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ABC Warriors cartoon - voice acting discussion

Started by Mike Gloady, 03 October, 2009, 08:35:55 PM

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Mike Gloady

Any ideas for the voice acting in the ABC Warriors cartooon that we've all just seen the trailer of?

Now clearly, the chances are that any actor most of us can name may be beyond the reach of the budget (and voice acting is a different animal anyway, just because you can do theatre or telly or whatever, it doesn't necessarily follow that voice acting is going to be up to scratch).  So what I think we MIGHT be discussing here is naming people who sound LIKE what we think the characters' voices sound like.

I'll go first, and my ideas are far from complete.  Indeed, I've only got one real idea, and he's not even a proper warrior.

Ro-Jaws - Ideally I'd like Ronnie Barker to come out of retirement and do this, otherwise I'd be happy with a sound-alike.  "Fork 'andles" etc.

Also, for some reason, I've always imagined Mek-Quake to have a high, irritating voice.  No idea why, but I think the presumed deep voices of the likes of Mongrol and Hammerstein need a balance at the other register. 

Thoughts anyone?
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Well, clearly Hammerstein should sound like Ron Moody playing Fagin, what with him being Jewish and all ...


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Paul faplad Finch

Ronnie Barker is dead. Has been for a while. Bloody shame too.

Have to say though, I know what you mean, I can hear it now.

I reckon Patrick Warburton would be a good fit for Hammerstein. Yank though, and I'd guess this is a British production? Haven't really been following this story. He's done a lot of voicework to so he can handle the medium.

It doesn't mean that round my way
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Mike Gloady



Oh well.

As for Hammerstein, I think he's built by Howard Quartz who's American and in flashbacks in "The Black Hole" he's seen with an American flag trying to screw that bloke's head back on (the one who tried it on with his programmer).  So an American accent is certainly fitting.

Part of me wants Deadlock to have the same voice as Stewie Griffin....
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House of Usher

I think they should all have human actor voices made to sound synthed.


Quoting Faplad...

I'd guess this is a British production?

End OF Quote

I 'd like to hera British voices dominate this production. Espiecally where they are appropiate. I never though of them as American robots. Anyway, I for once I would like to hear something other than American.

Paul faplad Finch

My point was more along the lines of whether we could expect an American name to voice Hammerstein if this is  a British production, rather than what accaent the characters might have. I'd think, given his background, Hammerstein at least would need an American accent. I just think we're more likely to get a Brit putting it on than an actual yank.
It doesn't mean that round my way
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Mike Gloady

I've had a few more thoughts about this.

JOE PINEAPPLES - I'm thinking someone with a Samuel Jackson style voice.  He's ice cool after all.
BLACKBLOOD - Seeing as he's Volgan-built then he'd probably have a Russian accent although maybe that's a little un-PC?  Personally, ever since playing Metal Gear Solid for the first time way back in the day, I'd had in mind the guy who voiced Ocelot as Blackblood in a heartbeat.  Lisping pirate stuff.
MAD RON - Not a proper warrior but maybe, if he were to guest, he should be voiced by the guy who does Phil Mitchel in Eastenders.....
HAPPY SHRAPNEL - For me, Gene Hackman.  
DR FEELGOOD - Anthony Head?
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I'd say that Bill Nighy as Blackblood, based on his utter evilness in Underworld.
Andy Mc Nab or Sean Pertwee as Hammerstein
As for Ro Jaws, well, I think they should just grab any cockney from off the street!
Deadlock, wassname that was Gandalf.


Quote from: [Carl] on 05 October, 2009, 10:07:50 PM

As for Ro Jaws, well, I think they should just grab any cockney from off the street!

I have a terrible fear of Danny Dyer as RoJaws...

Though, in every other sense, I'd be very happy to see him "eat shit".


Mike Gloady

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I always imagined Mek-Quake to have a slow, deep, gravelly, voice. Mike G points out that the voice would need to be different from all the other deep voices that will inevitable saturate the team, but for me Mek-Quake is less 'forceful authoritive deep', and more, 'who is this wheezing perv on the other end of the phone line?' deep.

I think its all the lines that go along the lines of "I like... hurr... hurrr... gratuitous violence... hurrrr-hurrrr..." etc.


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Being somewhat au fait with the business of voice acting (and people have suggested that I try it out - though it's not likely to happen) I can see a few possibilities here.

My strongest idea is that Deadlock has always had the voice of Terry Thomas (in my head, at least!)

Whoever suggested Bill Nighy as Blackblood was BANG ON THE MONEY.

I hear Richard Epcar's voice coming out of Hammerstein's mouth.

How about Joe Swash as Ro-Jaws?
Check out my DA page! Point! Laugh!

Steve Green

For 'types' since 2 of the 3 listed here are dead...

Yeah, I always thought as Mek-Quake being a bit Arthur Mullard.

Ro-Jaws - Mike Reid.

Deadlock - Christopher Lee