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Cover of the decade.

Started by Kev Levell, 29 December, 2009, 02:55:00 PM

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Kev Levell

The cover of the year thread got me thinking...
Since prog 2000 we've had some amazing covers and for the sheer magnitude of approximately 500 of them, see (courtesy of Barney) here and the ten 2000 prog year enders here...

So then, what are your 5 top covers from this bunch - tall order eh?
I'll kick off with these:
1. the one that started the run.

2. the silver anniversary!

3. Henry!

4. The Law...

5. ...the start of my second phase as a committed fan.

There have been so many sit and stare covers amongst them all, but I had five to choose and for a variety of reasons, these are mine.

W. R. Logan

In Reverse Order:

5: Prog 1633

Love this cover, its so menacing and just makes you want to croass the road to avoid it.

4: Prog 1600

Greg Staples must be one of the greatest cover droids ever, I love his work and there were 3 or 4 covers that could have easily made it in to my top spot.

3: Prog 1536

An absolutely fantastic wraparound cover that shows how they should be done and no ones top 5 should be without something from the Flintmeister!

2: Prog 1664

This was until the last minute reshuffle my number 1 cover but after starting that my screen for the last half an hour deciding between my fave 2 covers this was just pushed to the no.2 spot. Cover should make you want to open the Prog straight up to that story and read it and woe betide anyone that disturbs you. After you've read it then you have to restrain yourself from wanting to rip the cover off and put it up on a wall some where.

1: Prog 1187

Even skimming through all the decades covers as they were laid before me on my screen I instantly stopped at the cover to Prog 1187, for all the reason mentioned for my No'2 choice and the fact that its just simply a perfect cover. It may be a rip off from The Phantom Menace advertising campaign but this cover just made me want to keep looking at it.


Aw man, that was HARD! I started scrolling through Barney, saving likely contenders as I went,and was up to about a dozen before I was halfway through the decade (But copying them to a separate folder has given me a cool new randomised screen saver - time to rest the floating Dredd badges for a bit!)

So in fifth place - If a cover is designed to make you want to sit on the floor of the shop and read the story immediately, this one worked perfectly. Not the flashiest artwork, but those taglines and that image hook you and really sell the prog!
PROG 1179 by Cliff Robinson:

In fourth place, another CR cover - chosen because it made me laugh out loud. (By the way, f I ever actually type "LOL", please shoot me)
PROG 1194 by Cliff Robinson

In third place, the reason why this droid should be a regular cover artist and maybe not do so much storytelling. Lush.
PROG 1442 by Clint Langley

In second place, a cracker. Menacing, bold and really captures the story.
PROG 1360 by D'Israeli

But the winner has, for me, to be one of the many iconic images of The Man himself that we've had over the decade. There were several to choose from, but this one stands up with those classic Bolland and McMahon covers of yesteryear. He looks hard as nails.
PROG 1304 by Jock (& Chris Blythe)

Phew - best hit post and leave the room until the edit expires or I'll change my mind for the hundredth time!

I, Cosh

No room for Jock or D'Israeli or Irving or Robinson! It will quickly become apparent that I like the silly pulpy covers the best.

Number 5.
Don't think they ever looked better than in this introduction

Number 4.
Best sexy lady cover of the decade. I'm sure I read somewhere that Dylan Teague's got a Dredd strip in the works.

Number 3.
It's all about the mood in this Kev Walker corker.

Number 2.
A delightful cover that captures the spirit of Dante perfectly

Number 1.
Very, very silly and easily the best thing about Detonator X.
We never really die.


I'm not bothering about spreading out my votes amongst different artists so I make no apologies for voting for two artists twice.

5. 1223. Tor Cyan by Greg Staples. I actually thought this was by Jock. Love the colours, shadows on Tor Cyan and how he stands out against the background.
Large version:

4. 1256. Dante by Frazer Irving. Great design. Great pose.
Large version:

3. 1255. Helter Skelter by Frazer Irving. This one played the nostalgia card on me.
Large version:

2. 1236. Carver Hale by Jock. Brilliant intense look on Carver Hale. Brilliantly executed. Shame about the Buffy 'sticker' though.
Large version:

1. 1273. Judge Dredd by Greg Staples. Great scowl and weathered, aged face of Dredd. Great move to not to plaster this cover with headlines. And to think, the Tharg of the time didn't like it.
Large version:

(Would just like to say that it's great we have Barney to help with such threads.)

W. R. Logan

Quote from: The Cosh on 30 December, 2009, 12:25:45 AM
Number 4.
Best sexy lady cover of the decade. I'm sure I read somewhere that Dylan Teague's got a Dredd strip in the works.

In my opinion the most underused artist that Tharg has. I've taken the mickey out of Dylan foir years about his speed but I reckon he has the potential to be one of Thargs best droids if only he was used more.

Colin YNWA

Ask me tomorrow and I'll give ya a different 5 but for this morning I'd go with

5. Bit of a personal one this but it was seeing this picture that got me reading again. Thank you Mr Bolland


4. Never read the issue or the story BUT when I bought this issue in a bulk lot and was looking through the covers this one just grabbed by attention so much. I really can't wait to get to this story in my catch up.


3. Its the best of this year so has to be in the best of the decade cos this year has been such a beautiful year for covers


2. DINOSAURS!!!!!!!


1. It seems a bit of a shame to have one artist appear twice in this list as there are so many great pictures but this was just the perfect way to start the decade and just revels in the glory that is 2000ad with such pride and passion. Mr Bolland I salute you.

Prog 2000


Well now, what a nice way to spend breakfast.
Didn't take too long as i found the most distinctive one's fair leapt up out of their Barney thumbnails.

Number 5.
Love everything about this - the look on Tharg's face, Dredd's spittle, how Kev's done the Green One's pose, the 25 Years gag. Top work that Droid:

Number 4.
Its the barminess of it, Henry's customary oh-so fine detail, and the comparing of what fits where. How i'd love the B/W art of this.

Number 3.
Jock's done some brilliant, bulky tough as nails Dredd covers but this is the one that floats me boat. Love the way that's Dredd there giving out attitude to come, even though he's a Sproglett. If that'd been a cover in the first 100 or so Progs, itd've blown this Earthletts circuits:

Number 2.
A stunning take on Tharg and his creations, love the way the detail on the figures is quite basic but conveys the characters brilliantly.

Number 1.
It had to be this. 'Nuff said.

The perspective on that chairs all wrong

Colin YNWA

Yeah having looked through the covers on Barney this morning all I can add is that its about time that Tharg listened to Steev and got this covers coffee table book out.

Mike Gloady

Agreed Colin.

Steev has been proven right AGAIN.  It's getting depressing how right that fella is about this....
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QuoteI really can't wait to get to this story in my catch up.

It's awesome.


Quote from: KevLev on 29 December, 2009, 02:55:00 PM1. the one that started the run.

Is it eligible? It was released in 1999. I wouldn't count the current Prog 2010 as the last of this decade, not the first of the next one - making Prog 2000 the last issue of the nineties. Sorry but I thought it needed saying in case all the votes were in and then some pedant piped up (as my grandfather always said "Get your pedantry in early or not at all").
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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Mike Gloady

It's probably futile pointing out the fact that the decade still has a year to go - turn of the next decade is 1st January 2011, not 2010. 
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Colin YNWA

Quote from: Emperor on 30 December, 2009, 06:16:14 PM
Quote from: KevLev on 29 December, 2009, 02:55:00 PM1. the one that started the run.

Is it eligible? It was released in 1999. I wouldn't count the current Prog 2010 as the last of this decade, not the first of the next one - making Prog 2000 the last issue of the nineties. Sorry but I thought it needed saying in case all the votes were in and then some pedant piped up (as my grandfather always said "Get your pedantry in early or not at all").

Arh good point.

I've always been pretty ambivalent about the whole issue of how the decade is measured until I heard a discussion about it on Radio 4 today and I was won over to the lets go with the majority. After all if people chose to define the decade as 2000 - 2009 then thats the decade they are defining. If someone else chooses to define it as 2004 to 2013 thats cool that's the decade they are defining. Most people use 2000 - 2009 as the decade as its simple and intuitive and its a bit "silly" (I use quotes as thats the guist of what the fella said on the radio and to avoid people thinking I'm calling them silly and taking it personally) to try to enforce a different defination onto them based on a specific starting point for measurement or otherwise, people choose how to view it and name it. That kinda won me over.

Anyway side tracked cos I've literally just heard that debate.

None of that reduces the fact that the Emperor is entirely right and I was defining the decade in question 2000-2009 and hence having Prog 2000 at number one was wrong.