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Why did the Robocop sequels SUCK?

Started by Dreddzilla, 24 September, 2010, 01:04:22 AM

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2 is actually rather decent, in my opinion, but as we all know, 3 is a fucking turd.

I'd totally love another sequel though. Not a remake. A sequel. I mean, what would happen to the man turned machine twenty years on? A cyberpunk refit could really benefit the Robocop series.


Quote from: Christov on 25 September, 2010, 02:37:02 AM
2 is actually rather decent, in my opinion, but as we all know, 3 is a fucking turd.

I'd totally love another sequel though. Not a remake. A sequel. I mean, what would happen to the man turned machine twenty years on? A cyberpunk refit could really benefit the Robocop series.
They did (only it was 10 years later not 20)
It was called Robocop Prime Directives. :thumbsdown:


We want to kill off any re make of RoboCop because it will be probably be clashing with the DREDD Movie.

I think there was a RoboCop V's Terminater comic series written by Frank Millar so perhaps they'll go the AVP route and have a 'deathmatch' series of films featuring a face off between two of the toughest Robots in Hollywood history.
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla

Jared Katooie

Of all the great characters out there, few have been treated as shabbily as Robocop. After an amazing beginning he just ended up going nowhere. All that potential, wasted.

I couldn't believe how bad Prime Directives was. A great opportunity squandered. The TV series wasn't so bad though. It was far from brilliant, but it wasn't quite as bad a mess as all the other spin-offs.


Quote from: Mr 9.8 on 24 September, 2010, 01:21:16 AM
I do remember reading That the writers for Robocop were trying to combine elements of Dredd & Iron Man.
But I don't remember any studios (at the time) looking to make any Dredd movies.
And what part of ''Robo'' is lazy?

RoboCop was pitched as a cross between Dredd and ROM.

Indeed there was a Dredd film in development at the time but difficulties trying to force it through the Hollywood script grinder continued and one of the producers involved with Dredd jumped ship and developed RoboCop.

Quote from: James Stacey on 24 September, 2010, 10:17:49 AM

Someone shortly will come along and post the pre production design bust of Robocop with Dredds helmet, indicating they very much had Dredd in mind.

Peter Wolf

Quote from: Mr 9.8 on 24 September, 2010, 01:26:08 AM
Quote from: Judge Olde on 24 September, 2010, 01:23:01 AM
The sequels were lazy.
Well, that's a undeniable FACT! :lol:
I mean did they HAVE to go the stereotypical ''DRUG LORD'' route with the sequel?

I am denying it. :D

2 was excellent and just as good as Robocop and it didnt seem to be taking itself seriously which was why it was so good.
Worthing Bazaar - A fete worse than death

James Stacey


Robocop fans might be interested to know that POUNDLAND is selling the weekly tv series version, in at least three volumes, for a whole pound each.


Good manners & bad breath get you nowhere

Devons Daddy

they seemed to lose the focus didnt they. the orignal was dark for its time.
the Canadain TV show was too family style to ever really make it.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


I confess to actually rather liking Robocop 3. There I said it.  I agree it's not as dark and nasty as the previous films* but... I didn't mind it.  The little girl with the robot hacking gadget was perhaps a stretch too far.

I'm a sucker for jet-packs and arm cannons though.

*[spoiler]Although they did kill off that lady cop which I thought was a mistake.[/spoiler]


Haven't seen Robocop 2 in donkey's years, but might be due a reappraisal after reading this thread...

Can't even remember if I've actually ever seen Robocop 3, but the stink around it is so bad that, like Batman & Robin I just can't be arsed to ever bother wasting my time with it.

I think the answer to the OP is simply that they changed the director. Verhoeven is one of a kind (and a hugely likable chap judging from interviews I've seen with him) and Robocop has his stamp all over it - it's no wonder the sequels are a poor imitation.

The real question is: are the Starship Troopers sequels worse than the Robocop sequels?

James Stacey

Starship Troopers 3 is arsom. Starship Troopers 2 makes Robocop 3 look like Robocop


I remember when I was at school my mum came home from work one evening and she had gotten me Starship Troopers 2 on DVD,from Morrisons most likely, and even then, a barely sentient homework ravaged mind could conclude that what awaited me would be a huge steaming pile of fecal matter. The biggest warning back then was that I hadn't heard of it, now usually that wouldn't be such a problem, especially now, but it being a sequel to that over-the-top, awesome cheesefest that was the original I found that unusual, I mean it isn't exactly an indie arthouse spectacular or an easter war epic is it? Anyway I gave it a chance and popped it in the DVD player.

To date it is one of the worst things ever put to film I have ever seen.


Quote from: James Stacey on 27 September, 2010, 05:12:57 PM
Starship Troopers 3 is arsom. Starship Troopers 2 makes Robocop 3 look like Robocop
What he said.
In all seriousness I enjoyed ST3 and thought it was a decent attempt at a proper sequel.