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The lightning on the helmet? Reasons why???

Started by thelawgiver, 20 December, 2010, 06:58:19 PM

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Ok, so I'm a relative new-comer to dredd - or rather the ins and outs of Dredd mythology. So can someone tell me the details of the lightning bolts on the helmet visor?

Are they considered a must for artists when drawing Dredd?
I guess they're supposed to be ironic SS allusion to the nazi SS and the actual fascism or the Judge system.
Twitter = @snarlsbukowski


I think they're just meant to show light reflecting on the visor- nothing more


The flashes are supposed to be a form of light reflecting off the visor - started, way back in the b&w era -when there was no way, subtly, to convey reflection - I'm guessing many artists (me included) actually feel they're now part of the look of Dredd.

(I allowed myself to be convinced otherwise in the first few Dredds I did, but I since recanted and went back to the stylised lightening bolt)



so theres absolutely no 'nod' to fascism in the presence of the lightning flashes?
can the flashes indicate the inner structure of the visor at all - e.g. has dredd and other judges got somekind of ironman/robocop interface in their visors or just options e.g. infrared??
Twitter = @snarlsbukowski

Steve Green

When they were first drawn, it was just reflections, but as it went along it became more stylised - looking at Case Files 1, Bolland drew them mirrored, so it never looked like SS, more S mirrored.

I think McMahon was the first one to do the SS style lightning bolt, but no idea if it was conscious or not.

There have been some infrared crop up, but not sure if a HUD has ever appeared - not that it has any bearing on the visor flash.


Quote from: thelawgiver on 20 December, 2010, 08:54:48 PM
so theres absolutely no 'nod' to fascism in the presence of the lightning flashes?
can the flashes indicate the inner structure of the visor at all - e.g. has dredd and other judges got somekind of ironman/robocop interface in their visors or just options e.g. infrared??

Individual artists may have done so, but, certainly, in my case no - simply lightening bolt flashes cus they look cool. (I usually mirror them rather than have them as "SS" only cus I prefer the look)



Cool. I suppose tahts one of the great things about Dredd; different artists can interpret aspects however they like on page and when drawing Dredd.
Twitter = @snarlsbukowski

Staz Johnson

I don't think I have ever drawn the 'lightening bolts'.. that was always one step too far towards stylisation for me. Also, it was always such a part of the Bolland/McMahon thing, that doing it wouldn't have felt like I was doing my version of Dredd. Hence I just draw highlights on the visor.... no zigzag thing

As for it being a subtext for quote Captain Mainwaring...."I think you're getting into the realms of fantasy there Jones...."


They're obviously the Lightning Bolts of Law.

O Lucky Stevie!

[spoiler]Judge Giant [/spoiler][spoiler]Sr [/spoiler][spoiler]aimed[/spoiler][spoiler] too high.[/spoiler]
"We'll send all these nasty words to Aunt Jane. Don't you think that would be fun?"