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Megazine Thrills to Graphic Novel

Started by Jonathan O, 19 May, 2006, 08:52:10 PM

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:: Complete Armoured Giddeon

I suspect if Revere is too niche for TPB, the same would be true for AG. Unfortunately, the AG stories are also pretty hefty, so you'd only squeeze one into an EE, unless the page count was raised.
:: Complete Luke Kirby

Rumour has it that Kirby's slated for EE treatment, although the story length could again cause problems there -- I suspect, if there's a Kirby EE "Summer Magic" will get the reprint treatment, but initially not anything else). The thing is, Harry Potter is still huge, and I wonder if it would be possible to "cash in" on that, offering the story of another boy "magician"?

:: Button Man (surely books 2 & 3 should be released
:: to tie-in with the appearance of book 4 in tooth)

I'll be very surprised if these don't show up eventually, although I suspect they'll be individually released as hard-backs. That said, a 280-odd page soft-back would go down nicely!

:: Complete Accident Man

Rebellion doesn't own the rights to that, though, does it?

I, Cosh

Hell, if they print a hardback containing nothing apart from Corey's story I'd buy it, never having read it.

It's bloody brilliant. I even remember my mum approving of it when I force her to read it and the only other time that happened was when she came across Middenface McNulty telling somebody "Yer breeks is mince, pal!"

You seem to be able to pick up the old specials for pennies.

Link:" target="_blank">sci-fi specials on E-bay

We never really die.


Inspectre for me, some top art cool story that'd read really well collected.  Always one of the Meg strips that I wanted back.
Holocust Squad, nother top art story, problem with these two is they'd be quite thin so we need stuff to pad em out with.
Complete Missionary Man including the Tooth ones.
Alot of the later new stories(simping Detective etc) should wait a while befor going as GN's then we could have bigger collections and more of the earlier stuff first.

CU Radbacker


I'd buy the following stories from the Meg in Graphic Novel format: -

1)Dredd: Lawcon (48 pages), combined with Dead Ringer (78 pages). Throw in The Judge Manners stories or the hilarious (IMO) Sex Olympics story as well for fun.

2)The complete Cursed Earth Koburn.

3)The complete Lenny Zero.


The Adventurer

I'm looking at Lenny Zero, doesn't it have just...46 pages worth of content?

That'd make a good half to an EE, not really a TP. Unless there was more Diggle/Jock stuff it could be padded with.

Ideas? Because I'd really like to read this series at one point.



:: Ideas? Because I'd really like to read this series at one point.

Just do a Jock MC-1 collection, akin to Kennedy's:

Shirley Temple of Doom - 24 pages
Crossing Ken Dodd - 6 pages
Rampots - 6 pages
Safe Hands - 6 pages
Ten Years - 12 pages

Lenny Zero - 10 pages
Dead Zero - 20 pages
Wipeout - 16 pages
A Night 2 Remember - 10 pages


Covers to 2000 AD 1258, 1304, 1318, 1397, 1450, Meg 4.04 ("generic" Dredd covers) and Megs 4.02 and 4.14 (Dredd/Lenny Zero covers).

Maybe an interview, too.


Okay, well to sum up at this point, the most popular suggestions appear to be:

1. The Simping Detective
2. Mechanismo
4= The Taxidermist
4= Cursed Earth Koburn
5. Lenny Zero/Jock Collection
6. Missionary Man
7. Dredd One Off Anthology
8. (Worryingly) Armitage

Other popular choices are: Dead Ringer, The Inspectre, Anderson, and Harmony(!)  


Hey - good call on Harke and Burr there, Mr Bishop. I remember loving the art and chuckling at the puns in a contented way. But then I also quiet liked the Straightjacket Fits, so what do I know? Remember, Ormston had the only decent picture in that girlie pull-out they did, which is no mean feat.

Anyone who doesn't like Harmony hasn't read it lately. It works much better read in chunks than in episodes, I assure you.

Or they just have different taste from me.


It's different tastes. I've read Harmony quite recently. It's not screamingly awful or anything, just doesn't grab me.

Harke and Burr, O yes please!


I thought was just full of interviews with the varoious writers, artists and such, plus stuff that has been reprinted from the original comic.

Though outside of the Meg.....

All the Slaine Stories that happened Between the Conclusion of the Horned God Series and the beginning of the Slaine Books of Invasions.

Disincluding what has alrady been made into Graphic Novels in that area. ( Not that I would mind if they were to be all reprinted.)

Slaine : Demon Killer

Slaine : Queen of the Witches

Slaine : Tressures of Britain

I have seen or heard of no others.

Between what has already been covered in
Slaine : Warriors Dawn

And the Black/Hardback collecters edition of

Slaine : The King


Slaine : Time Killer

Slaine 'DragonHeist' has never found it's way into a graphic novel.  


Many thanks to a certain copyright-botherer (no names) who emailed me full scans of the Judge Corey strip.

Tak.  Det var l?kkert.