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Does my Art look big in this?

Started by staticgirl, 10 February, 2010, 02:33:48 PM

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Great facial expression on Armitage.

Barrington Boots

I also like this Armitage better than the current Armitage. Nice work!
You're a dark horse, Boots.


Draw by my then 14-15 year old brother. He could draw rings round me, but didn't pursue art.

Obv a copy of the bisley original. Eyeball copied on paper.

Colin YNWA

Ha! I did something very similar when I think I was 18... but its not as good!

Le Fink

Quote from: pauljholden on 21 May, 2024, 02:52:23 PMObv a copy of the bisley original. Eyeball copied on paper.

No pencils even? Wow. Good eye


Thanks for the kind words re: Armitage folks. Loving the ABC Warriors/Bisley fanart. That little drawing of Mek-Quake being chased by Mongrol will always make me smile. :D


My bash at a Bisley-esque (not a word) Joe Pineapples. I didn't use any any reference for this and as a consequence I didn't quite nail it down. It was only after I was well in to it that I stumbled across Trooper McFad's ace JP model, which I'll be referring to if I ever attempt this again. Caveats aside I'm quite pleased with this. Like all right-minded people I'm of the firm opinion that red leather couple with wrap-around shades will NEVER not be cool and I'll happily fight anyone who says otherwise.* I'm especially pleased with how the gun turned out. I have a tendency to half-arse or even whole-arse firearms but I made a conscious effort with this one. There's an artist I like called David Finch and this video was invaluable:

* I'm very old and will not be fighting anyone.

Le Fink

Looks like you've got Joe down to me Nightbook. Nice one! Here's my ABC Warriors Art Stars entry, it was fun drawing the droids, and I was fairly happy with them, but my approach to the guns was completely half-arsed. I'll be checking out that video, thanks!


Oooh I like that. And sometimes simplifying the some elements can be more effective as they stop your eye from leaving the characters.

Le Fink

Thanks! I really must get the pens out again, feeling mildly inspired by Lawless


Yeah, that's some good work Mr Fink. I don't think it's an easy thing to have that many characters in the mix. The only way I could do it is to draw them individually and maybe composite them in the digital app I use (Clip Paint) but I've no idea how to do that and even if I did I suspect it'd get messy very quickly... I love the moody lighting on Blackblood and Deadlock lurking in the background - they look like they're about to engage in sheninigans of some description. :D

Quote from: Le Fink on 27 May, 2024, 07:54:54 AMI'll be checking out that video, thanks!

It's worth a watch. He has quite a few tutorial vids and he does this thing called Monday Night Draw where he'll draw a character from start to finish. I stumbled on his vids during lockdown (I got back in to drawing during Covid after a very extended hiatus - outside of work I didn't have a lot going on and I needed a hobby). The Monday Night Draw vids are quite interesting. Back in the day I'd see a finished drawing/painting that I'd like and I'd assume that it was brilliant right from the start. I never appreciated that it's sometimes a fight to bang a drawing/painting in to shape. Watching someone go through that process is quite instructional.

He recently had Greg Staples on his stream which was super informative:

Le Fink

Thanks! I started by drawing Hammerstein and just built the rest up around him. Not a lot of design in there, so it's a bit chaotic! Deadlock and Blackblood are tucked in the corner as they were an afterthought, I just realised I was a few warriors short  :)

I always find painting a bit of a battle, and end up painting some bits multiple times! My paintings ain't sci-fi/fantasy - just taken from life, regular town and country landscapes usually. Here's Gold Hill in Shaftesbury:

Which started out as a fairly detailed drawing, using a grid to get the proportions right, then painted over:

But there were many steps and mistakes made getting from drawing to painting.

Watching something like "Portrait/Landscape artist of the year" is a real eye-opener when you see something lifelike being wrangled out of the simple starting blocks.

Colin YNWA

Wow le Fink those are wonderful!


Fantastic work Le Fink! ABC Warriors and the painting too!

Le Fink

Thanks! I did wonder about putting Dredd on there pushing his Lawmaster up the hill like the Hovis advert for the advent calendar. Maybe the next one!