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Does my Art look big in this?

Started by staticgirl, 10 February, 2010, 02:33:48 PM

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Neil McClements

A quick bio (I'll introduce myself in the proper area later). Currently a bespoke carpenter/cabinet maker/shopfitter but in my youth dabbled with graphic illustration with various successes and failures. For the first time in 20 odd years I've decided to pick up the pen and put the artist hat back on.

This has been brought about by an interest in the new Dredd film and a recent purchase of a Dredd graphic novel no less!

I did a couple of 15 minute DreddHeads below but decided yesterday to draw something a little more substantial. My style ranges from photo'istic to scruffy sketch style. I'd be very appreciative and interested in anybody's comments. This is a work in progress. I've done about 15 sketches to get where I at the moment so I've bunged a few up here for all to see. Ideally I'd like a bit of direction but any advice, good or bad, from anyone will be welcomed.

They are based on the same image but with various differences as I've scribbled my way towards hopeful inspiration.



Nice stuff :D

Welcome to the forums...!


I like your ideas with details such as chin strapping the helmet, embellishing the collar.The eagle,shoulder guard IS difficult to proportion and causing me the most problems.
"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.

Neil McClements

I couldn't agree more! The more I tried to make it look real the more unreal it got. So much so that I originally ended up with this as a sketch up.

I can see that its too easy to over analyse Dredd and its better to lose the hold on reality and let it be how ever odd it might look. 


Not on my own computer, but I'll throw some pics up soon hopefully, showing how I had to stand my own blazeness for a while until I balanced the obsession with it.
"bULLshit Mr Hand man!"
"Man, you come right out of a comic book. "
Previously Krombasher.


Great Dredds, all the more impressive given your 20 year break!! Definitely keep at it - I am very interested in seeing what happens once you've worked the rust out of your hinges ;)
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Fractal Friction | Tumblr | Google+


Hello Archey

Great intro to the art thread! Nice Dredds!


Hi Archey, like the Dredd's very much indeed!

Neil McClements

Hey Thanks Neil if you're being honest that means a lot! I've had a good around your site and the art work there is fantastic. How do you produce it? What software do you use? Can I see more anywhere else?


Is that Christopher Lee as Frankenstein?
Awesome, either way!


@Wooly: Cheers, a likeness to anyone is not intentional, but he does look a tad cadaverous and... 'assembled' right enough. :)

@Archey: I like your Dredd, really! Nice details and  I enjoyed the tone work on DreddHead11.jpg.

The candor of your introduction  also reminded me of where I was exactly a year ago today, coming back to art after 10 years spent developing my web business. I've a long way to go before I'm happy with my basic drawing/layout skills, but I certainly feel more confident 365 days of drawing everyday later.  Go for it matey! :)

Software/hardware I usually use is pretty much what everyone else uses I imagine:

Manga Studio:
Corell Painter:

Apple computers, Wacom tablet & recent addition, a Brother A3 DCP-6690CW printer/scanner.

...and occasionally pencils, paper. :)


Couple more from last year (haw).

And I don't say it much, but wowsers to everyone else in this thread, awesome stuff!


just too metal

my blog:

For awesome original art by top comic creators please visit:


Superb pictures! Glad to see such talent unleashed upon the forum. :)
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


Found an old sketch of this earlier and felt spurred enough to do a quick paint up..