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1553 - Abra Cadaver

Started by Bad Andy, 03 September, 2007, 12:50:41 PM

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Bad Andy

The pun on the front really made me laugh, although the image didn't really do anything for me.

Bog standard story with some amusing cits. No great shakes.

Stone Island
Still not quite sure why this got a second run. Harry's slightly amusing here and there is an extremely gruesome death. Hats off to Mr Davis on that one. It's horrible.

ABC Warriors
Going off on an unexpected tangent and no bad thing. Blackblood's really stupid and nasty. Great fun. The art, as ever, is stupendous. And dark.

Slightly anti-climatic after the last couple of issues.  A bridge between the two story arcs here. Still good to read.

Button Man
I'm really enjoying the artwork, although it wasn't mega clear what was happening on the last page. Harry's coming next week it seems.

Pretty good prog and a strong character line up (apart from the Stoneys).



Stone Island
Enjoy this

ABC Warriors
Excellent.  Story and art.  Actually, the art is brilliant, I've not felt the urge to study panels like this for ages.

Enjoy this a lot, but could really do with a synopsis of the previous plots and all the characters as I'm a little lost.

Button Man
I like the art and I'm looking forward to the next prog.

Good prog over all.


ABC Warriors is great, and it just shows how Mills manages to not only polarise the audience, but also polarise opinions from one person. To me, I find it hard to link the Mills creating this great stuff (and the similarly excellent Sláine run collected in hardback) and the utter dreck that is his Dredd run in the Meg at the moment. It really is quite bizarre.

Elsewhere: a good prog, again. Dredd was pretty run-of-the mill and probably the worst thing in the issue. However, when a fairly typical Dredd thing is the worst, that shows how great the prog as a while is to me right now.

Nice one, green bonce.


I still have no complaints. I enjoyed every bit of the prog, pretty much.

I wanted to mention how much I enjoyed Paul Marshall's art. He gives good Dredd!

Everthing else is running along nicely, especially Cabbalistics, which is my favourite bit of the prog again.

Glasgow is attacked because a Glaswegian was a dirty bugger? Who'd've though it?

- Trout

I, Cosh

After a weekend in Inverary, I waws so looking forward to sitting down with my Prog, but sadly no. The best I can do is a DVD of Seven Swords.
We never really die.


Funt Solo

Is nobody editing Dredd?  The bad guy says "when I get out of these chains", except he's not in chains, is he?  A bit lazy, that.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


The contrast control on my prog seems to be faulty as I can't see anything other than some rather murky artwork in the ABC Warriors. Which is a pity as it seems its quite a distraction from the utterly cack story


Arse biscuits. I haven't had my prog before Thursday for bloody weeks. What's on the cover?


Dredd - Nothing special, obvious how it was going to end

Stone Island - Ahh so all this is connected to that bizarre prison stuff?

ABC Warriors - Lovely quality artwork and great to see more of the story behind the ABC Warriors.

Caballistics Inc - Very good, especially as I went to Kelvingrove a few months ago :)

ButtonMan 4 - Meh


I must have been in a bad mood last week because I really enjoyed this week's prog.  









Just a shame CAB INC. finished this plot thread so quiclkly so quickly.

I've decided that it's actually LANGLEY who is the most mismatched artist in the Prog.  His photorealistic style doesn't work at all when you have such inspired madness as Blackblood interrogating those two.  It definitely needs a lighter touch.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Oh, no-one here reviews it????

It was very good! just very quick end on Cab Inc! and again on Stone Island!!
Dredd story was not that good....
Button Man, still early days...
ABC, General Public backs again! hehe...


Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


ABC's and Cobbleristics are the stand out thrills this week for me.  With the Cobblers being absent for so long, its return has made me appreciate it all the more.  And now it's ending.

Stone Island seems to have the same premise as Detonator X.

Good prog.


Caboitaxilistics - top hole, not a foot wrong
ABC Warriors - second hole, great plotting and decent dialogue plus great art, but Langley's humans still jar
Stone Island - great art or even GREAT ART not quite making up for the script
Button Man - ninja babe is beginning to seem like a mistake, art still not doing it for me
Dredd - serviceable