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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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What?  I thought Trump said that all you need to do is lay the virus out in the sun?  If there is one thing Texas has plenty of, it's sunlight isn't it?


I'm seeing a lot of Brits now arguing the same — that going to the beach en masse was fine because the virus apparently instantly dies in sunlight. We're in serious fucking trouble if we can't put a lid on this thing within the next eight weeks. Fortunately — *checks news* — the government is — *checks again* — oh. It's doing fuck-all that will actually help. But it did buy a load of satellites from a bankrupt American company, with the hope of retro-fitting them to compete against the Galileo system we co-created and co-funded and could still be a part of if our leaders weren't such fucking inept ideologically driven idiots. (The most charitable — non-frothing Brexiter — position on this appears to be that it is an "enormous gamble". A bit like everything to do with COVID-19...)


Quote from: Tjm86 on 27 June, 2020, 01:20:30 PM
What?  I thought Trump said that all you need to do is lay the virus out in the sun?  If there is one thing Texas has plenty of, it's sunlight isn't it?

And Florida is known as the 'Sunshine State'...


If The Guardian's report today is accurate, it's also shifted from the 'ignore the stats' state to the 'delete the data' state.


Delete the data?  Where is that one?


So the orange clown has just retweeted a video showing one of his supporters clearly shouting 'white power'. Seriously, the man is a waste of oxygen.

Also, I note 'Sleepy Joe' has become 'Corrupt Joe'.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


If you want 'corruption' it seems that you have to look no further than our present government.  I'm beginning to think that this thread should be renamed the "Incandescently Outraged at the Shameless Self-Serving Bar-stewards Screwing Over This Country" thread.

So Cummings seems to have succeeded in bullying Sedwill out, paving the way to screw over the civil service in his own image.  Gove has gone on record blaming civil servants for the general public distrust in politicians.  Patel has gone on record supporting Jenrick's intensely dubious planning manipulations (... curiously the gentleman also seems to have links to Israeli business interests ... now where do the names Patel and Israel go together again .... ).  London property developers who benefited from decisions made when Johnson was London Mayor seem to have benefitted the Tory party to the tune of up to a million pounds ...  No wonder Johnson called his Telegraph column pay 'chicken feed'. 

I am not just angry, I am apoplectic!  This is the sort of behaviour that we used to condemn in banana republics around the world.  How the hell did this country become so corrupt but more to the point, so blithely accepting of it?  Or is it more a case of it was ever thus but now the f***ers are so emboldened that they don't see any point in trying to hide it any more?


No, it was not ever like this, even in that party. What angers me is how many Tories are sticking with it, like they think things will change back, rather than this being one-way travel.

Funt Solo

The BBC needs to up its game here with the obvious answer headline questions.*

*Of course he will rule Russia forever, as he will download his consciousness into an army of purpose-built clone-droids rather than face the death that lies in store for us mere mortals.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Tjm86 on 28 June, 2020, 08:12:53 PMOr is it more a case of it was ever thus but now the f***ers are so emboldened that they don't see any point in trying to hide it any more?

Got it in one. They have really been testing the water to see what they can do with impunity, and the answer appears to be "everything".

There really does not appear to be any other way to stop them stripping the assets of this country and killing the citizens besides an open revolt and the guillotine.

Professor Bear

Sign my petition to replace all Westminster's statues of racists with working guillotines.

von Boom

Quote from: Professor Bear on 03 July, 2020, 04:46:12 PM
Sign my petition to replace all Westminster's statues of racists with working guillotines.
Only if you promise the blades will be very blunt requiring at least 2-3 attempts for a complete cut.


Quote from: shaolin_monkey on 03 July, 2020, 03:41:32 PM
There really does not appear to be any other way to stop them stripping the assets of this country and killing the citizens besides an open revolt and the guillotine.

This is a conversation I've been having with ever-increasing frustration for years. Just about everything one can cite as an economic or social ill in modern society can be identified as a predictable, in many cases even the expected, outcome of the neoliberal agenda. It's why I joined the Labour Party specifically to vote for Corbyn: because I wanted someone to articulate a political alternative to that agenda that might have a chance of getting into government, and we weren't going to get that with any of the other leadership candidates.

The question the neolibs (and their centrist apologists) can't or won't answer is: where does this end? If you keep forcing people into ever more insecure labour while ratcheting up the costs of housing, education and healthcare and simultaneously stripping away the societal safety nets, where does it end? Eventually, one way or another, it ends with blood on the streets...

Sadly, the Overton Window in the UK has moved so far to the right that a policy platform like Labour's 2017 manifesto, which contained little that would have upset an Edward Heath-era conservative, was greeted as though it was an attempt to impose some kind of Maoist communism on the country by the national media.

We may all come to regret the fact that the centrist/Blairite faction actively sabotaged Labour's 2017 election campaign very bitterly indeed over the coming years.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Professor Bear

I can't decide what's most "2020" about this story: that the Tories have been using a catastrophe to line the pockets of their donors yet again, or that the guy who uncovered it is most famous for living in a windmill and bragging on Twitter about being in drag that time he beat a fox to death - and no that is not a euphemism, you can literally Google "beat a fox to death" and he's the first result.