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Happy Zombie Jesus Weekend to you all!

Started by Tweak72, 21 March, 2008, 05:28:46 PM

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Religion if nothing else is a fantastic means of controlling a vast amount of people. Live by these laws and experience an eterenty of happiness, disobey them and suffer forever. This to some is worse then going to prison.

 Even though I am not religious I also have code of ethics, which help me to be what I conceder to be a good person.

Happy Easter and may Zombie Jesus bring you all lots of eggs.  

Adrian Bamforth

"How better to account for it than to say "I know! Let's say it was God's plan all along! And Jesus didn't die in vain; he died to save us all."

That's the other thing - that puts a whole different spin on what Judas was up to: As it were all prophesised and arranged in advance, Judas was at worst an innocent victim with God pulling the strings, or at best the a hero who vitally facilitated the act which has saved us all.

I hope the Jehovas come back soon and I can put it to them. And yes, they did say they were celebrating Easter tonight (Saturday). Wikipedia says they comemorate the Last Supper on 14 Nisan, whenever that is.


Anyone watch "the passion"?

A return to plumby cokney acting of some form of nativity, it describes yet again an ill informed doctrine of the death of Christ.

There is a version of events which states He never uttered a scream whilt being bludgeoned, compound fractured or nailed into wood.He said those thing though.Thing is, Jesus was a martyr, according to...

This ENGLISH version is competitively graphic showing this.

"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.

Eric Plumrose

>> Which - I read someone pointing out recently - means that if you don't commit any, then that sacrifice was in vain.

Which is where the concept of Original Sin comes into play. We are supposedly all born tainted by the Fall of Man, when Adam and Eve ate one too many fig rolls and where subsequently banished from the Eden Project.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.

Eric Plumrose

Or maybe it was something to do with their wearing apple macs to hide their shame of political correctness.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.

Peter Wolf

 Thanks for your comments Robin.Thats my attitude to it all.Shit just happens and its totally out of your control.I didnt look to religion for any answers and neither did anyone else in the family.My father did have a short flirtation with Buddhism but it didnt really help.

 In the end we just thought that he had just drawn the short straw.I have mentioned another theory before about this but i wont mention it again as i would rather discard that one .

 The way i see it there are those serving in Iraq of his age that are dying unnecessarily so its all the same in the end.

 Its just the nature of life at the end of the day and i dont look to a man made construct like Christianity to provide any reason or answer any questions i might have.

 I was just applying their own logic and reasoning to the situation as in "god is watching all of us all the time" etc to its kind of ridiculous conclusion when we are each of us nothing more than a microscopic speck of dust in the great scheme of things.

 I cannot by default accept something purely on faith and also i dont like the idea of worshiping anything so i remain on the fence and i will take my chances at the end without fear of any consequence.

 In a funny sort of way i have always felt that i am incorruptable by darker forces that are prevalant today and i like to believe in a sort of unifying force of good whatever it may be.
 Personally i just think in the large part that Human nature is flawed.

 Happy Easter


Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

Robin Low

"Which is where the concept of Original Sin comes into play. We are supposedly all born tainted by the Fall of Man, when Adam and Eve ate one too many fig rolls and where subsequently banished from the Eden Project."

The whole plotline is a complete mess when you start looking at it with your brain switched on. Assuming you start from the irrational view that there is some god-figure behind everything, the only rational way forward is to start looking at it all in terms of symbols rather than absolute truth.

The Jesus in the Bible is almost certainly not the historical Jesus who was, it could be argued, a charismatic political agitator. However, the idea that there was a man who put all others before himself, even to the point that he was, as Douglas Adams put it, "nailed to a tree for saying how great it would be to be nice to people for a change" is aspirational.

It sickens me how so many people can take such a powerful symbol of goodwill and twist it into something so controlling and destructive. However, my response is not to challenge or ignore the symbol, just those who demean it.

Good call on the figs though - are you someone else whose childhood bible was the Reader's Digest Book of Strange Stories, Amazing Facts?



Eric Plumrose

>> Good call on the figs though - are you someone else whose childhood bible was the Reader's Digest Book of Strange Stories, Amazing Facts?

Heh. I do believe I still have a copy, although I can't say for sure if it was that particular tome that informed me the Bible not once refers to Eve then Adam founding Le Crunch Bunch.

I dunno, though. I kinda like the whole bonkerness of Original Sin; although for the Roman Catholic Church to feel the need to come up with the Immaculate Conception as well does highlight the whole daftness of it.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.

Adrian Bamforth

If we go with original sin the it would presumably also be right for us to blame Germans today for attrocities carried out by earlier generations (or some other crime such as eating an apple). By simple being their descendents they are guilty of the same crimes, even if they are unhappy about it, and the only thing they can do to make ammends is for them to be tricked into betraying and killing one of our sons. They way everyone's happy and we can forget about the whole war incident.


'The sins of the fathers...'

Wasn't that Freddy Krugers Schtick?

Freddy vs Zombie Jesus, now that'd be a fight...

Something Fishy

Happy Easter to you all.  Nice to have got through another winter.  I always feel happier in this half of the year.

Robin Low

"Reader's Digest Book of Strange Stories, Amazing Facts"

"Heh. I do believe I still have a copy, although I can't say for sure if it was that particular tome that informed me the Bible not once refers to Eve then Adam founding Le Crunch Bunch."

Do you remember that piece about the kitchen floor of a house in France on which horrible images of faces kept appearing on the tiles? The pictures scared the crap out of me as a kid and still give me the heebie-jeebies when I look at them today.



Robin Low

"Freddy vs Zombie Jesus, now that'd be a fight..."

My money's on Jesus - it took a lot of damage to put him down the first time, and he'll just get up again three days later. He also has some first rate exorcism skils, so he could probably handle a vengeful spirit without reporting to violence.




Happy Easter! I'm full of chocolate and very happy!

Jared Katooie

"But the writers of the New Testament didn't just make up the crucifixion."

Actually, there's a possibility that they did. The idea of Jesus' martyrdom could have been dreamt up in order to increase the popularity of Christianity. A lot of dubious magical events were created for this purpose.

Whatever else he may have been, Jesus seems to have been a great leader and a man of peace and, as such, I believe his life is worth remembering.

Unfortunately, I spent the day stuffing myself with chocolate and other unhealthy foods. Now I feel like I'm dying. Perhaps if I do I can become some sort of warped messiah to gluttons for years to come...

Can anyone top this?

3 Cadbury's Cream Eggs

Several mini-eggs and Cadbury's Roses sweets

2 large slices of apple pie

3 Cadbury's flakes, 1 standard, 1 praline and 1 dipped

a large bowl of trifle

and a packet of Mars planets

Excuse me while I pass out.