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Mark Millar's CLINT

Started by Emperor, 04 May, 2010, 04:54:14 PM

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Unfortunately the content just wasn't / isn't good enough to keep people buying

That might not be such an issue, if the thing was actually out there on the shelves every month for people to buy.

Not being able to put out on schedule a monthly magazine which is mostly made up of reprint material is a fairly mystifying state of affairs.


I'd kinda assumed it had gone under already. Only ever saw it in Tesco but sure it hasnt been in there for a while.

That said I did recently hear Jimmy "If I was any less funny I'd be in America making Adam Sandler movies" Carr was doing something for it. Not overly impressed with the amount of stunt casting they seem to be doing. Didnt like Turf and the two parts of Frankie Boyles comic didnt do it for me either.
Sadly I do know a lot of sad fuckers who will and have been reading these purely to fucking tweet the celebrity at every turn telling them how great they thought it was... usually followed by a "oh... now can you RT this mate..." 


'tis a pity, but I've stopped buying it too. It stopped appearing in any WH Smiths near me, and considering it's mostly just reprints, I didn't really bother seeking out the issues I've missed. Ho hum! I do wonder if the Jimmy Carr strip's any good, though...


They returned to my WH SMiths a couple of months back. I've continued to buy (although I considered stopping) but mainly as I've bought it so far and two of the strips I started with (Turf, Kick-ASS 2) are still chugging along. (And I quite like them, although more KA per issue would be nice. Strange thing is 6 pages per issue is normal with 2000 AD, but when you're spoilt with more in the other strips, it's a bit noticeable.)

Actually there's a new secret agenty type strip (name skips my memory) which started a couple of weeks back which is actually rather interesting. I'm not over sure of the art (it's not particularly bad, it's just not my cup of tea, but it does the job) but the story is good. There's a bit of Randall and Hopkirk thing going on... but hopefully it won't be that. A bit of mystery is good.

And it's nice to have another strip that's not superhero/villain related. Not that I'm a superhero hater, it's just nice to mix things up a bit more.


It got seven issues support from me, but to be honest that was four or five too many. I saw an issue in fp london on saturday, but forgot to flick through to see if anything appealed, so i guess it's just below my radar. It probably pleases its audience, but that's not me. I wish Millar et al luck, and hope it goes back to monthly publication soon.


I've been a big supporter since it started, but was a bit disappointed, after all the hype, that the Jimmy Carr strip wasn't actually written by him, that he'd just come up with the plot and someone else had broken it down and put in the dialogue. Thought that was a bit of a let down, after the praise Millar seemed to have heaped upon it.

Paul faplad Finch

Well, I'm still getting it, although I've given up trying to second guess when it's due - I have a standing order at the newsies and whenever one comes out she just throws it my way when I pick up my Prog. Have to say, I'm still enjoying, perhaps more than I was in the early issues and I didn't have a problem with them.

The Pro is finished (the only one of it's reprints that I'd already read) and is due to be replaced by a returning Rex Royd (I may be in a minority of one but I'm quite excited to welcome that back) and the new Secret Agent thing (Who is Jake Elllis?) is looking very promising - I would have said it was more likely a schizophrenia thing than a haunting thing but they're hinting far too heavily at that now so I reckon it mustn't be.

The features, with the exception of the movie column, seem t have been phased out as well, leaving more pages of comics for the money so that's nice. Turf looks like it's due to end next issue as well and I'm enjoying trying to figure out what's going to replace it - Millar has said that the various upcoming Millarworld books will run in Clint but I don't think any of them are going to be out in time so God knows.

In all, I'm glad I stuck with it through the not perfect (but still good) early issues. I really think it's starting to find it's feet. It is a shame they don't seem to be able to settle into a decent  schedule, but I reckon that'll come. It's just to be hoped it doesn't drive everyone off in the meantime.
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I've seen a stack of copies of this magazine a both of the comic shops I frequent (here in the US). I was intrigued right up until I realized all the content was reprint material.

I think it bugs me more that the local shopes are supporting this reprint anthology and not, you know, 2000 AD.



I must admit I've been wondering if it'd slip to a 6 monthly schedule. It does seem to be the Mark Millar Monthly (now one-and-a-half-monthly but you lose the alliteration) and I suspect it'd die on its arse without him being involved (even if the scuttlebutt is that it is now being edited by one of the Titan staff), bringing in celebrity friends (even if they only plot a story, it is enough to get some news coverage) and provide the bulk of the content from reprints. However, his next batch of comics still seem a way off (with Supercrooks probably first down the pipe, with the Dave Gibbons and Frank Quitely one yet to be properly announced) so it might be they'll want to spin out what they've got until those comics are available. Perhaps 9-times-a-year will be enough for that, we'll have to wait and see.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

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I quite enjoyed some of the content.  Trouble is, the marketing just seemed to be against anyone that has bought comics before. I felt Millar was basically telling me he didn't want me to read this.  A bit like some ned offering drinks to anyone in the pub but waving a broken bottle to anyone that actually enjoys a pint.  It just put me off even though I quite enjoyed some of the stories (not Rex Royd obviously or Superslut or whatever it was called).


Whenever theres a story in 2000AD I'm not enjoying, my criticism is invariably a variation on the "It doesnt work for a six page serial format, it feels like a longer comic chopped up"

Theres an art to writing for 6 page installments that I respect the hell out of but Clint is mainly longer comics chopped up

As Mr Lee would say... Nuff said


I, Cosh

If Rex Royd's back I shall return to reading this in Smiths.
We never really die.


Yeah, I gave up on this after "American Jesus" finished as well.

Wanted to like it, "Turf" is OK and I was enjoying "Kick Ass 2" but there wasn't enough of it to carry the comic. Really liked Stewart Lee's strip about superheroes reading comics about dull people but that was it really. "Nemesis", which was great at first, lost all credibility after the 'vagina bomb'.