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1553 - Abra Cadaver

Started by Bad Andy, 03 September, 2007, 12:50:41 PM

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Dredd - Some clever writing doesn't make up for the overall predictability, and Dredd having to lead the Tek-judges by the hand grates.

Cabalistics - Oh. That was... quick. Looking increasingly like it's going to be a very rushed ending. Has Rennie lost patience with this or something?

Stone Island - Not a huge fan of SB Davis' art, but this is pretty good. Story's not up to much though.

ABCs - Lovely art, story's no great shakes. Blackblood being played for laughs does not a worthy adversary make.

Button Man - Didn't really see what the problem was with the ninja until the last page. That is quite silly. Nice attempt at solving the dilemma of how Minton let himself get caught, but still doesn't add up to a conviction. Why am I still getting the feeling that that wasn't actually Harry at the house? Not decided yet, but this is veering towards being a mistake.

House of Usher

I liked, in this order:

- Dredd
- ABC Warriors
- Stone Island
- Caballistics
- Button Man


Do we really know that this is the last Cabs series? Be a shame if so, mostly because I love it, but also because it'll bugger up the collected editions, and probably result in an extended reissue that'll I'll have to buy. And what happened to Brand's last phone message to Hannah? Has she heard it yet? I was expecting her to listen to it in an appropriately dramatic setting. Seems that they all realise what Kostabi's all about, anyway, so that's all a bit pointless now, and Jonathan died in vain.


I loved this prog, maybe there was extra thrill power or something, thanks Green-pus, even the stories that used to leave me cold: Stone washed/ Butthole surfer drew me in... a happy little oasis in a shitestorm of a week.

DDT did a job on me

I, Cosh

Caballistics, Inc. Panel of the year. And have a look at the covers section for a look at what's up next week. A bit surprised at the folk saying it's all over a bit quick. Thought it was a great bit of wrongfooting myself. Plus, it's most certainly not over yet as Magister's still alive (I think.)

Nothing else came close this week. Dredd and Button Man were pretty decent. ABCs was alright (if only because Mongrol's not going to be a happy badger) and Stone Island's barely holding my attention from one page to the next.
We never really die.


Well, it was a great bit of wrongfooting, but I was kind of expecting to meet the reanimated corpses. As it was, why didn't they spot Ravne? Why didn't Magister have time to stop Ravne himself, given his vast powers and the time Ravne took to fire the gun? Why in god's name was he blathering on like that anyway?

No doubt there are answers (I'll freely admit, Magister's arrogance would explain why they weren't looking for anyone else) but it all just seemed a little anticlimactic. Still comfortably the best thing in the prog though.


dredd was predictable but enjoyable after all the "heavy morality" tales of recent times.And you know he's gonna patch the cits up then throw the book at 'em.

stone island,wasnt too keen but its growing on me.

callenetics,want to like it but am missing something about it,it,s just not "clicking"

A.B.C.warriors. liking this,againone of those strips that kept passing me by but blackblood is a vicious pillock.

button man 4 ,so what if its not a ranson/grant production? i'm enjoying it and frazer's art is as luvverly as ever.

Pete Wells

The Cosh Said:

Have a look at the covers section for a look at what's up next week.

Phwoooor! That's a luvverly cover, any ideas who's the artist responsible?

Link:" target="_blank">Spoiler Warning - Next week's cover!

Funt Solo

Oh - that's just fecking amazing!  Is it Langley?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Doesn't look like it - it isn't done in poser.

Adrian Bamforth

It should of course read "Abra Abra Cavaver - he wants to reach out and grab yer!"

Bad Andy

I thought it was Langley myself, for some reason that hands give it away for me.

Anyway - here's this week's cover">

Richmond Clements

You're all mental.

I eventually got round to reading the prog last night and my god!
Frazer's work on Button Man is nothing short of astonishing. I for one am not missing the Ranson droid on this, not matter how great he is.

Matt Timson

Me neither- I think it's great.


"Doesn't look like it - it isn't done in poser."

Surely Langley uses human models or his own constructions for ABC Warriors, not Poser.  And if he doe use poser, then it's far beyond most people's use of it.