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Favourite British Cult TV shows

Started by paulvonscott, 05 August, 2006, 12:16:10 AM

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I just bought Ripping Yarns for a tenner at the weekend. I dont remember a thing about it. Any good?
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Its good if you like a good well made shovel...

and Palin's humour


DDT did a job on me

Mr Ruh

A Very Peculiar Practice.
Tutti Frutti.

Also, I still have vague memories of 'Sky' (and finding it very creepy at the time).

I'm currently watching the 1975 'Legend of Robin Hood' - it's very BBC of that era, a lot of it obviously filmed on sets and a bit actory, but with an authenticity and grittiness that I've always found missing from every other Hood thereafter. Great performances from Paul Darrow as the Sheriff (natch) and David Dixon as Prince John.

Mr Ruh

A Very Peculiar Practice.
Tutti Frutti.

Also, I still have vague memories of 'Sky' (and finding it very creepy at the time).

I'm currently watching the 1975 'Legend of Robin Hood' - it's very BBC of that era, a lot of it obviously filmed on sets and a bit actory, but with an authenticity and grittiness that I've always found missing from every other Hood thereafter. Great performances from Paul Darrow as the Sheriff (natch) and David Dixon as Prince John.

Mr Ruh

A Very Peculiar Practice.
Tutti Frutti.

Also, I still have vague memories of 'Sky' (and finding it very creepy at the time).

I'm currently watching the 1975 'Legend of Robin Hood' - it's very BBC of that era, a lot of it obviously filmed on sets and a bit actory, but with an authenticity and grittiness that I've always found missing from every other Hood thereafter. Great performances from Paul Darrow as the Sheriff (natch) and David Dixon as Prince John.

Mr Ruh

I somehow ended up sending that three times ... I mean, I like them, but do I like them that much?

Mr Ruh

The Changes - the world had been mysteriously reverted to a pre-industrial society. It was billed as 'for older children' and very long. I seem to recall it was something to do with Merlin, who was a kind of glowing rock.

Oh, and The Boy From Space, the dramatic segment of BBC's Look & Read schools programme. Genuinely creepy and taught you about mirror writing.


Into the Labrynth and Knights of God have passed me by.

My chief cause of anxiety is when the hell Life on Mars is coming back, it was first shown a year ago today and I've heard nothing of it.  It would really help me get through cold dark January and February.  Any news welcome.

Funt Solo

Mike Spanner
Press Gang
The Young Ones
Green Wing
Father Ted
The Avengers
Doctor Who (starring Tom Baker)
Red Dward (before it got shit)
Blake's 7
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


PVS - I heard Feb for Life on Mars.

As for A Very Peculiar Practise...I think that created very peculiar feelings in me at the time...but then again at that age most things did.


.. Children of the Stones god.. but the show that stayed with me from the 70s was Marianne Dreams- book is pretty creepy too.

How about Ace of Wands?

Show I've been enjoying most lately is Coronation Street-- Jonathan Harvey has been writing some of the most bizarre dialogue for the characters.

 Two recent favourites: "Oooh, the Turin Shroud, always thought that'd make a lovely design for a shower curtain" and " well, so I rented Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, and-"

And Deidre's mother's ramblings about a friend who locked her heroin addicted grandson in a box room to send him cold turkey was genius -"How could she do that? Wasn't she in a wheelchair?"/"Not since Lourdes..."



Jasons impression of Andy Milmans "Is she having a laugh? Is SHE having a laugh?" catchphrase last night got a laugh from me.


I`ll bite - what on earth was Knights of God? From the picture, it looks like Blakes 7 having a religious moment

oh and I loved Ripping was very funny and suited Palin very well...usually it took a `boys own tales` story and got silly with it...the School Bully story was Ian Ogilvy`s finest hour


Knights of God was series that ran for 13 episodes on Saturdays about a modern militaristic religious order that have taken rule of Britain.

Link:" target="_blank">knights


It sounds okay....very V.

I love the way the video cover gives the characters more muscles and a more frightening German title

aren`t you Poms lucky with your tv? If I were asked to do an Australian cult list, it would be depressingly short">