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Who owns Judge Dredd copyrights?

Started by coati666, 17 October, 2008, 01:32:00 PM

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We are a group planning to maka a Block Mania computer game (and, if we're successful, a mega-city one online) as a school project, but we are not sure if it's okay to use Judges due to copyright issues. Anyone know who to ask for premission?

Queen Firey-Bou

Tharg/ Rebellion you need to speak to.


Contact Robo-K33F through the board or by email to">, making it clear whether the game is intended to make a profit or not.



Best of luck with that project, guys.  There's plenty of clever computer- and artistic-types on this forum who I'm sure would be happy to offer advice.  We'd all love to see the results!