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Meg 265 - Rex and Violence

Started by paulvonscott, 12 November, 2007, 11:25:30 AM

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Well, I still haven't got 264 yet, but I have got this one.

Horrified to see Satanus is still in the damn thing, and sort of amused to read the last caption, but it does seem to confirm my suspicions for the strips existance.

"Don't come back or I'll do it to you all over again!"

No sir.  We'll do our best.

And I'm not sure if it's Gordon or Boo I need to thank for the guy in Dredd who shares the same initials as I pretend to have.  It must be some weird sort of coincindence.

Nice to see PJ getting a nice feature and a plug for his new comic 'Fearless'.

And the rest of it which I haven't read, it all looks okay, but it would be better in the old days when nothing bad ever happened...zzz... mother make the bad things go away!

You arseholes :)


after initially disliking Grennie's semi-regular column in the Meg, i grew to love it and was sad to see it disappear (probably before he ran out of targets to abuse ;)

therefore it's nice to see he's found a home in this month's dredd strip to poke fun at (us) obsessives

"if it didn't come from a lawgive mark one then the shot never happened"

not to mention the extensive notes on spine design

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...

The Adventurer

So what's the line up? Please please PLEASE tell me we're seeing the last episode of Satanus this issue.


The Adventurer

Also, spine design is serious business.

*crosses arms*



The Adventurer



Dredd made me genuinely laugh out loud at several points this month. Top marks to Gordon and Boo for this. Pray Gordon hasn't seen the 'population of MC1' thread or there may be a sequel.

Good little 'Tale from the Black Museum' from Al Ewing and always good to see Robin Smith's art.

Kind of unfortunate that both Satanus and Fink seem to have similar themes for their finales in the same issue. People/creatures being fed hearts.

Small press was OK and I enjoyed the interview with Simon Davis.

Returning character in Dredd next month. Can't wait.

Funt Solo

I'd rather a 10-part series of Soul Sisters than any more Dredd by Mills.  What a load of wank, that only he could get away with having published.

I've heard it said that nobody deliberately sets out to create a bad strip.  Here's the apparent exception.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Dredd was HILARIOUS this month and I can see bits of all us lot sat around that table discussing the minutia of all things Dredd/2000ad.
In fact it looked a bit like a Dreddcon, lol.

Dark Jimbo

Dredd made me genuinely laugh out loud at several points this month.

Dredd was HILARIOUS this month

Glad people enjoyed this; I thought it was the most cringe-worthy piece of cliquey, in-jokey fan-wank I've ever read.
I've only ever met one other(!) Tooth fan in the flesh, though, so while I desperately hope it's not accurate, for all I know we could all really be like that. How depressing.

But the truth of it is irrelevant. It's everything I don't like about Rennie on Dredd - while Wagner built a career on blowing minds with effortlessly fun mad future concepts and trying to predict where society would go in the future, all Rennie seems to attempt is lazy, bitter satire on the present. It isn't a story, just an excuse for a wink-wink nudge-nudge to us forum types, to the total exclusion of any and all other Meg readers. At least BOS, however misguided, was genuinely attempting to tell a story, it had a narrative; this is a sarky and unfunny 'joke' stretched over too many pages.

Can you tell I didn't like it? :-) I could go on, but  this is sounding unessecarily personal now, so I'll stop. Mere pages in a comic, too much time on my hands, yadda yadda. Sorry Gordon.


Blimey I didn't even realise the Meg was out this week I'm so disillusioned with it. thankfully it's the last one before the new line up in the xmas issue.


You are correct there satchmo. Next meg has the new line up.

Steve Green

I thought it was a good bit of fluff, yeah it's got some very cliquey in-jokes, but I thought it was fine.

I'm relieved that BOS has finished though.

- Steve

Dark Jimbo

I thought it was a good bit of fluff, yeah it's got some very cliquey in-jokes, but I thought it was fine.

Hmm, now that the heat of my initial annoyance has faded, my rant does seem a bit needless. I think lately I've come to count on the lead Dredd strip to provide the meat in my otherwise tasteless megazine pie, so it got to me that it was a throwaway joke story that I didn't find funny.

Roll on the new lineup!


If it's any comfort Jimbo, it's not really something I wanted or even approve of (as I remember saying to Wils on Saturday, not knowing that by Monday it was my turn next).

However the strip is just a dig at pedantic fans and sadsack twats of all hues, it just so happens I'm one of them.  Though I am aware of it and hopefully have a sense of humour about it.

As for bitter satire on the present, that has been a big part of Dredd over the years.

Obviously I'm not too upset, it was only Rennie after all so it's not as if it counts.  If it was Wagner, well, then I'd be canon...