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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Darkest Hour

No, not SF from the 2011.  Another film featuring a pertinent political figure, a committed actor in ton of make - up and blatant historical innacurracies, seems to me some uncanny role model for these modern type of films. Btw, Gary Oldman just nails Winston Churchill and the movie is technically brilliant. I just wish Gary had better material to work with. I admit, I am not fully immersed in the 1940 May Crisis, and this is not biopic about "the greatest Briton ever lived." But some situations are embellishment, if not distortion. For example, the tube scene. I get that filmmakers were in need of a scene with dramatic power, but real Winston Churchill wouldn't do that. Not in the scope the film portrays him he would. And if filmmakers wanted to show Churchill as a leader with doubts, he factually did consider entering in peace talks (albeit, this was perhaps a moment of hesitation). But overall, I enjoyed in the film. That period was always of the tremendous interest to me and Gary's performance is stellar, just stellar.
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.

Colin YNWA

Grand Budapest Hotel

Okay - look bare with me, I promise I'll explain. I have for a long time claimed to be a BIG Wes Anderson fan. I count both Rushmore and Life Aquatic in my top ten films and yet... yet.... I'd never seen Grand Budapest Hotel.

See it came hot on the heels of the disappointment that is Darjeeling Limited... well okay it didn't BUT in my head it did. See we had our first child in 2009 and so everything after Darjeeling got merged into a blob of not getting to the cinema cos kids and so I missed Moonrise Kingdom and this - Fantastic Mister Fox I caught up with quicker than the other two as it fell into the anthropomorphic talking animals films I watched exclusively for like 7 years. ANYWAY so yeah I missed and while I caught up with Moonrise Kingdom, Grand Budapest Hotel had such a good rep that I seemed to stall on seeing it - there was no way it could live up to my expectations and I didn't like the clips I saw of it - weird I know.

ANYWAY finally got around to it and for the first 20 minutes was convinced I was right and it was going to be a chore to get through... and then it turned, I chilled out and I chuffin' loved it. I have to be honest largely that is of course due to Ralph Fiennes superb turn as M Gustava. Its just astonishing and M Gustava is one of the great characters of cinema on first viewing. He holds together many great performances I have to say. The story is superb. I'll be honest it reminded me in some ways of an early John Irving book. Not 100% sure why, but it did. The tale flexs and turns into wonderful Anderson-positive places and it was just a delight.

I think I need to watch it again without the weight of my doubts, expectations and 8 years wondering why I hadn't got around to watching it.

I will get around to French Dispatch sooner!



Hilariously ridiculous.  Loved it.  I think the odd numbered Double Eff You films are certainly the best.  I love how they bring things and people from previous films back - even though it's largely idiotic.  This film has loads of that.  Plus there are genuinely good moments.  A lot of the flashback stuff is good.

My bet for 10 or 11 is that they will be driving down an erupting volcano and/or an earthquake splitting the ground apart.  They are running out of outlandish car related ideas and I think the one in 9 should have been a finale option.  Blew their load early on that one imo.

Also, I think Jesse from the first film should come back as the final villain.

Maybe I should watch that Hobbs and Shaw film.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

If you can suspend your disbelief abandon any semblance of incredulity for the Double Eff You movies the you will probably enjoy Hobbs & Shaw. Or as I like to call it:

Fuck You, They're Superheroes Now

In Samoa

Electric Boogaloo
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Mister Pops on 23 January, 2022, 12:26:22 PM
If you can suspend your disbelief abandon any semblance of incredulity for the Double Eff You movies the you will probably enjoy Hobbs & Shaw. Or as I like to call it:

Fuck You, They're Superheroes Now

In Samoa

Electric Boogaloo

Accurate. I think I actually lost several IQ points when I saw it in the cinema, but it was entertainingly stupid. :-)
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


I think it was solidly established that the Double Eff You is a cartoon world in the fifth film.  I'm 100% on board with whatever nonsense they want to throw at me by this point.

The reasons I avoided Hobbs and Shaw are 1) I'm not that big a fan of Dwayne and 2) it's a spin-off.

Although it does have Idris and Jason in it... sooooooo.


At this point FF is basically just M.A.S.K with less spring loaded gimmicks and i'm all in favor of it.
Delightful nonsense.


I really generally don't like the FF films but absolutely loved Hobbs and Shaw, make sure you f that what you will

CU Radbacker

Funt Solo

On the one hand, it's like I'm Sideways Scuttleton and I've wandered into an alternate dimension in which the Double Eff You is worth watching. On the other hand - I've never watched any of 'em, so what do I know?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 24 January, 2022, 04:23:25 AM
On the one hand, it's like I'm Sideways Scuttleton and I've wandered into an alternate dimension in which the Double Eff You is worth watching. On the other hand - I've never watched any of 'em, so what do I know?

I was very much like this until a friend insisted we watch all the movies together (I think there were only six or seven at the time).  He did warn me that I'd have to power through the second film and that was the major hump.  I'm not going to say they are good films, although they are entertaining.  The franchise as a whole is engaging and provides much fodder for thought.  From the good stuff to the bad stuff, how it stays consistent whilst being wildly inconsistent, all the great ideas it has and all the wasted themes it fails to utilise.  You can have a serious conversation about it or just laugh about how incredibly dumb it is.

Nevertheless, I think I only got this much out of it because I was warned that I'd have to put the effort in and that I had someone to talk to about the films.  If I watched them on a whim by myself I may have bailed out after the second film. 


I tested the water with FF5 (mainly because we had a new blu-ray player - bought really for streaming and other apps - and it was the only blu-ray in Sainsbury for less than a tenner) and really enjoyed it. If you can't get on board the daftness of 5, you have no hope with the others.

It helps that at this point they still take it pretty seriously... The screenwriter s genuinely seem to be trying to tell character and story with the fights, chases and stunts in general. And they aren't quite superheroes yet... Just super humans.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Legendary Shark

Eternals. I properly enjoyed this film from start to finish. It looks great, the characters are compelling, and if the plot doesn't induce existential dread - or at the very least serve as a signpost along the way - then cover me with monkeys and release the peanuts. Y'know, I think I might be putting this one on the Special Shelf - the shelf where such as Logan live.



Stand By Me

Haven't seen this film in an age.  Loved it as a kid growing up.  It still holds up as a macabre coming of age film.

Hobbs and Shaw

Nah, not as good as the main series of films.  It's just a pretty average sci-fi action film.  The dialogue and chemistry between Dwayne and Jason I found unconvincing.  It came across more as a sad and pathetic dick-measuring contest with no winners.  The action was fine, if a little ropey at times.  In many ways I viewed it for what it was - a cynical attempt to make a new franchise separate from the main series.

That said, I did like the Samoan representation and I didn't get too bored throughout.  Yeah, it's just average.

I may be watching Better Luck Tomorrow tonight.

The Fellowship of the Ring

I only watched this because I did myself an injury that had me laid up on pain killers for a few days.  I got part-way through Two Towers before deciding to start reading The Silmarillion.  Elves are dicks.

Funt Solo

I read The Hobbit. I read the LOTR. I couldn't manage the Silmarillion. Is that where the elves are dicks?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 28 January, 2022, 03:33:52 PM
I read The Hobbit. I read the LOTR. I couldn't manage the Silmarillion. Is that where the elves are dicks?
