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Batman 3 villain

Started by Disate, 01 September, 2009, 03:35:39 PM

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What would you do with batman #3  !!!

recast Joker  !!!??!?!
2 (8.3%)
The Penguin
1 (4.2%)
Return of Scarecrow
4 (16.7%)
Bring Ra`s al ghul back
1 (4.2%)
new villain or (S)
16 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 24

Voting closed: 16 September, 2009, 03:35:39 PM


WE all know a 3rd batman film is coming out in a couple of years ,  Originally joker

was central villain , sense Ledger`s passing .

They need a new villain or should they dare recast joker .

what are your opinions .  And what would you do if you were in control ?!!

in my opinion ...  be daring and recast joker and finish the story already planned or  had several villains unleashed hell upon Gotham , where batman whos on the run must save it .  what your thoughts .

the shutdown man

I'd like to see the Riddler, but done in Nolan's style, i.e. he's not a guy in a green suit. More of a John Doe/Zodiac type, in fact, it'd be cool if he didn't actually appear on screen for the first half of the film. He's in the background, a stalker type of figure.

I'd say keep Joker to a minimum, since a recast would be too obvious, whoever's playing him would just suffer from being compared to Ledger. Keep him as a Hannibal Lecter type, the psycho in Arkham who shows up occasionally.
You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


I wouldn't want to see The Joker, the Penguin, the Scarecrow or Ra's al Ghul come back as the primary villain, I'd like to see a treatment of a new villain (new to the most recent films, that is).  The Riddler would be cool, but I'm not particularly fussy.

On a side note, these sorts of topics don't really belong in News.  Film & TV would probably be more appropriate for this.

Dark Jimbo

I voted Penguin, but I'd equally like to see - Riddler, Clayface, Manbat, Poison Ivy, Ventriloquist... hell, I don't really care. Just don't start repeating villians, Batman's rouges gallery is too good for that.


Riddler and Penguin.

The Joker heralded in the start of the "costumed" villains. They said a few times the world had changed due to Batman donning the cowl.

Have Penguin as a straight bad guy - Boss Cobblepot. People call him Penguin but never dare do it to his face.
Riddler is the new guard - costumed with gimmicks. All theatrics and showboating.

Batman then caught in the middle as the old and new battle it out for Gotham City.


I read a rumor (sorry, I can't remember where or I'd post the link) some time ago that Harley Quinn was going to be one of the villains, and that she would be played by Sophia Myles. I'm not sure if this was going to be a part of the joker storyline or not.


Having lost all faith in any further Batman films after the completely over hyped, over long, over dull, taking itself far too seriously Dark Knight I'm not really fussed what happens next.


The riddler done as a sort of se7en John Doe character might fit into Nolans 'grim relaity' vision of Batman.

Can't we just have an animated Dark Knight Returns?

Pete Wells

Yup, a darker Riddler sounds aces. I'm all for just one villain too, once you start overpopulating the cast with Hollywood egomaniacs the films go to shit.


I'm sold on the Riddler idea too. The Penguin's shtick was always that he, erm, looks a bit like... a penguin. WTF? The Riddler at least has the potential to be is a dangerous lunatic.
I'm a tucker hot seat trucker and I'm voking cheerio, ten-ten!

the shutdown man

I think the Penguin could possibly work, although not as the main villain. Maybe if they had him be a rival CEO, someone for Bruce Wayne to worry about while Batman was fighting the head bad guy? And lose the nose. There were rumours during the making of Dark Knight that Penguin would show up in a cameo as a Russian arms dealer. Now that could work.

You're at the precipice Tony, of an enormous crossroads.


QuoteCan't we just have an animated Dark Knight Returns?

Like this?


Quote from: radiator on 01 September, 2009, 10:08:23 PM
QuoteCan't we just have an animated Dark Knight Returns?

Like this?

Aye... like that but with a bigger budget.
Havn't seen that in a while, thans for the link, thats probably as close as we'll get to an animated Dark Knight Returns.


I've not seen the second one, but I didn't think a whole lot of Batman Begins- so I'm voting '(s)'.

Personally, I'll admit to being one of those odd comics-readers who can't stand Batman. Aside from The Dark Knight Returns, Year One, Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum and Gothic, I've never read a Batman story I liked- and each of those mentioned above I admired because of the sheer comcis craft that went into them, not just because they were Batman.

However, having suffered enough tv and movie versions over the years, the thought of yet another exposure to the Penguin, Two-Face or grud help us The Riddler chills my blood. If there has to be a Bats3, why not use the Ventriloquist or Killer Croc? Or Soloman Grundy? A sprawling gothic adventure, set beneath Gotham, in elaborately-scary sewers, with Batman facing off against Croc and Grundy, I may be tempted to go see. Especially if The Ventriloquist had kidnapped someone and was holding them in one of the Joker's old lairs, at the heart of the dark labyrinth. That way, the "presence of Heath Ledger" could be felt, and somewhat appease the fanboys/girls, while at the same time using villains previously unseen and unruined by Joel Schumacher.

Mind you, I'd insist on Killer Croc having huge puffy nipples, in Joel's honour.




As long as it isn't Iceman...

And when is the Man of Steel going to make an appearance?


Quote from: Kerrin on 01 September, 2009, 11:13:46 PM
And when is the Man of Steel going to make an appearance?
I think a lot of people's heads would explode if they realised that Batman and Superman inhabit the same universe (or multiverse (oh, no, it's a universe (no, wait it's a multiverse again))).