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Judge Dredd Movie on 5 tonight.

Started by Carlsborg Expert, 12 July, 2006, 12:04:25 PM

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Dark Jimbo

That was the first time I'd watched it. Good bits - getting to see Hammerstein (almost) in glorious live-action. The car designs. A pretty good Mean Machine. Some funny bits. That's about it.

And - 'I noo you'd say that!'
Where the hell did that come from? Dredd's already got a perfectly serviceable catchphrase, why decide to give him that, repeating it at every available oppurtunity?

The Meg's lost everything about it that makes it such a crazy place - no fatties, skyboarders, batgliders, aliens, simps, cyborgs, futsies or robots - just a lot of 80s-looking bikers and disco casualties. Plus the shoulder pads looked really pish.

And never mind the lame and flawed Dredd-world adaption as a whole, which I could ramble on about for hours - as James says, it's just not a very good film full stop. The acting is fuckin terrible, and the horrible incidental music makes it feel like every other late-80's urban sci-fi (yeah, I know, even though it wasn't). The plot's a mess, a dull mess at that, and the characters just as awful.


"The Meg's lost everything about it that makes it such a crazy place - no fatties, skyboarders, batgliders, aliens, simps, cyborgs, futsies or robots - just a lot of 80s-looking bikers and disco casualties."

Most of the film takes place in the cursed earth, removes dredd from the city, and his uniform, and becomes another stallone film about an innocent man on the run, that's it's biggest problem.


My wife really likes the film. Though I don't know if its a case of her enjoying the fact that bits of it wind me right up. Especially the last 20 minutes.

You could bang on all day about what's wrong with it but I still think Mean-Machine is spot on.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Mike Carroll

> Well I just noticed that Junior is Spud from Trainspotting.

This is true! And it leads to some interesting connections between 2000 AD and a certain much-missed British actor...

Trainspotting was directed by Danny Boyle who went on to make A Life Less Ordinary which was adapted in 2000 AD. Junior Angel and Spud were played by Ewen Bremner, who was also in the movie Alien Versus Predator, which probably wouldn't have been made had it not been for the success of the video game Aliens Versus Predator, which was made by Rebellion who now own 2000 AD. Bremner also appeared in Pearl Harbor alongside Kate Beckinsale, whose father was Richard Beckinsale who starred in Rising Damp as a character called Alan Moore. Rising Damp also starred Leonard Rossiter and Don Warrington. The latter was in Tube Tales with Simon Pegg, who co-wrote and starred in Shaun of the Dead which also appeared in 2000 AD. Simon Pegg plays the voice of Johnny Alpha in the Strontium Dog audio adventures, not to mention that he was in Spaced which regularly mentioned 2000 AD, as well as the game Tomb Raider, which doesn't have any direction connection with 2000 AD but the movie version did star Chris Barrie, who was in Red Dwarf with Don Warrington. The movie version of Tomb Raider also starred Noah Taylor, who appeared in Alphaville's video Songlines, and "Alphaville" is the name given to a town rescued by Johnny Alpha in the 1979 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special.  

But let's get back to Richard Beckinsale: he was also in Porridge starring Fulton Mackay, who appeared in a movie called Water with Leonard Rossiter, William Hootkins, Oscar James and Michael Caine. Now, Michael Caine was in Escape to Victory with Sylvester Stallone, who was of course in the Judge Dredd movie (as was Angus McInnes, who also appears in Hellboy based on the comic which was partially serialised in Judge Dredd Megazine). "Michael Caine" is the name of a song by Madness, two members of who formed Fink Brothers and released the Judge Dredd song "Mutants in Mega-City One".

Oscar James was in Richard Stanley's movie Hardware, which was "inspired by" the story "Shok!" from Judge Dredd Annual 1981. Richard Stanley later (partially) directed The Island of Doctor Moreau, which also featured William Hootkins. The Island of Doctor Moreau (a very strong inspiration for Meltdown Man from 2000 AD), was written by H.G. Wells who also wrote War of the Worlds, a sequel to which - Scarlet Traces - appeared in Judge Dredd Megazine. Another of Wells' novels was Empire of the Ants - without which 2000 AD would never have had Ant Wars (or its sequel Zancudo which recently appeared in the Megazine). Empire of the Ants was made into a movie starring Joan Collins who used to regularly appear in the Cinzano adverts with Leonard Rossiter.

And if all that doesn't make you suspicious, let's not forget that one of the reasons 2000 AD as a success to begin with was because the media focussed on the resurrection of Dan Dare. The character originally appeared in Eagle, an occasional writer for which was Arthur C. Clarke, who co-wrote the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey, which featured Leonard Rossiter.


-- Mike


If you think the Dredd film is crap? You should see ?Young Americans? the film that got Danny Cannon the job directing Dredd.
In my opinion, the only way Danny Cannon could have got another film on the strength of Young Americans is by playing the time honoured Hollywood game "hide the sausage just past the tonsils whilst practising 'Skiing'" with the producers. And im sure he was better at that then directing films.
Its possibly with the exeption of Dredd one of the worst film yet made. Ever


:: I guess the Dredd movie that was made is better than not
:: having any Dredd movie at all.

I disagree, for two reasons. First, we'd already effectively had a serviceable Dredd-style film in Robocop. Secondly?and more importantly?the Dredd film tarnished the character's reputation to a massive extent in the USA and even in the UK. It's not always a case of "all publicity is good publicity", and I imagine that, if anything, Dredd is *less* popular worldwide due to the film than he would have been without it.



Carlsborg Expert

That is brilliant Mike.

I have to say by pure coincedence, whilst queueing up for StarWars Part IV I accidentally went and watched the Joan Collin's Attack of the Giant Ants, showing in the other theatre.It was  only when they were in the boat being stalked by these antus enlargicus' that I realised there wasn't going to be any lightsaber action for me.

Apart from that comment pertaining to this thread;-

Versace! Stoopid move! Toughest MegaCity lawman in Versace?!!

And you know he's gay when he's wearing the shoes too.* *Will and Grace.

Boo Cook should do more Dredd in ink. He is fooking excellent. And Doppleganger? Oh the ironing!


"First, we'd already effectively had a serviceable Dredd-style film in Robocop. Secondly?and more importantly?the Dredd film tarnished the character's reputation to a massive extent in the USA and even in the UK. It's not always a case of "all publicity is good publicity", and I imagine that, if anything, Dredd is *less* popular worldwide due to the film than he would have been without it."

I totally agree, it has also scuppered the chances of a genuinely excellent Dredd film being made which, technically, is more achievable now with current technology than was back then. It will take a generation before Stallone's travesty is sufficiently forgotten.


Lest we forget, Barry Norman chose the JD film as his "Turkey of the Year".  Sylvester Stallone was nominated for a Golden Raspberry for his performance.

This is not a film that should be re-assessed.

Carlsborg Expert

Jean-Pierre Jeanet wd
Ron Pearlman leadrole
Jordan Cronenworth ph=Douglas Trumbull Richard Yuricich and David Dryer from Bladerunner on visual effects.
Spec FX Industrial Light and Magic

Writing peers;- Harry and Rita Fink

" Beautifully textured,cleverly scripted and eerily shot... a zany little film that should get terrific word of mouth."- Variety

" Glitteringly and atmospherically design; but ultimately mechanics win out over philosophizing. "- Sight and Sound

According to Halliwells 11th Edition, there is no film called Judge Dredd either. (Yet Resevoir Dogs gets a mention)

When was it made again?

Richmond Clements

Mike, I'm speaking now as your friend. Get out more!!

Although... Carlsborg's tale about the ant movie with Joan Collins... the Joan Collins who as we all know, appeared in a series of 'comedy' adverts for Martini... with Leonard Rossiter.

Mmmmmm... I think I shall stay up all night writing these connections on my wall with a thick black pencil...

Bart Oliver

I've complained bitterly about this sorry excuse for a film for far too long.

I'm not going to put anymore effort into criticizing it?s poor direction, idiot casting or fundamental narrative flaws- It's time I won't get back.

Judge Dredd the Movie?


Dirty vest quest. Pointless dirty vest quest.

Obviously you're not a golfer.


Joanie & Leonard were in Cinzano ads, not Martini. Highlight of Joan's career apart fron The Std & Bitch of course.

Richmond Clements