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Wednesday Night Chat

Started by pauljholden, 05 February, 2008, 05:53:49 PM

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The Legendary Shark



Is there any reason you guys don't just use IRC, considering the plethora of chat clients, standalone and web?

The Legendary Shark

Now that we've made a start, maybe it would be wise to move to IRC. Anybody know how to set that up?
Could it be part of this website, for instance?  I don't understand IRC as I've never used it, but I've no problem trying to set that up if it's what people want.


I don't think IRC is something that really needs integrating with the website, we could just sticky the details on the front page and I'm sure people can work it out from there (or with a helpful hint or two).

The way I understand it is you find an IRC Server, use an IRC client to connect to said server. Then you just use "/join #<roomname>" to create/join a channel, and once you've got enough people in one room you can apply for it to be a permenent fixture with its own resident bot.

Its been years since I used IRC, but it seems ideal.

The Legendary Shark

OK, we've given it a go. We're using


the cvhannel is #rowdyyatesyapshop



Just to confirm that the IRC Dalnet thing works fine for OS-X, using Carousel freeware.  Even for the over 30's.  Thanks for that Bowel and TLS.  Now off to bring herbal tea to the afflicted.

House of Usher

I may have a go next week. I think I'll be working until 9pm on Wednesdays very soon. I just don't want to install any downloaded software except on the busted laptop I haven't reinstalled Windows on yet.


I don't think I understand one word in five from those last few posts. This is why I have never dropped in. And I don't really understand the difference between "chatting" and everyone just replying in the same thread all together.

Forgive me, I'm old!


For all you non-savvy lazy types out there I've managed to hijack's web IRC client.

Click here to join #rowdyyatesyapshop on

Just type in your desired nickname and start wrecking up the place.


That works great VinceBot, nicly done. If everyone agrees on this being the chat room of choice, is it possible to link it to main site and not just here?


Well done Vince, works a treat.  Now if you could just rustle us up some hot babes to chat with, you can get to your bed.

House of Usher


Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Quote from: Gavin_Leahy on 03 September, 2009, 12:14:31 AM
If everyone agrees on this being the chat room of choice, is it possible to link it to main site and not just here?

That implies some kind of officiality, and will to maintain. We don't really want the responsibility of supporting an IRC chat room or a client, but I don't mind posting the channels details as a sticky somewhere in one of these subforums?

Anyone have any recommendations for that?


If it's as easy as you say, I will gird my loins and give it a go next week then, but I'm off to my bed just now. 'night all!