understand that niggers are all thieves."  

Here's another:  "You don't live in Bradford so you don't understand that we're defending ourselves from an asian invasion."

How about:  "You don't live in New Zealand so you don't know that Maoris are all lazy welchers that get handed everything on a plate whilst we have to work for it."

Actually, despite the fact that statement is clearly a massive generalistation, completely bigoted and abhorently racist - if it was the case that all Maoris got handed everything on a plate - so?  If someone provided me with everything I needed to live my life in comfort, I certainly wouldn't complain.  And if there was someone to point the finger at and say "that ain't fair", it would be the person handing stuff out, not the recipient, surely?  If a parent spoils their kids, then whose fault is it that the kid grows up spoilt?

Another key point is that, if there are emergency benefits being handed out to minority groups (be it the maoris in NZ, the aborigines in Oz or whatever) then there must be an economic reason for it.  I don't accept the reasoning that "they" are all lazy, as, again, that's a sweeping, bigoted generalisation against an entire race that simply defies logic.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Carlsborg Expert

The reasons are that balanced. Its not a case of "why don't we do it that way then," because it won't happen.Economics, make the difference and if they say do it that way people have to work accordingly.

I am sure you've all heard the story involving the family who moved to a poorer area. Even though they could afford a pricey house in a pricey district with priceyer amenities, they chose to live in the poorer section of the city/town/whereever. Why? Well, not to be part of the community to help in less well off families but to actually gloat at the other people, by souping up the home and amenities around them. They had the best front door. They had the best front gate. They had the best of everything and it would never have felt so good if it wasn't for all the envious eyes around them.

And the point is?