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The Curious Who Anthology

Started by CrazyFoxMachine, 03 September, 2010, 07:06:52 PM

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EXCELLENT Bhuna :D Very happy about all this!

House of Usher

Oh my word! What lovely Metalleks!!  :D


Dear god, it looks like the Chaos Space Marines from Warhammer 40K did the nasty with the almighty Daleks.

I'm no scientist, but i'm sure that's pretty much the most evil thing ever.


Great stuff Bhuna. Lovecraftian "daleks".
The Justice department has a good re-education programme-it's called five to ten in the cubes.


Heh, because tentacled aliens hiding inside cylindrical machines wasn't already lovecraftian enough!

Really loving this.


Is this a pencil I see before me ?

Well...yes. In classic McMahon style - I'm doing pencils & inks one panel a time. Inks straight on the paper. No pussying about for Gooners like me & Mike!


Any chance of a sneaky peek for the forum??


Okay chaps - Here's our December update on the goings-on of this most majestically stuffed of small press things. Incredibly excited about this - !

Scripts & Artists whirling lost round the frozen streets
Arron Ferguson
Richmond Clements

Matched-up but waiting for the snow plough
Adam Page & Chris Nolan-Rennie
Legendary Shark & Flip-R
Robbo Phillips & Crazyfoxmachine

Thundering through the tundra in a heat-blastin' supertruck (As in the art is being done)
Emceehamster/Darren Stephens (Doctor v Davros 1 pgs)
The Enigmatic Dr X(ANONYMOUS)/Darren Stephens (What Happens in Amsterdam... 3 pgs)
House of Usher/Exilewood (4 pgs)
Martin Collins/Davey Cavendish (Synaptogenesis 4 pgs)
Dirk van Dom/Mitahane (Chronoleech, 5 pgs)
Emperor/Mike Bunt (The Secret of Comedy, 5 pgs)
Greg M/DarkJimbo (Kitsch 'n' Sink, 5 pgs)
Jazz Woods/Ghostpockets (Fear of the Dark, 5 pgs)
John Whiteley/Uncle Fester (Berlin, 5 pgs)
Locusts of Death/Bhuna (Cosmic Excrement, 5 pgs)
Ozebane/Cthulouis (Back to the Wreckage, 5 pgs)

People standing nearby melting snow with flamethrowers
Cover - - Carl Pearce
?Potential Back Cover or Star Scan or something - Alex Ronald
Any Odd Colouring - - Simon Gough

Soooo - still in need of a decent logo. Still in need of a great deal of advice in terms of potential legality issues and sort of... general small press stuff. Like HOW IN THE NAME OF D'ISRAELI DO I ACTUALLY GET THIS THING OUT THERE.

It's an anthology of love

House of Usher

Mine actually turned out to be 4 pages in the end. I hope Exilewood knows! I think I got that across in the penultimate version of the script I sent him.

You only have to try and draw it to find it'd be a squeeze to get it onto 3 pages.  :D


Dr Who becomes strange just being near america;

triumph of intellect and romance over brute force and cynicism
Confusion is Better Than Sex


Couple of rough character sketches of Me and House of Usher's "Doctor" - one serious, one happy!


Very nice. Ours (locust of death and I - fuck me we sound like royalty) doctor just screams alot with a suprised look on his face every now and then!! Honestly, it's a blast!


I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's pages.

We have screaming & madness. Usher's script, I'd say, is elegant.

House of Usher

Quote from: exilewood on 04 December, 2010, 12:06:13 AM
Usher's script, I'd say, is elegant.

You're too kind. Really. Far, far too generous! Here's another preview. As you can imagine, I'm well chuffed with this:



I'm drawing Doctor Who, listening to the Rolling Stones; whilst watching/listening to the cricket....I don't think I could be anymore English.

I'm going to make a brew, read some Blake,then maybe fire up some classic Who on the DVD.....