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Favourite British Cult TV shows

Started by paulvonscott, 05 August, 2006, 12:16:10 AM

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I, Cosh

Was Luna the one about the kid who lived on the moon and her grandad was always listening to "classical" music like Spandau Ballet and Haircut 100?

If so, I've been trying to remember the name of that for years. If not, just move along, nothing to see here.
We never really die.


Blimey... Luna!

Yeah, the punk grandad, an idea that also turned up in Max Headroom.  Hasn't exactly come to pass but you do see more weird oldies these days.  makes me shudder to think of chav grandads heckling me in the street.  Hopefully I'll be dead before society reaches that point.

Didn't the actress get replaced, I think it went downhill then, I could be wrong.  Memories are dim.


 ultraviolet. The only brit show of recent years I can think of which properly worked through it's concept and didn't make me cringe at any point.
 sad it only got one series when dross like My Hero and Two pints of Lager(seriously who finds this funny?) seem to go on for ever


Bird of Prey and Bird of Prey 2 - Fat civil service drone foils a massive conspiracy. Utter genius and you'll never see the like again.

See also Edge of Darkness


"See also Edge of Darkness"






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House of Usher

I like Two Pints of Lager. It's one of my favourite programmes. I realise I'm probably the only one here, but I think I'm seeing something the rest of you are missing.

My Hero is something I find baffling, though. Why adults would watch that when they would turn their noses up at the shittiest episode of Rentaghost, I cannot fathom.


 I find two pints physically painful and have a flatmate who insists I just don't get it. For me it's the Elizabeth Duke of the comedy world.


Two Pints is the worst programme on telly.

How it continues to get made is a mystery.

It's just not funny.

If it has a saving grace it is that the two main girls (the one from Hollyoaks, another terrible programme, and the blond one) are a nice bit of skank.

Everything else about it is pish.

Rob Spalding

Dangermouse - best cartoon evah!

One from when I was a kid about a t-shirt with a tiger on that gave the kid who owned it super powers.

And of course, SuperGran!


she won a fracass
with BA baracus


Matt Timson

Does Budgie count as a cult classic?  Channel Four reran the lot about twenty years ago- I used to love it.  I wish they'd show them again.


Two series on DVD, Matt, unless you meant THIS Budgie.

Link:" target="_blank">On DVD">



The thing with the kid and the tiger t-shirt was (I think!) called 'Tommy's Tiger T-Shirt'. It was a Childrens Film Foundation film. Another classic of those was 'Glitterball'. More often than not they seemed to feature that bloke who played Tinker in Lovejoy as some sort of loveable incompetent crook.


"Dangermouse - best cartoon evah! "

Trapdoor - best gross-out plasticene animation ... evah!


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Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.