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Doctor Who: The Eleventh Hour

Started by Jim_Campbell, 03 April, 2010, 07:47:29 PM

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House of Usher

Quote from: golledge100 on 05 April, 2010, 12:31:01 PM
People may disagree with me but I'm of the opinion that if a 10 year old doesn't question how a mechanical clock can reset itself to 00.00 (all the clocks in my workplace do as they are controlled centrally by wireless signal) then we should also suspend disbelief.

The clocks in the place where I work are also radio controlled, but they are very new. The hospital clock in Doctor Who looked a bit old. I think we can let them have that one though, as your explanation covers it. Setting every single clock to 0 seems a bit redundant, however, when the aliens are presumably only interested in the clocks that can be seen from space or which are broadcast via live TV.


A little apprehensive, after hearing Matt Smith had been cast as The Doctor, as I felt he was to young.
But he was excellent-as was his new assistant. There's something very alien and 'lived in' about Smith's face, so the casting is spot on.
But haven't they already done a 'assistant getting married' subplopt in the Tate era?
Too soon! I exclaim.
The story was pretty thin, to be fair. Maybe I expected something a little more substantial.
But as an intropduction to the new Time Lord, it did the job.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Too much focus on casting, not enough on plot and tone. IMO all the New Doctors and all their Companions have been excellent choices and have delivered great performances - including the new pair.  The show always looks great, wall to wall, in every department.  

The stories, dialogue and particularly the resolutions have been the problem for me.  I want more.  I want to see interesting puzzles in original and adventurous settings, involving real peril (ie. to those around the principals rather than to them or to the Earth/Uniuverse as a whole), solved with wit and courage rather than shouting and crying.  Y'know, like that old Doctor Who thing.

I have high hopes.

House of Usher

Quote from: dweezil2 on 05 April, 2010, 01:01:01 PM
But haven't they already done a 'assistant getting married' subplopt in the Tate era?
Too soon! I exclaim.

And didn't they also do the girlfriend going missing leaving behind boyfriend and other loved ones in series 1? Does the new assistant have to be Rose all over again as well as Donna? In the old (proper) Doctor Who, companions were never missed back home because either they were all alone in the world or their relatives saw them leave.


Quote from: House of Usher on 05 April, 2010, 01:37:21 PM
In the old (proper) Doctor Who, companions were never missed back home because either they were all alone in the world or their relatives saw them leave.

The meeting the girl and then the woman has also been done by Moffat in Girl in the Fireplace (one of my favourite episodes of the new era).  If Eleven gets off with Amelia too this is going to look like a grooming pattern.

I, Cosh

One of the things I liked about old Who was that he got companions from everywhere and everywhen, not just here and now. I think this practice should be revived.

For the record, I'd prefer a Leela to an Adric. A Jamie would be fine.
We never really die.

Richmond Clements

Quote from: The Cosh on 05 April, 2010, 02:15:39 PM
One of the things I liked about old Who was that he got companions from everywhere and everywhen, not just here and now. I think this practice should be revived.

For the record, I'd prefer a Leela to an Adric. A Jamie would be fine.

I was thinking the same thing- a male companion every now and then would be nice!

House of Usher

Quote from: Richmond Clements on 05 April, 2010, 02:17:16 PM
I was thinking the same thing- a male companion every now and then would be nice!

I think so. Something for the sizeable gay fan following too.

The Legendary Shark

Would you like to come into my spacetime machine, little boy? There's a crate of jelly babies in the back...


There complaining in the Daily Mail that the new assistant Amy Pond is too sexy for primetime TV? Is the Mail bonkers or what?!
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla

Adrian Bamforth

...but not to sexy for them to print on their front page...

There's nothing the Mail reader like more than outrage and arousal at the same time.


enjoy from this end but the title music! god what have they done?

matt's funny and other wordly and i think he'll be more belivable than panto tenant was towards the to all the hulabaloo regarding timelines etc MAYBE moff doesnt need to reset the timeline as we all know time is not linear. soooo, the previous events were in an alternate timeline and not in ours (or the new one) i for one dont remember a harriet jones or harold saxon in office? loving the "magpie element" but surely if it continues we'll get dr who being blamed for a spate of thefts!

love the new interior but wondered why if the tardis could rebuild itself was there a mass of junk on the console then decided that its like a wallpaper on your laptop only the console remains the same but the tardis may have repaired/modified it with various crap the doc's collected over the centuries.

   the jeff/laptop scene made me laugh out loud when the dr chastised him ...

as to the new stuff in the trailer daleks cybermen vampires and spitfires star warsing it up with a dalek saucer yum!


Quote from: Adrian Bamforth on 05 April, 2010, 03:02:42 PM
...but not to sexy for them to print on their front page...

There's nothing the Mail reader like more than outrage and arousal at the same time.

Yes we do, er... Damn you Bamforth for knowing us so well!  ;)
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla

Robin Low

Quote from: Kerrin on 05 April, 2010, 11:59:50 AM
And LizR is a very astute lady.

It's possible that she's some kind of goddess. Probably a geeky, nerdy goddess, but a goddess nonetheless.

Please send more.




The change in the music was horribly naff, and I didn't care for the new Tardis much, but these are minor compared to the two most important elements - character and story. Matt Smith may be  pan-faced toryboy lookalike, but I could believe in him as the Doctor. Remains to be seen how he comes across when he calms down a bit, but I'll happily give him the benefit of the doubt on what we've seen so far. Amy Pond? Oh yes, me like.

The story may not be the strongest, but that's because it's only function was to introduce the characters and set up the series. The plot-holes were few and forgiveable, and should no longer make pre-school children go "no wait, hang on...". It had enough cool moments, such as the internet porn joke, big eyeball-aliens (can't beat a good eyeball!), the "is it protected?" line, and Amy's miniskirt.

The trailer looks very exciting. Can't wait for that wartime dalek story.