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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Hell yeah! My favourite bits of Star Trek are the Enterprise pron so this sounds right up my street.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

von Boom

Richmond Clements

Funt Solo

Talking of Star Trek pron ... Commander Riker demonstrates his sexual prowess by coupling with a starship: Commander Riker Manual Docking
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

I'm loving Lower Decks' take on Riker.

"Gimme warp - in the speed of five, six, se-ven, eight."

"Hrrr - jazz..."



"You know Captain Riker?!"

"Yeah I buy all my contraband off him, Romulan ale-"

'Cut to Riker desperately trying to switch off coms'

Lower Decks is SO good.


Hellraiser : Bloodlines

Who doesn't like a good Alan Smithee film?

This film sucks.  It's not better than III or more fun, but it might be worse.  I'm not sure, really.  It's not especially coherent.  It being split into three different stories could have worked, but the stories themselves are not very complete.  The narrative that bridges the entire film becomes a mess because of the poor implementation of this device.  It's just frustrating.  Through in some of the usual problems like inconsistent performances and effects and all you can really say is "yeah, I get why the director wanted his name taken off this crap".

As part of a franchise at large it really muddies the waters with what is going.  I don't know what Pinhead is about any more.  He wants a hell on Earth?  He's been bored?  He's about just killing people?  He's been frustrated by the method he gets his victims?  Pinhead is so fucking generic in this film that it hurts.  A really interesting and enigmatic antagonist is replaced with some generic, bland egomaniacal garbage.  The more screen time he gets the worse the character becomes.

Next is Inferno.  I remember really enjoying this one twenty-odd years ago when I watched.  I rated it up there with the first two.  I'm a little concerned because I do remember it being fairly decent and at this point I'm just hoping it's better than the last two films I watched.  I mean, Pinhead is barely in this film so it must good.  Right?


Quote from: Funt Solo on 25 October, 2021, 06:43:58 PM
Talking of Star Trek pron ... Commander Riker demonstrates his sexual prowess by coupling with a starship: Commander Riker Manual Docking

Better not get an STD ;)

Colin YNWA

Oh no after not liking Open Range - which seemed to be pretty damned popular here - I've watched another film that seems to get a lot of love and really not enjoyed it. This time Joker.

I found it fundamentally ... well dishonest... I guess ... that's the best way to describe it. By which I mean it seemed to really want to be an examination of mental health and the disconnects in society. Those that have been left behind and what happens to them and society when we do. It really wants to be take seriously, so seriously. It goes as far as to remove comics from DC comics to show how serious it is when it in the credits it gets to 'Based on characters from'.

Why - well I guess (?) disassociating itself from comics means it can be more serious.

Yet by stretching things to extremes. By including all the Thomas Wayne, Batman origin stuff. By pushing creduality to breaking points at times it removes any real power in what its trying to do. And Jez (excuse the pun) the Christ figure on a bonnet was just the hideous. Look how serious we're being we comparing this broken, damaged man to a messiah we're exposing what happens when you push the down trodden too fair. Yet The Joker - or Albert is a pretty horrible person. Nothing to be admired and yes while that is driven by a society that doesn't care. By extreme circumstance and mental health problems its not as if that makes him okay.

The three Wall Street horrors on the train are pretty damned rubbish - in fact cartoon rubbish - but their brutal murder? So we see a man so damaged he killed his own mother. Its very meladrama. The very thing that it seems to wants to disssociate itself from by being so 'serious' is apparent and rips across any attempts it makes to be powerful and in anyway serious. It just wants to be something its not able to allow itself to be. Its brutal actions removing any honestly it might have as an examination of real mental health issues.

Tonight I also started to watch Fanboys and 2009 'comedy' in homage (I think) about fans - I had to stop within 30 minutes!

I need to watch a good film soon!



7 and a half hours of melancholy, wanderings through derelict towns with empty peoples, mutterings of not much at all.

Bela Tarr consistently blurs the lines between immersion art and cinema and this is his opus. Simply no film like it, like spending a night in a haunted town and encountering all manner of broken NPCs, guided by a compelling, demonic force. Simply an incredible movie.


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 26 October, 2021, 08:11:52 PM
Oh no after not liking Open Range - which seemed to be pretty damned popular here - I've watched another film that seems to get a lot of love and really not enjoyed it. This time Joker.

One thing I really disliked in this film.  IIRC the mother was in an abusive relationship and the abusive partner also abused Arthur.  And the film made it clear, to me at least, that it thought that was the mother's fault for being in an abusive relationship.  It's a very small part of the film - blink and you'll miss it.  I did double take and ask myself "did the movie just do that?"

I agree with you that it's dishonest in wanting to say something and just failing to say it.  It is a poor excuse on an examination into anything constantly undermining any point that might be there to be made.  That is what I remember most.  It was shot well and Joaoquin Pheonix does a really good job, but no amount of weird contorted dancing is going to make up for such muddled messaging.

I found it to be a film that looks good, but is shallow and fucking dumb.  You aren't alone in disliking it.

I also could not imagine how horrible it would be to revisit Fanboys.  I don't remember liking it when I watched it ten years ago.

You aren't alone in disliking the film. 

The Legendary Shark

I didn't enjoy Joker either. Films like Taxi Driver and Falling Down did a much better job in more entertaining (and more artful) ways.


Definitely Not Mister Pops

I thought Joker was like a shite cover version of King of Comedy
You may quote me on that.


Richmond Clements

QuoteOne thing I really disliked in this film.  IIRC the mother was in an abusive relationship and the abusive partner also abused Arthur.  And the film made it clear, to me at least, that it thought that was the mother's fault for being in an abusive relationship.  It's a very small part of the film - blink and you'll miss it.  I did double take and ask myself "did the movie just do that?"

The treatment of women in the movie is horrible. It's a terribly misogynist movie. I'm sure they'll use the excuse that we're seeing through Arthur's eyes, but that doesn't wash at all.

QuoteI found it to be a film that looks good, but is shallow and fucking dumb.  You aren't alone in disliking it.

The best comment I saw was along the lines of: "A puddle seems deep if you've never seen the ocean".