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Thought Bubble - Leeds Comic Festival

Started by Wils, 11 October, 2007, 12:09:36 PM

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Went over the road for a pint with Paul and Oliver, came back and Wils and Malchi were STILL in the queue for that sketch! It was worth it though I think, it's awesome.


3 hours! My feet were killing me! Definitely worth the wait, though (even if I *did* have to suffer Billy-Two-Sketches and his teleporting mate).

Malchi's patience appears to know no bounds. I kept telling her to go over to the pub with you lot and I'd meet you all after. She refused to budge, though. She's a star. Bloody stubborn, but a star nonetheless. :)


By his signs, ye shall know him." target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">


The Batman Haiku's were something else!


The one about Commissioner Gordon was my favourite!


Heyo all :)

Just wanted to say that I had a great time on Saturday, and it was luvverly to see Paul and Ben again (we'll definitely have to get together for a few drinkies - I'll leave that twat Wils at home, though) ;)

Great to see Longy again, and to meet Leah and John. And it was really nice to finally meet Oli after all these years.

Gutted that I've had to wash my face after Bryan Talbot kissed me though. Wils was almost dumped. ;)

Can't wait 'til next time.



Hey guys, I hope you don't mind me posting here! I'm Tamsin, one of the organisers of Thought Bubble. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who turned up to support the event. It turned out to be a real success with only a few minor hiccups along the way. We have definitely learned one or two rather vital things about event organising, and I am certainly glad that it will only be a once a year thing, I don't think my nerves could take it otherwise! But for those who wondered, we are definitely hoping to make it an annual thing, there appears to be a real market for it and we hope to continue.

We're taking all comments on board, both positive and negative, as constructive criticism is very useful. Next year depending on the venue we'll definitely list places to go and get some good food! There are some great restaurants to suit all budgets all about two minutes away of the Town Hall (everything from bagels to portugese chicken, noodles to pizza etc. etc.) However, I know that if you're not familiar to Leeds it seems like a laboratory maze that a higher power is testing you on. But I want everyone to know that we're lucky enough to have some of the friendliest volunteers around, so should you come next year and have any concerns, please do just ask one of us, we'll be more than happy to help :)

For those of you who drove, I am sure you discovered the delights of the one way system. That gave Adi and I nightmares for about the first six months we moved here. Other stuff has also been mentioned that we will seriously take into consideration, such as finding onsite parking (as the parking in Leeds is very expensive), and choosing a bar as a meeting point for guests, exhibitors and fans to meet in the evenings. We were a small outfit this year and obviously some stuff either slipped by or we just couldn't afford it, but we hope you enjoyed it nonetheless

Glad people got some great sketches! I am jealous, I didn't get any. We had some amazing creators there. I was helping out with the guests, and I can honestly say that everyone I met and chatted to was just amazing. Leah and John are good people :) I got to briefly chat to Al as well who was just great, and all our other guests were stars who really went above and beyond the call of duty. I hope a few people got to attend some of the panels, too, as they went down a real storm.

We know we have stuff to work on for next year, so we'll keep plugging away. Keep watching our website ( and our MySpace (, if you're that way inclined, for more details! Suggestions MORE than welcome!


Hey guys, I hope you don't mind me posting here! I'm Tamsin, one of the organisers of Thought Bubble. I wanted to say thank you to everyone who turned up to support the event. It turned out to be a real success with only a few minor hiccups along the way. We have definitely learned one or two rather vital things about event organising, and I am certainly glad that it will only be a once a year thing, I don't think my nerves could take it otherwise! But for those who wondered, we are definitely hoping to make it an annual thing, there appears to be a real market for it and we hope to continue.

We're taking all comments on board, both positive and negative, as constructive criticism is very useful. Next year depending on the venue we'll definitely list places to go and get some good food! There are some great restaurants to suit all budgets all about two minutes away of the Town Hall (everything from bagels to portugese chicken, noodles to pizza etc. etc.) However, I know that if you're not familiar to Leeds it seems like a laboratory maze that a higher power is testing you on. But I want everyone to know that we're lucky enough to have some of the friendliest volunteers around, so should you come next year and have any concerns, please do just ask one of us, we'll be more than happy to help :)

For those of you who drove, I am sure you discovered the delights of the one way system. That gave Adi and I nightmares for about the first six months we moved here. Other stuff has also been mentioned that we will seriously take into consideration, such as finding onsite parking (as the parking in Leeds is very expensive), and choosing a bar as a meeting point for guests, exhibitors and fans to meet in the evenings. We were a small outfit this year and obviously some stuff either slipped by or we just couldn't afford it, but we hope you enjoyed it nonetheless

Glad people got some great sketches! I am jealous, I didn't get any. We had some amazing creators there. I was helping out with the guests, and I can honestly say that everyone I met and chatted to was just amazing. Leah and John are good people :) I got to briefly chat to Al as well who was just great, and all our other guests were stars who really went above and beyond the call of duty. I hope a few people got to attend some of the panels, too, as they went down a real storm.

We know we have stuff to work on for next year, so we'll keep plugging away. Keep watching our website ( and our MySpace (, if you're that way inclined, for more details! Suggestions MORE than welcome!


Crap, now I look like even more of a newbie. If someone could do the honours and delete the double, that would be great! Sorry...


It happens to the best of us, tams.

We went on an epic journey to the BHS restaraunt and got stuck there for ages, so various food options would be good.

Remember to list the pubs and what they are like as well!

In the end, I got parked fairly easily, but maps and parking spots would be good.

And if I could sign up for a stall next year, I will.




Oh no! All the way to BHS?? We will definitely have to rectify this for next year, there is brilliant stuff nearby. Pubs have also already been mentioned to us, we shall compile a list of what's near to the venue (wherever that may be) for next time around, as well as maps. There was a map on the website, but it only really covered venues and we need to remember that people DO need to park, it's rather important.

If you want a stall that would be brilliant! We're working on all that stuff out now and I'll post updates when things for next year kick off, it would be great to have you guys on board :)

Thanks for all this! Tamsin

Bart Oliver

Finally able to find two moments to string a post together.

As always, a pleasure to catch up with folk old and new- though it never ceases to amaze me how quickly time can pass at these kind of events and how even if we could spend a few more hours in the pub it still wouldn't feel like enough.

Noteworthy stuff off the top of my head:

- talk given by Duncan Fegredo and Peter Doherty on producing the latest Hellboy books

- collected Grief Bringer and Tab Monkey

- another Solar Wind (KP Scabs- genius)

- cake studded with hero & villain emblem rings

Buoyed by the prospect that Thought Bubble may become an annual event- 'Brows, Thinky and Export you were missed- next time I hope.

Cheers, Ol
Obviously you're not a golfer.

Bart Oliver

..And Al penned some more Batman haiku which I may, or may not illustrate with aquatint etchings.
Obviously you're not a golfer.

Bart Oliver">
Obviously you're not a golfer.