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I think I might start saving up for a PSThree

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 23 November, 2007, 09:10:53 AM

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I walked injto a computer games retailer today and saw acoplue of games That lok very interesting.

There's a new Conan game.

Another one called Lair.

Another couple which have slipped my mind.

But I have been trolling the internet looking for these other games. ( Wouldn't mind some help, here.)

I can't find anything on the latest Conan. ( And Here!)

Lair is about some warrior guy flying around on the back of the dragon. Some of visual shots look really stunnning.

I was also wondering what going to be the better games console

The new X-box ( Which I Heard stories about the machine overheating and blowing up.)

The Wii.

The Playstation Three.

Link:" target="_blank">Lair, I 'm not sure why that name was chosen


If your X-Box blows up as a result of the common fault, they replace it I believe.

Wii is for fun games, Xbox for serious gamers, and PS3 costs too much.  That's what I've picked up and I don't know anything.

You could try whittling or gluing googly eyes on stones, it's a lot cheaper.  Before pong turned up I had to make my own entertainment and we had a black and white telly.


I am now biased towards the Xbox, but I really think it offers the best package to gamers overall.  It is a machine for a slightly different market to the Wii, and what it currently does, it does much better than the PS3.

Be careful on the games above though and read a few reviews.  Lair (if it's the game I'm thinking of) looks very nice, but plays...not too good.

The 360 has two problems for me...the potential overheating issue which can cause the rings of death...but they fix that free of charge; and the noise of the machine...don't know if that is any better on the newer version though.  

I'd still go for it though if I had the choice again.


Well I've got access to all three(game addicted housemates are great) but for just one I'd go for the 360, larger library of games more exclusives(not important if the exclusives aren't any good) and almost every thing that comes out on the PS3 comes out on the 360.
Conan is out on 360 as well as PS3 but really its just a God of War clone the real deal God of war 3 will be exclusive to the PS3.  To get the most out of the two Power Houses you really need a Hi-Def TV or Small monitor will do, I loved my 360 when I finally did this.
I have had to get my Xbox repaired once(Red ring of death) and it was a hassle, it happened last xmas and I didn't have the thing for about 6 weeks but I have heard the turn around on repaiirs has sped up.
As much as I love Factor 5's previouse games(they did the Rogue Squadron games on the N64 and Cube) I wont put up with such a bad frame rate as I've heard Lairs got(from a reputable Aussie mag not some dodgy Games site).

CU Radbacker


Hang on a second. Microsoft are selling products which have an inherent fault and people are still recommending others to buy them? Doesn't the Sale Of Goods legislation apply to Microsoft or something?


So, you reckon Lair has a bad frame rate and probably won't be worth buying new PSthree for.



TBH there's NOTHING worth buying a PS3 for - every decent game available for it is also available for the 360, and IMO the 360 versions are superior - offering online leaderboards and highscores.

My 360's still going strong, as is my friend's who bought it a week after release.


Peter Wolf

 The 360s dont have an inherent fault until they go wrong.I think that explains the philosophy.That way they dont have to be withdrawn from sale.

  Are the 360s more or less noisy than a 1st gen PS2 ?  The slimline ps2 was a lot less noisy.

  Sizewise it would have been better if the 360 was more or less the same size as a slimline PS2.Also i do think that Sony did come up with the perfect design for a console with the slimline PS2 except for the fact that it had no on/off switch at the back of the machine.

 Sony have always won top marks from me for design but i do get the impression that the PS3 has been given an oversized design that i dislike to somehow give the impression that you are getting more for your money in terms of size.

 Does the 360 have the ability to lie down flat or only upright because the upright design doesnt fit into my home entertainment configuration that well.

 Does the 360 have fan assisted cooling ?

 The X box was an ugly abomination as well.


Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


The 360 goes flat or upright.  It is noisy, but I don't notice if the volume on the TV is at a reasonable level...which it isn't if I'm playing witht he missus asleep on the sofa!!

I think it is the best looking console we've seen so far.


I had access to all 3, but gave up on the novelty-value of the Wii when the controller got in the way of playing the games - that, and the games looked worse than the Gamecube in some instances, like Zelda's bitmap-heavy graphics.  Sold it for 150 quids and don't miss it at all.
As for 360 vs PS3 - I think the pricetag on the PS3 says it all, although the jury's still out on the actual games until developers learn to make use of the PS3 bits and bobs.  Resistance: Fall Of Man is more challenging and rewarding than Halo 3, though - and the ranking/promotion system for online leagues is a great touch for the more competitive player.

The sensible thing would be to buy a now dirt-cheap Xbox or PS2.  The games libraries for both is extensive, and damned cheap to boot.  There's bound to be something you'll play and enjoy on one or both consoles - like the Halo games, or Killzone/Black.

Roger Godpleton

My 360 needs repairing. What's most upsetting is that it's not even the full-on 3 rings explosion of death, it's chronic 4 rings of AV :( JOKE
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Something Fishy

360's bought now (look for an hdmi output) have asmaller cooler processor and extra heat sink which addresses the earlier reliability issues.

Older ones are covered by a 3 years warranty.  If it's going to 3RL then it will within a year normally, let alone 3.

It's a great console and well worth the money , with fantastic games - aso a much nicer O/S and better online service (the integraton of the community into every game via the Guide is excellent).

I have both and right now would not recommend anyone pay the extra for a PS3 when most of it's best games are on 360 and 360 has a raft of other quality exclusives.  Getting one if you already havea 360, definitely if you can afford it.

PS3 looks like to come into it's own next year.

Lair is turd by the way, utter tripe.

Uncharted and Ratchett and Clank are both nice but i'd still rather have access to the likes of Bioshock, Mass Effect, Forza 2, PGR, Halo 3, Gears of War, Crackdown, Viva Pinata etc if I did not have both.

Just my thoughts.

Something Fishy

oh and re repair speed (for older 360's), they're obviously getting on top of it as mine took 2 weeks in August.  New unit came back, quieter too with a different DVD drive and with the new heat sink.

I, Cosh

So far the best games on the PS3 are the ones you download: Super Stardust is magic.
We never really die.


I'm actually praying my 360 conks it so I can get it replaced with a more reliable version at Billy Gates' expense.  I do get the odd freeze and crash, or red-ring start, but no breakdown yet.  I'm not sure if I should be jealous of the fact that so many other messageboarders have had to get their consoles replaced or repaired already, but I am anyway.

Fishy - PS3 Ratchet and Clank, barring a longer draw-distance, is identical to the PS2 versions, from what i can see so far, so you're better off just buying those on the cheap.  I'm waiting for Jak 4, myself, as Jak 3 has yet to be topped as king of platformers (I refuse to play anything with Mario in it).