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Prog 1700 & Meg 300 bonanza in August?

Started by Kev Levell, 26 January, 2010, 12:37:14 PM

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Kev Levell

Looking ahead, these two momentous issues will be out almost simultaneously (assuming I have counted weeks and months correctly).
August will swing around pretty quickly, and I wonder if The Mighty One already has something special in store for us...
I think it's significant that those two numbers add up to a total of 2000 issues as well...

Colin YNWA

Blooming heck good spot.

Maybe that's when they'll merge the two titles into one (I joke, I joke)


Quote from: KevLev on 26 January, 2010, 12:37:14 PM
I think it's significant that those two numbers add up to a total of 2000 issues as well...

Ah, but if you take the letters in Tharg's name, multiply by 2000 and then take away the number you first thought of, you get Hitler, which proves that Pat Mills is a masonic nazi. Or something.

Kev Levell

Thicker covers and a logo refresh?
Bumper issues?
Free gifts?
What would you LIKE to see happen?


The end of Dante, Sixdex and the ABC warriors, they're all way past their sell-by.
DDT did a job on me


Personally- and I hasten to ad that I'm thinking of this as I type- I'd like to see the meg under a new helm. With the greatest of respect to Cyber-Matt, I really don't think he's ever been able to spend enough time on the mag to really make it shine. I've said before that I believe there is a Meg/Prog see-saw, so when one is high the other is low; and I still say that is the case.

For me, the prog is flying at the moment- and has been for a good while, whereas the Meg is variable greatly.

However- I'd love to see a Wagner/Bolland Fatties story, though I doubt we ever will.

Colin YNWA

Quote from: Bolt-01 on 27 January, 2010, 10:35:36 AM

However- I'd love to see a Wagner/Bolland Fatties story, though I doubt we ever will.

Arh now that would be a worthy addition to a special Prog. Maybe we'll have to wait for Prog 2000 for that one, that's about what 6 years away so I reckon a page a year isn't impossible for Brian???!!!

Roger Godpleton

Quote from: Proudhuff on 27 January, 2010, 10:34:01 AM
The end of Dante, Sixdex and the ABC warriors, they're all way past their sell-by.

You forgot Slaine.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!


Not a fan of Slaine. Never have been, so I'd merrily wave goodbye to him as he went on his 'well-earned break' ;)

A silly part of me would like to see one of the old-school free gifts you used to find on the front of comics like EAGLE. You know the type of thing - a Judge Dredd 'spinner' etc.

Of course, that could be bettered again with a free 2000 AD novel *cough*

Mike Gloady

Dante will be wrapping up pretty soon by all accounts, but those of you yearning for it are (I think) missing out on one of Twoth's highest points.  The most recent collection being exhibit A.

I'd like Sin/Dex to catch up regarding the collections so I stand a chance of knowing what's going on - maybe then I can make a judgement as to whether it's past it's prime or merely plagued by irregular scheduling (and my half-decade break from the prog which hasn't helped).

Given it's last outing I'd say Slaine should have wrapped up after BoI - a return to form and a nice way to end.  Shame it didn't happen.  The ABCs are better than ever though.  Sorry.  

As to what I'd like to SEE as opposed to what I DON'T want to see, I'd have to say the Wagner/Boland Fatties really appeals.  More PJ Maybe (if he survives that long) too - as my favourite villain in Dredd's long history I'd be over the moon to see him get the big, dramatic storyline he's always deserved.  And maybe die at the end to avoid Mean-Angelism (see also Judge Death).
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Grant Goggans

I would like the thicker covers used for launch progs to become standard.  I'd also like to see a launch prog have all five strips, not three with double-length openers for two of them.