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Guilty Pleasures...

Started by locustsofdeath!, 16 November, 2009, 12:03:04 PM

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I'm sure each of us has a deep dark secret we can't let members of the 'real world' in on - what with the ridicule, derision and exasperated head-shaking that will come down upon us. But here, no big deal right? What are your guilty pleasures?

Comics: I sneak and read my wife's Buffy comics. Even she should not know this.

Books: I have read the Dragonlance Chronicles more time in my life (4) than I have the Lord of the Rings (3).

Television: Buffy again. Wife got me hooked. And Moonlight. I am so ashamed.

Music: I like AFI. What is wrong with me? I like AFI (runs off to listen to Septic Flesh or Behemoth).

I now leave it to you folks...let us in on what really makes you tick.

Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


I've been watching "Being Erica"

I mean it started out simple enough, it has a time travel / quantum leap style premise, so I thought me and the wife could watch it together (she'd enjoy and I'd tolerate it) and then she couldn't watch the first episode so I did out of duty, then it touched on stuff that I knew would upset the wife (the main character is still effected by the premature death of her brother- as is my wife) so I told the wife not to watch it. But I kept watching it.

(This is anonymous, right?)




Quote from: Roger Godpleton on 16 November, 2009, 12:23:40 PM
Masturbating to comics.

Do the comics like it?

You sick little prevert.

Roger Godpleton

He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Something that'll eventually become a 'vert'.


It's a mixed up pervert.

My guiltiest pleasures are whole pyramids of profiteroles and lying in till midday on Sundays when I've got shitloads I should be doing. Wild!

Mike Gloady

I quite like sitting and watching a bit of x-factor and shouting abuse at the screen.  Not what the makers intend, but it IS entertaining.  Massively so.
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Big Brother & Girls Aloud. There, I've said it.


I like to watch Paul O'grady at 5 on 4 each week day :-[

Dark Jimbo



the 7 o clock show on BBC1.

And X Factor...
"Cool Stuff You Will Like"

Music, Comics, Books, Video Games, TV and Film reviews/articles.


Quote from: emceehamster on 16 November, 2009, 04:43:14 PM
the 7 o clock show on BBC1.

Ditto, but it's more like the 6:57 show each day >:(

Professor Bear

Home and Away, Melrose Place, Trauma, Cold Case, CSI: Miami, Bones, Lincoln Heights, Leverage, Ugly Betty, Legend of the Seeker, Cougar Town, Hank, Titan Maximum, Stargate Universe, WWE RAW, Smackdown, TNA, Accidentally on Purpose, Big Bang Theory, Crash, Merlin, Sanctuary, The Forgotten, Defying Gravity, V, Smallville, Vampire Diaries, Castle, Monk, Mercy, Eastwick - and before you ask - not unreasonably - how there are enough hours in the day, most get watched while working at the PC, or in the gym, and there's usually a backlog of stuff most weeks.
In the words of Jeff Goldblum "that's a whole lotta shit", but in my defense I have at least stopped watching Heroes and Flashforward.

Disclaimer: The above shows are watched by trained professionals and should not be viewed by anyone.  If asked to watch Hank, Vampire Diaries or Home and Away, instead fall into an open manhole and die.