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Prog 1566 - Endgame

Started by thinky, 03 December, 2007, 10:30:08 AM

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Er... I did read that, it entered my brain, then at some point dissapeared again.  Sorry Thinky :)

Byron Virgo

"I thought sentience meant more than just a rudimentary intelligence"

In terms of etymology, the word dates back as far as the 17th Century when it is defined as "capable of feeling", derived from the Latin word 'sentientem' (also the root word for 'sentence').

Link:" target="_blank">Online Etymology Dictionary


In terms of etymology, the word dates back as far as the 17th Century when it is defined as "capable of feeling", derived from the Latin word 'sentientem' (also the root word for 'sentence').

Thanks for that. Actually following the link, it also means 'conscious'. In the strict sense I guess you'd class a dog as consious since it's awake, running around etc., but conscious in the 'self aware' sense? I'm not sure...

It's all quite a grey area anyway....

Anyway, in response to other posts, whilst I agree it's a somewhat unusual strip to have in the prog, I think it's good that it's included for that very reason. Quite often I've been initially put off of stuff because it's not what I'm used to, then when I've given it a go I sometimes end up liking it. Besides, there is plenty of other more conventional strips in the prog, and this one is only periodical.


There is a self aware dog already in Red Sea's, maybe the healing ray made the dog inteligent.

Drokking since 1972

Peace is a lie, there's only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.


Dredd's art certainly had the 'hurry up the deadline's here' feel to it, with some very minimal and rushed moments. For a climactic episode it was really lacking. Shame. Interesting how other Judges view Dredd, though.

Time Twister - I liked this one, despite some rather stilted artwork.

Twisted tales - they'd work better as one page shockers, two pages at a pinch.

I'm glad I've re-subbed, Red Seas is certainly worth it.


I actually enjoyed the punchline to the TIME TWISTER but couldn't it have been done in 6 panels?

Again, I don't think I enjoyed too much of the prog.

MANDROID could have done in half the time.

RED SEAS was just people I don't know about fighting about something I don't know about and being saved by something I don't know about. But I'm sure I've read all of RED SEAS so maybe it hasn't engaged me like it should have.  Or maybe I haven't tried enough.

Never got into this BUTTON MAN either.

Bob Byrne was actually fun - I had to stop watching Celtic qualify for the knockout stages of the Champions League to give it full attention - surely a good sign.

Overall, I'm glad this run of stories has finished and hope something more to my liking pops up soon.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


There is a self aware dog already in Red Sea's, maybe the healing ray made the dog inteligent.

I thought that too, but you'll remember the dog tried to stop his master from killing the alien in the first place, as if he knew it was the wrong thing to do (ironically causing his/her own death at the hands of his/her master. And then resurrection etc...)


Cover: Excellent - mundane at first glance, brilliant at second and subsequent glances

Judge Dredd- Good, moving stuff. I think they had to finish off Slaughterhouse. So many awful things have happened to him that anything but annihilation would be an anticlimax

Time Twisters- A good story. I didn't see the ending coming (not a complimnent - I never see twist endings coming). Well told. One quibble, Hitler looked nothing like Hitler - he looked like a strange cross between David Duchovny and Harrison Ford wearing a toothbrush moustache

Twisted Tales- Way good. I didn't see the ending coming but (see above).  All hail Bob Byrne for doing something new and cool.

Button Man- I never really too to this strip much but it was ok. Ok ending.

Red Seas- my meh of the week. Possibly it'd be more interesting if this wasn't the first one I'd read in this story. Uusally I like Red Seas

Droid Life; not their best but a bit of a giggle, as usual. dang it, I have an irrational urge to buy the Droid Life book, but I can't afford it and my England-dwelling sister won't buy it for me because I'm a grown man (I don't see the relevance, but that's sisters for you).


Cover, good image

Droid Life, entertaining enough.

Dredd. It's been a slow burner, probably read better in one go. Disappointing ending, don't know what I expected but it just seemed a little flat. The other judges last comment does tie it in nicely to the current wider Dredd arc. Isn't something major supposed to happen next week?

Time Twisters, good fun, I liked it.

Bob Byrne, the best yet but just not my thing on a personal level. And I think two one offs in one prog is too many.

Red Seas, I think I like this but having not read the older ones I don't have a clue what it's about. Like the setting though, somehow reminiscent of Zenith but that might just be Yeowell.

Button Man. Unlike many others I have really enjoyed this story. However Like Dredd I found the ending a bit flat.

Overall, I don't think this prog was as strong as it has been lately. Personally I was loving the mix of Dredd, SinDex, Dante and Button Man and this one seemed either full of filler or flat endings. Roll on next week.
Fear leads to doubt which leads to the worst case scenario.


A bloody good prog - especially for a tail-ender, in story terms - with five strong thrills!

My favourite was the Red Seas, but I enjoyed it all.

A special mention for the Time Twister, for being about Hitler and time travel and not being shit!

Only a week to go before the annual bumper special of goodies!

- Happy fish


Dredd: I like that fate of the general!!! not sure which is best, that or fate of Booth in Origins!!!

Roger Godpleton

Cover: Competent enough, but it doesn't really scream "BUY ME", y'know? OK Stuff.

Droid Life: I'm not usually keen on the strips where P14 comes up with a "hilarious" new angle on a popular thrill, but the last panel was definitely worth it. Good Stuff.

Dredd: Somewhat anticlimatic, as I guessed back at the start this story is merely one part of the Emo-Dredd arc, which is fine, but we could of had 2 or three shorter stories in the same time frame as this, plus Wagner wouldn't of shot his load on the Mandroid sequel. Anyways, Good Stuff.

Time Twisters: I really liked the art, apart from Hitler himself. If I hadn't read Mike's intentions on here first, I don't think I would of got the joke, but I guess that others who read more SF than I do would. Good Stuff.

Bob Byrne: Beautiful art and story. Slightly put off by the redneck's heel turn at first, but then I remembered this was supposed to be "Twisted" when he got chomped. Great Stuff.

Button Moon: The bit where Harry says kthnx and goodbye to the Judge was cool, but this suffers from the same pedestrian feel (BTW I'm not just talking about the pace) as the rest of this tale. OK Stuff.

Red Seas: The thing I love about this strip is that's it's more about the discoveries our heroes make, so a fighty episode is a bit of a letdown, but we still discover some cool artefacts, and Jack is still about. Very Good Stuff.

Yeah, pretty good for a clearout prog.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Roger Godpleton

Cover: Competent enough, but it doesn't really scream "BUY ME", y'know? OK Stuff.

Droid Life: I'm not usually keen on the strips where P14 comes up with a "hilarious" new angle on a popular thrill, but the last panel was definitely worth it. Good Stuff.

Dredd: Somewhat anticlimatic, as I guessed back at the start this story is merely one part of the Emo-Dredd arc, which is fine, but we could of had 2 or three shorter stories in the same time frame as this, plus Wagner wouldn't of shot his load on the Mandroid sequel. Anyways, Good Stuff.

Time Twisters: I really liked the art, apart from Hitler himself. If I hadn't read Mike's intentions on here first, I don't think I would of got the joke, but I guess that others who read more SF than I do would. Good Stuff.

Bob Byrne: Beautiful art and story. Slightly put off by the redneck's heel turn at first, but then I remembered this was supposed to be "Twisted" when he got chomped. Great Stuff.

Button Moon: The bit where Harry says kthnx and goodbye to the Judge was cool, but this suffers from the same pedestrian feel (BTW I'm not just talking about the pace) as the rest of this tale. OK Stuff.

Red Seas: The thing I love about this strip is that's it's more about the discoveries our heroes make, so a fighty episode is a bit of a letdown, but we still discover some cool artefacts, and Jack is still about. Very Good Stuff.

Yeah, pretty good for a clearout prog.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Peter Wolf

 I havent read this weeks yet but i am a bit sad to see the end of slaughterhouse as i felt the character had potential as there was a certain amount of depth to this character that could have been explored further possibly.Death was inevitable  in the end it seems.

 I didnt have a problem with the length of this strip either.I didnt lose patience with a 50 week strip either so this story could have gone on and i would have been happy to read it.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death


I forgot to mention I really enjoyed Droid Life.

- Trout