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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Gave Brandon Cronenberg's new film, Possessor a watch last night.

Some interesting body swap concepts explored, even if it wasn't quite up to the standards of his dad's most celebrated work.
Some wincingly effective gore too.
Does Sean Bean make to the end of the movie?
Well I gues you'll just have to watch to find out!!!  :lol:
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"


Quote from: dweezil2 on 09 February, 2021, 12:49:08 PM
Gave Brandon Cronenberg's new film, Possessor a watch last night.

Some interesting body swap concepts explored, even if it wasn't quite up to the standards of his dad's most celebrated work.
Some wincingly effective gore too.
Does Sean Bean make to the end of the movie?
Well I gues you'll just have to watch to find out!!!  :lol:

Jesus, I didn't know that another kid follows his father in cinematographic steps.

Over the Top (1987)

A kinda off-beat entry in Sly's filmography. Can a film about arm wrestling fall under sports movie? Anyway, this is not usual Stallone's film. This one is much more melodramatic in scale. Arm wrestling scenes could have been done a little better imo. Oh, and that corny moment when the kid teaches Sly about winning and loosing, just before Sly's final match. Nice ost, though.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Passengers with Chris Pratt and Jenifer Lawrence playing themselves stuck on a damaged spaceship travelling towards some planet. It was okay-ish with Love over Gold storyline, but I kept thinking what 2000AD would have done with this premise. It would have had them woken up by other passengers, who have all turned cannibals as the food dispensers don't work! Then it would be a battle for survival in the spaceships grey corridors with accountants and sociologists trying to murder Pratt and Lawrence who'd have to team up or be lunch. See? It's always better with 2000AD!
"You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension."
― Nikola Tesla


Quote from: IAMTHESYSTEM on 10 February, 2021, 09:06:05 AM
Passengers with Chris Pratt and Jenifer Lawrence playing themselves stuck on a damaged spaceship travelling towards some planet. It was okay-ish with Love over Gold storyline, but I kept thinking what 2000AD would have done with this premise. It would have had them woken up by other passengers, who have all turned cannibals as the food dispensers don't work! Then it would be a battle for survival in the spaceships grey corridors with accountants and sociologists trying to murder Pratt and Lawrence who'd have to team up or be lunch. See? It's always better with 2000AD!

Sounds like Pandorum to me.  The less said, the better.

I liked what Passengers did with it's concept.  I thought the central dilemma was very interesting and explored reasonably well... except maybe the end.  I watched the film after watching Ex Machina, and although I thought Ex Machina was the better film, I enjoyed Passengers considerably more.  I'm not sure what you mean by love over gold here.  I found that the film was exploring a theme of betrayal/abuse and forgiveness.


What can I say about this dumb film?  It's an action comedy.  It has a healthy does of 90's naivety.  It has pre-antisemitic-rant  Mel Gibson.  A really bad cameo reference to Lethal Weapon that wasn't worth the screen time.  Jodie Foster and Alfred Molina are good in it.  It's mostly harmless fun, but not without its problems.  The twists raised a lot of questions about what was happening in the film.  Kinda made the whole journey seem pointless.  Not John Wick 3 pointless.


Quote from: pictsy on 10 February, 2021, 10:36:39 AM


What can I say about this dumb film?  It's an action comedy.  It has a healthy does of 90's naivety.  It has pre-antisemitic-rant  Mel Gibson.  A really bad cameo reference to Lethal Weapon that wasn't worth the screen time.  Jodie Foster and Alfred Molina are good in it.  It's mostly harmless fun, but not without its problems.  The twists raised a lot of questions about what was happening in the film.  Kinda made the whole journey seem pointless.  Not John Wick 3 pointless.

I remember Maverick from my childhood. It was fun. I haven't seen that film in a long time. I remember it by intense poker plays between Gibson and Molina. And quirky James Garner performance. As for being pre-antisemitic rant, it still is post-homophobic rant.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Quote from: milstar on 10 February, 2021, 11:10:33 AM
As for being pre-antisemitic rant, it still is post-homophobic rant.

I missed that one.  So today I've learnt that Gibson's public shittery goes back further than I thought.

Rara Avis

Quote from: IAMTHESYSTEM on 10 February, 2021, 09:06:05 AM
Passengers with Chris Pratt and Jenifer Lawrence playing themselves stuck on a damaged spaceship travelling towards some planet. It was okay-ish with Love over Gold storyline, but I kept thinking what 2000AD would have done with this premise. It would have had them woken up by other passengers, who have all turned cannibals as the food dispensers don't work! Then it would be a battle for survival in the spaceships grey corridors with accountants and sociologists trying to murder Pratt and Lawrence who'd have to team up or be lunch. See? It's always better with 2000AD!

There was a Future Shocks or was it a thriller than had a similar premise. A spaceship sets off for some distant planet with only the caretaker, his wife and their child awake for the duration. When it arrives with the fresh stock for the gene pool they discover that the son has gone mad and turned off the life support systems. Printed or reprinted somewhere in the 600 or 700s.

Passengers wasn't the best or worst movie but that scene in the swimming pool with zero gravity was new!

Watched a movie called Tag on Netflix at the weekend. 0/10 Libera Te Tutemet Ex Inferis etc

Dark Jimbo

Quote from: Rara Avis on 10 February, 2021, 06:53:15 PM
There was a Future Shocks or was it a thriller than had a similar premise. A spaceship sets off for some distant planet with only the caretaker, his wife and their child awake for the duration. When it arrives with the fresh stock for the gene pool they discover that the son has gone mad and turned off the life support systems. Printed or reprinted somewhere in the 600 or 700s.

Resentment, prog 537.

Rara Avis

Funt Solo

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

So, like, the ocean's not that deep. BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! What's weird is that this is pretty much the most expensive thing Hollywood could come up with in 1954 but uses nature doc. footage for dolphin pods and such. And there are weird plot contrivances like our protagonist bundle happens upon the Nautilus drifting around a fog bank in neutral and finds it utterly abandoned, until the entire crew come back from some sea-farm-harvesting in these big clunky diving suits. Which, you know, doesn't make sense. I didn't care when I was a kid.

The Nautilus itself is amazing, design-wise, and has a fantastically ornate interior, complete with spooky pipe organ, which the slightly mad Captain Nemo (a wonderful James Mason doing an incredible impression of himself) hammers on prior to ramming into war-ships - which is where the real meat and potato of the movie is (not discounting the fight with a giant squid).

Captain Nemo is battling the unstoppable forces of the global capitalist war machine (and passing overlarge fauna) that had previously enslaved him and damaged his family. So, there's that. For some reason, though, a shifty rogue-type whaler-guy dressed like Pop-Eye is the "hero" who is battling against Nemo's crazed ambition. Played by a shit-eating grin sporting Kirk Douglas, he swashes and buckles all over the screen, and even turns the entire enterprise into a musical at one point (which I assume was in his contract).

Also, we have to swallow the idea that Nemo is all "man of the people", when he's clearly the King aboard his sub-sea palace, and his word is law. Also: he pretends to drown people in order to test their intent. That's a bit fucked up.

Favorite scene is First Dinner, in which Pop-Eye tucks into each course with gusto only to be repelled when Nemo says things like "those are whale testicles marinated in squid spunk". Once got the point across, but they play that out over several dishes to the extent that it seems like a Monty Python sketch.

Summary: allegory with a side-helping of giant squid.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Enigmatic Dr X

Quote from: IAMTHESYSTEM on 10 February, 2021, 09:06:05 AM
Passengers with Chris Pratt and Jenifer Lawrence playing themselves stuck on a damaged spaceship travelling towards some planet. It was okay-ish with Love over Gold storyline, but I kept thinking what 2000AD would have done with this premise. It would have had them woken up by other passengers, who have all turned cannibals as the food dispensers don't work! Then it would be a battle for survival in the spaceships grey corridors with accountants and sociologists trying to murder Pratt and Lawrence who'd have to team up or be lunch. See? It's always better with 2000AD!

Normally, miogeny passed me by. But this film has the most rape-y plot I have ever seen in a blockbuster and I am stunned that it's not been called out (to my knowledge). Basically, Pratt has a thing for a pretty girl he's never met, and he thaws her out - condeming her to age and die while her friends and colleagues are in statsi - so that he can get his leg over, which he knows he will because he is literally the last and only man she will ever meet.

She should have stabbed him in the eye for killing her.
Lock up your spoons!

Funt Solo

Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 10 February, 2021, 10:32:23 PM
I am stunned that it's not been called out (to my knowledge).

Abduction As Romance - this one really tackles it.

Passengers reviewed by Mark Kermode - this one mentions it but doesn't focus on it.

Passengers, Rearranged - this one recognizes it but doesn't judge it.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Hardware (1990)

Well, I suppose this one is fairly famous on this forum. The core idea taken from a Judge Dredd comic, which resulted in copyright issues as nor the story nor the creators were mentioning during the intro or the end (reportedly resolved in DVD version). Hardware is one of the purest industrial movies. It's shot mostly in dark, claustrophobic, hard to orient environment, with nightmarish feel. Color red is heavily used in the film. As for the film itself, there is some fine filmmaking here despite being a very low budget picture. As for the actors, they are bit subpar, particularly the main two, who don't look much convincing on the screen. Then, there is William Hootkins (Lt Eckhart from Batman) and he steals the scenes he was in (albeit very few), playing voayeur pervert who spies on couples having sex and using extremely vulgar language. I also like the music, especially the song that plays during the end credit and sex scene. I just can't get it out of my head. As horror film, I find the film pretty scary. It maybe needed a bigger budget to work with, but what we got is not bad at all. For 1.000.000$
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Eraserhead- complete shit.

District 9- it's actually pretty good.


Quote from: Smith on 11 February, 2021, 07:12:59 AM
Eraserhead- complete shit.

District 9- it's actually pretty good.
Flip those around and you might have the right of it. :)