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The Political Thread

Started by The Legendary Shark, 09 April, 2010, 03:59:03 PM

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Cheers, Jim.  Interesting times ahead.  The last four years have been interesting too; you can see why that old Chinese expression is a curse.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


My guess is things will be simpler: we'll just see another Overton window lurch to the right. That's already happened in the UK. In 2015, if you'd have polled Tory voters about their thoughts on voting UKIP, the vast majority would have been against that. In 2019, they all got behind a party that is, for the most part, offering the same policy platform as 2015-era UKIUP.

So this is the GOP now. It will be the party of anti-science and full-on nationalism. It starts with a base of at least 40%. And if everyone else in the country doesn't get their shit together and work together, they will win in 2024. See also: the UK's next generation election. 2024 could be a doozy.


That is worrying alright.  The GOP has seen that a pig-ignorant, autocratic psychopath is what stirs up most support, so it's hard to see them moving away from that model.  On the plus side, it seems that a majority of even Trump's base don't want Don Jnr to run, but I worry about 2024 and the possibility of Old Trump - by then even older - running again.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Possible—perhaps even fairly likely—scenario: Biden doesn't stick around for four years. Harris takes over. OH NOES A BLACK WOMAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Cue: racists re-elect Trump, a Trump or someone similar.


Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 26 November, 2020, 01:02:38 PM
That is worrying alright.  The GOP has seen that a pig-ignorant, autocratic psychopath is what stirs up most support, so it's hard to see them moving away from that model.  On the plus side, it seems that a majority of even Trump's base don't want Don Jnr to run, but I worry about 2024 and the possibility of Old Trump - by then even older - running again.

Won't trump be the same age in four years as Biden is now?


Yes, but he's the healthiest man alive in their personality cult thinking, while Biden is an old geezer with some kind of dementia or something.


Quote from: sheridan on 26 November, 2020, 03:46:40 PM
Quote from: JayzusB.Christ on 26 November, 2020, 01:02:38 PM
That is worrying alright.  The GOP has seen that a pig-ignorant, autocratic psychopath is what stirs up most support, so it's hard to see them moving away from that model.  On the plus side, it seems that a majority of even Trump's base don't want Don Jnr to run, but I worry about 2024 and the possibility of Old Trump - by then even older - running again.

Won't trump be the same age in four years as Biden is now?

I only mentioned the old part to distinguish him from Don Jnr. I don't give a flying fig what age the candidates are if they're not actively trying to make the world an uninhabitable hell hole.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

Funt Solo

Well, with this kind of support, I doubt we've seen the last of the chosen one:

Just imagine his prayers at night: "Dear Lord, the haters be hating! But I did the right thing, didn't I? Separating those illegals from their children, and keeping them in cages?"

Jesus: "Dad's a bit busy today, Donald, so he sent me."

Donald: "You got crucified, though? Kind of a loser move. I don't like to work with losers. Bad!"

Jesus: "Jesus!"



This post sponsored by Qmoron - Where We Go One, All For One And One For All!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

von Boom

Jesus needs to put his hands together more closely. And much tighter.

The Legendary Shark

Well, I guess we were promised a final trump to herald the End...



Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 26 November, 2020, 06:23:11 PM

Well, I guess we were promised a final trump to herald the End...


At the risk of offending everyone everywhere, my namesake looks like he's getting way too much intob whatever he's doing to that fat guy.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

The Legendary Shark

Son of God he may be - but he'll never be able to handle Malteasers.

I'll get me coat of many colours...


Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Professor Bear

One of the Youtubers I follow posted a video in which she spoke of her recent miscarriage, and she was just so resigned to what's coming next, because she's an openly pro-choice public figure.
Not all Christians are hateful myopic shitheads, so I sometimes wonder how pro-lifers square the circle of the people they consort with and the things they do.


Fairly sure that the Jesus of the Gospels would have had no time for pro-lifers*.

*As distinct from reasonable people who object to abortion on various levels, some of them religious: I'm classifying the vile aggressive bullies as a separate species.