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Are you bored?...Then lets set a record!!!

Started by karne, 05 November, 2002, 09:13:41 AM

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Here's another "fun" idea that I can't take any credit for as I have shamelessley ripped it off from another site (Outpost Gallifrey if your interested) All you have to do is reply to this thread and keep it going for as long as you can. The Outpost Gallifrey board has just reached an amazing 1000 replies if figures are to be believed, so get typing.

It does not have to be intelligent, thoughtful or witty so you should not find it too daunting a task. Just pop anything in, your favourite word, sweary or otherwise. Let's show those folks out there that our lives are just as empty.

I would like to point out that this message is not in any way an attack upon the boarders of either site's, that's just my sense of humour and you should be used to it by now. :)


Holy sh*t! look at the time...I have to be up in four hours! My but how time flies.


How about a nice picture?!I6!VXSPWNTGvhf5U6yYNAkzaDAiy0G5zdxZCiVA/DSCF0019.JPG?dc=4675394094081695469">
Better set your phaser to stun.



Better set your phaser to stun.


I am not the Law, but I know a man who is.

Slippery PD

Jared Katooie


This wont work thanks to Odd's HUGE picture.



Have a smaller version then">
Better set your phaser to stun.


Better set your phaser to stun.


Excellent work so far people. The pic's are a nice touch and have brightened up the old place no end, gives it a more lived in feel don't you think. Anyhow we still have a long way to go so keep em coming.

Regards karne


You folks have FAR too much free time on your hands. But then, so do I...

Link:" target="_blank">The A-Z of Cal-Hab


The morning after he died, Grandpa come downstairs for breakfast.

It kind of took us by surprise.

Ma looked at Pa, Pa looked at little Sister Susie, and Susie looked at me. Then we all just set there looking at Grandpa.
"What's the matter ," he said. "Why you all staring at me like that?".

Nobody said. but I knowed the reason. Only been last night since all of us stood by his bedside when he was took by his attack and passed away right in front of our very eyes. But here he was, up and dressed and feisty as ever.

"What's for breakfast?" he said.
Ma sort of gulped. "Don't tell me you fixing to eat?"
"Course I am. I'm nigh starved."

From "A Case of the Stubborns" by Robert Bloch.


Ah yes good story that... as is everything I've read by Bloch.. "I have the heart of a little boy... it's in a jar on my desk"
