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tom cruise is right

Started by eggonlegs, 03 August, 2007, 09:58:56 PM

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Richmond Clements

Bah! I can't access youtube at work.


you must watch it when you get home,me? i'm off til september,one of...wait ...the ONLY perk of working in a school.

Peter Wolf

  Just visited the scientology website as i am off sick with nothing better to do.

   The Scientology religion comprises a body of knowledge extending from certain fundemental truths.  

       Then :  In scientology no one is asked to accept anything as belief or on faith.

       Then :  Your spirit is a Thetan.

    Allright i believe you then.      Spot the contradiction.

   There are no more references to aliens or thetans to be found anywhere on their website.Very curious.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


                               "just visited the scientology website"  You fool peter!they know where you are now! theyre coming!!!

Richmond Clements

Yes they will... and Peter will be waiting..!

Peter Wolf

   I was going to post a link to it on this messageboard so you could all get on their mailing list easily.         But i thought better not !

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Go on i dare you! when scott returns we'll send him to them!

We have the mormons up in t'north,they have a lovely temple in chorley near the m61,my sister-in-law went to look around when it opened. If she touched anything a man apparentely went round with a cloth and cleaned after them,not a good way to recruit new members i thought.She didnt join thank goodness

Peter Wolf

 " The wrong thing to do about any given situation or circumstance is to do nothing "

              [ L    Ron  Hubbard   ]

    Sometimes yes    sometimes no

   It depends on the situation doesnt it ?

Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


Ah, the Mormons aren't so bad these days, even if Arthur Conan Doyle appears to have been scared shitless by them at some point.  They're no worse than the average god-botherer, and have produced at least one decent SF writer in Orson Scott Card - which puts them one point ahead of the Scientologists.

Eric Plumrose

>> and have produced at least one decent SF writer in Orson Scott Card - which puts them one point ahead of the Scientologists.

Neil Gaiman grew up as a Scientologist, apparently. I s'pose, though, his work is classed as fantasy fiction.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.


Previously unaware of any Thetan-issues surrounding Gaiman, i checked his Wiki (and thus establishing that it must be true), and found the following sentence:

He later became a fan of science fiction, reading the works of authors as diverse as Samuel R. Delany, Roger Zelazny, Harlan Ellison, H.P. Lovecraft, Thorne Smith, and Gene Wolfe.

Ooooo, tres diverse.  More like de rigeur.


Gaiman's father David was Minister of Public Affairs for the Churches of Scientology Worldwide, he even gets his own wiki:

Link:" target="_blank">


thread-drift ahoy!

the first thing I ever saw on video was a TV show called 'Alvin Purple', at the time famous for being the naughtiest thing ever on TV and (allegedly) featuring naked ladies.  A very rich kid we knew had one of the first video machines and had taped it on the shoebox sized tapes they used.

Here's a wikipedia link which is disapointingly bosoms-free

Link:" target="_blank">Aaaaalvin

Peter Wolf

  The very first thing i watched on video was Bad News    -  The Comic Strip  -  1982   .    On the road with  Bad  News  .     " who let the dog in for free ? "   [in - joke]
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


oooh, brain hurting trying to think of first T.V but the first Video I remember watching was The Man From Snowey River, mainly because as the movie went on i got sicker  and by the end had lost my voice and couldn't breath properly(it was that damn new technology i was alergic to).

CU Radbacker