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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Quote from: I, Cosh on 12 February, 2022, 09:50:02 PM
Matrix Resurrections. Actually kind of amazing.

I was somewhat surprised how much I enjoyed this film and had much the same sentiments as you.  It is a contender for my favourite Matrix film and it was definitely the one I had the best time with on a first viewing.

Colin YNWA

The History of Future Folk

If Flight of the Conchords were from the alien planet Hondo not New Zealand and they borrowed their plot from Doomlord.

And yes its as good as that sounds.

Don't believe me, well check it out on Netflix.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 13 February, 2022, 10:04:57 PM
The History of Future Folk

If Flight of the Conchords were from the alien planet Hondo not New Zealand and they borrowed their plot from Doomlord.

And yes its as good as that sounds.

Don't believe me, well check it out on Netflix.

Seconded, this is a fantastic film that makes up for its limited budget with a helluva lot of heart

You may quote me on that.


Venom Let There Be Carnage

I thoroughly enjoyed the first Venom film.  Not an especially good film, but I found it immensely entertaining largely off the back of Tom Hardy's dual performance.
The second film lacks some of that energy as the characters are already established.  Nevertheless I'd say this film is tighter in places the first was not.  Mainly in the story.  Also the journey of Brock and Venom's relationship from toxic to something more loving (of which the gay element is almost overt and all the better for it) is very endearing and the solid backbone of the film.

I'm not without criticism.  Woody Harrelson is fine as carnage but I thought back to his performance in Natural Born Killers a number of times and couldn't help be a little disappointed.  Not too much though, I don't exactly want him trying to replicate a previous role from a completely different film.
Also, the film is front heavy.  It kind of rushes to it's conclusion because it spent so much time setting up the conflict between Brock and Venom.  Still, not especially bothered by this because the set up is good even if does mess with the pacing.

Overall I enjoyed this film, but for different reasons to why I enjoyed the first.

The Running Man
Cheesy Schwarzenegger violent sci-fi action from the 80's.  I find it a fun romp and have a lot of affection for it.  That said, there is something that has never sat right for me.  Richard's is violent towards Mendez, tying her up, holding her captive and threatening further violence to coerce her into doing what she wants.  It makes the kiss at the end really creepy.
I do like Maria Conchita Alonso's character despite that.  I like her agency and charisma and it's a fun performance.

Richmond Clements

Black Swan. Yeah, I'm a decade late for the party, but finally got around to watching this. I had heard nothing but great things and it was... okay? Great performances and it looked spectacular. But I couldn't quite see the point of it or what it was trying so say other than 'Don't overreach or you'll damage your mental health.' Or maybe that's the point... I'll watch it again sometime and maybe that'll draw some more out of it. 

Funt Solo

My other half loved Black Swan. I got bored after about five seconds. So it has an audience, but I'm not in it.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: Funt Solo on 14 February, 2022, 02:52:49 PM
My other half loved Black Swan. I got bored after about five seconds. So it has an audience, but I'm not in it.

Same here, and when Portman won an oscar for it was when I began to realise that the academy had a different definition of "best" to me
You may quote me on that.



I find Nolan a bit hit and miss.  I found this film a bit hit and miss.  I liked the concept and the cast, but I don't think either were utilised to their potential.  It was hard to get especially invested in what was going on.  The mix of rich-people abusive relationship power dynamic and high concept science fiction didn't work for me.  My biggest complaint is that obnoxious and invasive fucking soundtrack.  It's awful and rarely shuts up.  You know what I like to do?  Hear dialogue.  It was relentlessly pounding into my skull.  I don't think it set the tone right for the scenes as it was largely the same thing throughout with varying degrees of loudness.  It didn't add to the story and punctuate the narrative, it just droned on and on and on and on.  I will go so far to say that it's implementation in this film was incompetent.  For me it turned what could have been an okay movie into an average/below average movie.  It's a shame because the ideas in the film are really good.

The Enigmatic Dr X

Quote from: pictsy on 21 February, 2022, 10:16:18 AM

I find Nolan a bit hit and miss.  I found this film a bit hit and miss.  I liked the concept and the cast, but I don't think either were utilised to their potential.  It was hard to get especially invested in what was going on.  The mix of rich-people abusive relationship power dynamic and high concept science fiction didn't work for me.  My biggest complaint is that obnoxious and invasive fucking soundtrack.  It's awful and rarely shuts up.  You know what I like to do?  Hear dialogue.  It was relentlessly pounding into my skull.  I don't think it set the tone right for the scenes as it was largely the same thing throughout with varying degrees of loudness.  It didn't add to the story and punctuate the narrative, it just droned on and on and on and on.  I will go so far to say that it's implementation in this film was incompetent.  For me it turned what could have been an okay movie into an average/below average movie.  It's a shame because the ideas in the film are really good.

TENET? THISSHIT, more like
Lock up your spoons!


That still makes me laugh.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

The Enigmatic Dr X

Lock up your spoons!



A lot of fun, incredibly dumb.  The pacing in this film is really good and it's very clear what is going on and why it's going on.  Sort of.  I mean, rescuing someone by firing a rocket at them isn't what I'd call smart.  It has a lot of problems.  But it's still fun watching Arnold assault, kidnap, murder, rob, and massacre his way to his goal.


Quote from: pictsy on 25 February, 2022, 09:36:39 AM

Ah...this, Running Man (I won't ever forget Arnie's liner "because I am going say please") and Predator were movies that since I saw them for the first time I knew I should watch. For some time,  I even thought these were the most accomplished action films ever. Nothing much has changed in meantime (except I am 20 years older).
Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


I never got the love for RUNNING MAN. Pedestrian compared to Arnie's other eighties and nineties output.

ONE MILLION YEARS BC is definitely not historically accurate but is brilliant and awful at the same time. Obviously most of the brilliance comes from Harryhausen's stellar work; the young allosaurus attacking the shell people's camp is an obvious highlight as is Martine Beswick's bonkers dance routine. But if there are lessons to be learned from this dialogue free piece of sixties hokum it's that more films should show not tell and that more films should have Raquel Welch.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Dark Jimbo

Quote from: pictsy on 25 February, 2022, 09:36:39 AM

A lot of fun, incredibly dumb.  The pacing in this film is really good and it's very clear what is going on and why it's going on.  Sort of.  I mean, rescuing someone by firing a rocket at them isn't what I'd call smart.  It has a lot of problems.  But it's still fun watching Arnold assault, kidnap, murder, rob, and massacre his way to his goal.

The phone cover we all need:
