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Started by SmallBlueThing, 04 February, 2011, 12:40:44 PM

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Funt Solo

Quote from: pictsy on 20 March, 2022, 10:30:36 AM
I never understood the Hicks and Newt thing.  I get there are plenty of folks that love them and were heartbroken that they were disposed of, but I just utterly fail to see why.

Cos everything Ripley fought for during Aliens was casually binned. I'm not going to argue that people shouldn't enjoy the third movie - but it's more of a reboot than a sequel.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 21 March, 2022, 02:34:30 PM
Quote from: pictsy on 20 March, 2022, 10:30:36 AM
I never understood the Hicks and Newt thing.  I get there are plenty of folks that love them and were heartbroken that they were disposed of, but I just utterly fail to see why.

Cos everything Ripley fought for during Aliens was casually binned. I'm not going to argue that people shouldn't enjoy the third movie - but it's more of a reboot than a sequel.

Yes.  I have heard many reasons given and I have made many counter points.  From experience I pretty much know I will make no headway in making the case that it isn't that bad and even works for the story being told in Alien3.  Maybe I'm crap at making a point, I don't know, but the passionate brick wall I hit with this particular point of contention I just don't understand.  So I'm resigned to just having an unpopular take on couple of films.  I've given up really trying with this one.

Funt Solo

Probably just one of those subjective things - I was only attempting to offer a reason where you said you couldn't see why people didn't like the deaths.

I feel as if I should give Alien Cubed another go, anyway - just because it's been many moons since I watched it.

I think I was destined to be disappointed with almost any third movie that didn't cause an outbreak on Earth - because that's what I wanted to happen next. First movie: horror. Second movie: action. Third movie: apocalypse. That's what I wanted.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 21 March, 2022, 05:50:38 PM
I feel as if I should give Alien Cubed another go, anyway - just because it's been many moons since I watched it.

I am happy you are considering giving it another go.  I hope if you do you get something positive from it.  I honestly do think the film has a reputation that isn't entirely deserved and does have something to offer.  If you don't get anything positive from it, that's fine.  The film is not without problems after all.


Quote from: pictsy on 21 March, 2022, 06:44:01 PM
Quote from: Funt Solo on 21 March, 2022, 05:50:38 PM
I feel as if I should give Alien Cubed another go, anyway - just because it's been many moons since I watched it.

I am happy you are considering giving it another go.  I hope if you do you get something positive from it.  I honestly do think the film has a reputation that isn't entirely deserved and does have something to offer.  If you don't get anything positive from it, that's fine.  The film is not without problems after all.

I think Alien 3 does suffer from the problem that it isn't the film that people wanted. If it had been a direct sequel to Alien it would probably be better regarded.

Colin YNWA

Alien Resurrection

So my unexpected return to the latter Alien films from the original run has now led to Ressurrection and man is it a frustrating film. I love the Jean-Pierre Jeunet films I'm familiar with and you can see why his disturbing, uneasy visual style would seem a fit for an Alien movie, but this was a director about to make Amelie before being offered this and that explains a lot.

This visual style sits so well against a disarming charm and thrust into a horror chase horror movie it makes for an odd mix, too obvious like its REALLY underlining the film trying to be disturbing and uneasy rather than allowing it to be through script and plot. It kinda works best in the end dream like sequence with the Queen, the Hybrid and the all the over laboured sexual guff. The trouble is that bit of the film just doesn't work that well and the end is a bit rubbish - well aside from the gloriously grim way the Hybrid is dealt with.

The film is close and has some real highlight. Sigourney Weaver is just brilliant hamming it up as Ripley 8, the mercenaries are wonderful cartoon characters and the underwater sequence remains an absolute triumph. It just... lacks something. Its fun, passes the time excitingly enough and I don't hate, I just don't really like it either. It hangs there having much to praise it, but nothing to love it.

Curious, which is maybe what it wanted to be.

Barrington Boots

Just to provide a counterpoint, I still think Alien 3 sucks.
The directors cut IS better than the cinematic cut (is this the same as the Assembly cut?) and it's not a really horrible film like all the other Alien films that came after, but it's still a very poor effort compared to both Alien and Aliens.
You're a dark horse, Boots.


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 22 March, 2022, 06:38:29 AM
Alien Resurrection

So my unexpected return to the latter Alien films from the original run has now led to Ressurrection and man is it a frustrating film. I love the Jean-Pierre Jeunet films I'm familiar with and you can see why his disturbing, uneasy visual style would seem a fit for an Alien movie, but this was a director about to make Amelie before being offered this and that explains a lot.

This visual style sits so well against a disarming charm and thrust into a horror chase horror movie it makes for an odd mix, too obvious like its REALLY underlining the film trying to be disturbing and uneasy rather than allowing it to be through script and plot. It kinda works best in the end dream like sequence with the Queen, the Hybrid and the all the over laboured sexual guff. The trouble is that bit of the film just doesn't work that well and the end is a bit rubbish - well aside from the gloriously grim way the Hybrid is dealt with.

The film is close and has some real highlight. Sigourney Weaver is just brilliant hamming it up as Ripley 8, the mercenaries are wonderful cartoon characters and the underwater sequence remains an absolute triumph. It just... lacks something. Its fun, passes the time excitingly enough and I don't hate, I just don't really like it either. It hangs there having much to praise it, but nothing to love it.

Curious, which is maybe what it wanted to be.

I'd say that's an accurate description of Resurrection.

Again, the Special Edition does fix some problems with the film.  I found the added material made it more a coherent whole and a more enjoyable romp.  It also felt a little more like a Jeunet film, especially the beginning and it made a bit more sense.  It's a much better version of the film, but it's still Resurrection and it still has that ending.

I like the film.  It's a fun romp.

Quote from: Barrington Boots on 22 March, 2022, 09:17:40 AM
The directors cut IS better than the cinematic cut (is this the same as the Assembly cut?)

Yes.  I don't know why it's called the Assembly Cut because I highly doubt it's that.  It may be because Fincher disavows the film. 

Colin YNWA

So next up of course I had to put myself through Alien Vs Predator. I had no real desire to, but it was there and I was on a run, so what the heck I thought, maybe I'll have some fresh awakening about this one too.

I didn't.

Its dumb. Its like someone took all the dumb, threw it in a dumb bag and stuck it up until the dumb was all shaken and confused and made less sense. Then it tossed the confused and silly dumb out on the table in a confused and silly dumb mess.

The smartest thing it does is make sure you do don't have time to realise how dumb any one bit of the film is by throwing the next bit of dumb at you so quickly you haven't had time to digest the previous dumb.

Then cool alien vs predator fight in the middle. I mean damn that is really, really well done.

Then straight back to the dumbfest.

I don't hate the film, you can't hate the film. I just pity it.

But you know the dumbest thing of all. Yep you guessed it. I'm watching Alien Vs Predator Requirm next anyway... now that is dumb!

The Enigmatic Dr X

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 23 March, 2022, 10:13:10 PM
So next up of course I had to put myself through Alien Vs Predator. I had no real desire to, but it was there and I was on a run, so what the heck I thought, maybe I'll have some fresh awakening about this one too.

I didn't.

Its dumb. Its like someone took all the dumb, threw it in a dumb bag and stuck it up until the dumb was all shaken and confused and made less sense. Then it tossed the confused and silly dumb out on the table in a confused and silly dumb mess.

The smartest thing it does is make sure you do don't have time to realise how dumb any one bit of the film is by throwing the next bit of dumb at you so quickly you haven't had time to digest the previous dumb.

Then cool alien vs predator fight in the middle. I mean damn that is really, really well done.

Then straight back to the dumbfest.

I don't hate the film, you can't hate the film. I just pity it.

But you know the dumbest thing of all. Yep you guessed it. I'm watching Alien Vs Predator Requirm next anyway... now that is dumb!

Lock up your spoons!

Richmond Clements

Fresh on Disney+. Hmmm. Still not sure. I mean, I enjoyed it, but it is two or three different movies mashed together. Great first act followed by a delightfully late crash into the main titles. Intriguing twist (even though you can sort of see it coming) into the second act, which is almost a stagy character piece in places. Then the third act where it really goes for it. Not sure if it wants to be a straight-up horror/thriller or a pitch-black comedy. Maybe a bit of both?


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 23 March, 2022, 10:13:10 PM
But you know the dumbest thing of all. Yep you guessed it. I'm watching Alien Vs Predator Requirm next anyway... now that is dumb!
It's dumb, I agree, and occasionally embarrassing in how hard it's trying to be Aliens. But it definitely has its moments. The queen finale is pretty great IMO!

The Legendary Shark

Spider-Man: No Way Home. Another top-notch entry from Marvel. Every time a new Marvel film comes out I expect to be disappointed but rarely am (FANT4STIC, I'm looking at you...). For sheer enjoyment, I think the Marvel films satisfy me more than any other series and this one is the latest cherry on top of a cherry cake already piled high with cherries. The only complaint I have, and it's a minor one coming from my Grumpy Old Man head, is the after credits sequence, which is a trailer and not a teaser. It showed me too much instead of just whetting my appetite. Aside from that, another near perfect addition to the MCU.


Colin YNWA

Oh good lord why did I do that to myself Alien Vs Predator - Requirm. Or as I like to call it AvsP in Clichetown. I mean has there ever been a setting which so perfectly ticked ever cliche? The jocks are such jerks, the family so in love, the outsider brothers so cool and misunderstood. Even the sherriff who was doing his best, turns into the authority figure that leads folks to disaster. They even throw in the dumb person trusting authority "the Govenment doesn't lie" and two stoner dudes, slaughter army troops. Oh oh and possibly my favourite myterious unrevealed government agent type on the end of the phone... until they realise there's no reason for them to be myterious and un revealed and so just reveal them. Its quite incredible.

Then that ending. So we were prepared to blow up the entire town literally to stop this getting out BUT we'll let the four folks who witnessed us blow up the whole town get by fine... well wow.

Then you can imagine the conversation in the edit suite.

"Shit what can we do to save this, this is crap."

"Turn the contrast right down"

"But then you won't be able to see what's happening."


"ohhhh I see what you mean..."

Shite vs shite - Shite

more like.


Quote from: The Enigmatic Dr X on 24 March, 2022, 08:02:26 AM
Quote from: Colin YNWA on 23 March, 2022, 10:13:10 PM
So next up of course I had to put myself through Alien Vs Predator. I had no real desire to, but it was there and I was on a run, so what the heck I thought, maybe I'll have some fresh awakening about this one too.

I didn't.

Its dumb. Its like someone took all the dumb, threw it in a dumb bag and stuck it up until the dumb was all shaken and confused and made less sense. Then it tossed the confused and silly dumb out on the table in a confused and silly dumb mess.

The smartest thing it does is make sure you do don't have time to realise how dumb any one bit of the film is by throwing the next bit of dumb at you so quickly you haven't had time to digest the previous dumb.

Then cool alien vs predator fight in the middle. I mean damn that is really, really well done.

Then straight back to the dumbfest.

I don't hate the film, you can't hate the film. I just pity it.

But you know the dumbest thing of all. Yep you guessed it. I'm watching Alien Vs Predator Requirm next anyway... now that is dumb!

Its a movie where the highlight is the gratuitous butt-shot ... take what you will from that!